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ter of Abraham Rudhall, the bellfounder. The dean and chapter of Gloucester showed their appreciation of Hine's services by voluntarily increasing his yearly salary by 20l., as is recorded in the mural tablet over his grave in the cloisters. He died 28 Aug. 1730, aged 43; his wife died on 28 June 1735. Hine's chief pupils were Richard Church and William Hayes [q. v.], whose son, Dr. Philip Hayes [q. v.], presented a portrait of Hine to the Oxford Music School.

After Hine's death his widow published by subscription ‘Harmonia Sacra Glocestriensis, or Select Anthems for 1, 2, and 3 Voices,’ &c. The volume contains the anthems ‘Save me,’ ‘Rejoice in the Lord, O ye righteous,’ and ‘I will magnify Thee,’ and the Jubilate (with Hall's ‘Te Deum’).

[Hawkins's Hist. of Music, iii. 770; Bloxam's Reg. of Magd. Coll. Oxford, i. 124, ii. 85, 211; Grove's Dict. of Music, i. 740.]

HINGSTON, JOHN (d. 1683), composer and organist, a pupil of Orlando Gibbons [q. v.] (Hawkins), was a musician in the service successively of Charles I, of Cromwell (at 100l. a year salary), and of Charles II. It is said (Wood, MS. Notes) that after the Protector brought the Magdalen College (Oxford) organ to Hampton Court he would listen with delight to Deering's songs performed by Hingston and two boys; that Cromwell's daughters had lessons from Hingston, and that Cromwell himself would frequently enjoy music at Hingston's house. Sir Roger L'Estrange, in his ‘Truth and Loyalty vindicated,’ 1662, writes: ‘Being in St. James's Park I heard an organ touched in a little low room of one Mr. Hinkson's; I went in and found a private company of five or six persons; they desired me to take up a viol and bear a part. I did so. … By and by, without the least colour of a design, or expectation, in comes Cromwell. He found us playing, and, as I remember, so he left us.’

From 1661 to 1666 Hingston was among the gentlemen of the Chapel Royal; in July 1663 his office is specified as ‘keeper of ye organs.’ He wrote ‘fancies,’ and is said by Hawkins to have been Blow's earliest master. He died in 1683, and was buried in St. Margaret's, Westminster, 17 Dec. His nephew, Peter Hingston (b. 1721), was teacher and organist at Ipswich. Hingston gave his portrait to the Oxford Music School.

A few of Hingston's compositions are preserved in the British Museum Addit. MS. 31436: (1) A set of twelve fantasias named from the months, in four parts; (2) A set of four fantasias, ayres, and galliards named from the seasons, in four parts; and (3) Fantasias and almands for three bass viols. (4) A manuscript set of fancies in six parts is in the Music School, Oxford.

[Wood's manuscript Lives of Musicians; State Papers, Charles II, Dom. Ser.; Hawkins's Hist. of Music, ii. 577; Rimbault's edition of O. Gibbons's Fantasies; Gutch's Oxford, vol. ii. pt. ii. p. 891; Bloxam's Registers, vi. 251; Dict. of Musicians, 1827, i. 368; Grove's Dict. of Music, i. 741.]

HINGSTON, THOMAS, M.D. (1799–1837), of Truro, third son of John Hingston, clerk in the custom house, and Margaret his wife, was baptised at St. Ives, Cornwall, on 9 May 1799, and educated in his native town and at Queens' College, Cambridge, where, however, he did not take any degree. His medical studies commenced in the house of a general practitioner, whence in 1821 he removed to Edinburgh. In 1822 he won the medal offered by George IV to Edinburgh University for a Latin ode on the occasion of his visit to Scotland. The original poem is lost, but a translation made by his brother is preserved in ‘The Poems of Francis Hingeston,’ 1857, pp. 129–31. In 1824 he was admitted to the degree of M.D., after publishing an inaugural dissertation, ‘De Morbo Comitiali,’ and in the same year he brought out a new edition of William Harvey's ‘De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis,’ with additions and corrections. Hingston first practised as a physician at Penzance 1828–32, and afterwards removed to Truro. He contributed to the ‘Transactions of the Geological Society of Cornwall’ a dissertation ‘On the use of Iron among the Earlier Nations of Europe,’ iv. 113–34. To vol. iv. of Davies Gilbert's ‘Parochial History of Cornwall’ he furnished ‘A Memoir of William of Worcester,’ and an essay ‘On the Etymology of Cornish Names.’ He died at Falmouth, whither he had removed for the benefit of the sea air, 13 July 1837.

[Polwhele's Reminiscences, 1836, ii. 153; Gent. Mag. September 1837, p. 318; Boase and Courtney's Bibl. Cornub. p. 242.]

HINTON, JAMES (1822–1875), surgeon and philosophical writer, second son of John Howard Hinton [q. v.], baptist minister, was born in 1822 at Reading, where his father had a church, and was educated at a school kept by his grandfather, the Rev. James Hinton, in the neighbourhood of Oxford, and afterwards at the school for nonconformists at Harpenden. At school he gave promise rather of general capacity than special brilliance, but his powers of memory were in his youth exceptional. He was a strictly religious and a somewhat meditative boy. In 1838–9 he acted as cashier in a wholesale woollendrapery