Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 27.djvu/438

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43«  Index to Volume XXVII. PAG* Hodgson, WiUiam Ballantyne (1815-1880) . 73 Hodson, Frodsham (1770-1822) ... 73 Hodson, Mrs. Margaret (1778-1862) . . 74 Hodson, Septimus (1768-1888). See under Hodson, Mrs. Margaret. Hodson, William (/. 1640) .... 74 Hodson, William Stephen Raikes (1821-1858) 75 Hody, Humphrey (1669-1707) ... 77 Hody, Sir John (<*. 1441) .... 78 Hody, Sir William (1441 ?-1522?). . . 78 Hofland, Barbara (1770-1844) ... 78 Hofland, Thomas Christopher (1777-1848) . 79 Hog or Hogg, James H658 P-1784) ♦ . 80 Hog, Sir Roger, Lord Harcarse (1685 ?-1700) 80 Hog, Thomas (1628-1692) . 81 Hogan, John (1800-1858) .... 81 Hogarth, George (1783-1*70) . ... 82 Hogarth, William (1697-1764) ... 88 Hogarth, William, D.D. ( 1786-1866 ) . .97 Hogenberg, Franz (rf. 1590). See under Hogenberg, Remigiua. Hogenberg, Kemigius (A 1580?) ... 98 Hogg, Henry (lSl-1874) Hogg, James (1770-1885) .... 98 Hogg, James (1806-1888) . . . .101 Hogg. Sir James Maciughten MoGarel, first Lord Magheramorne (1828-1890) . . 101 Hogg, Sir James Weir (1790-1876) . . 102 Hogg, John (1800-1869) 108 Hogg, Thomas Jefferson (1792-1862) . .104 Hojrgarde, Miles (ft. 1556). See Huggarde. Holbeach or Rands, Henry (<f. 1551) ♦ . 105 Holbein, Hans (1497-1548) . . . .106 Holborne, Anthony (ft. 1697) . . .110 Holborne, Sir Robert (d 1647) . . .111 Holbrook, Ann Catherine (1780-1887) . .111 Holbrook, John (<L 1487) . . . .112 Holburne, Francis (1704-1771) . . .112 Holcombe, Henry (1690?-1750 ?) . . .118 Holcot, Robert of (dL 1849) . . . .113 Holcroft, Francis (1629 ?-1698) . . .115 Holcroft, Thomas (1745-1809) . . .118 Holden, George (1788-1865) . . . .119 Holden, Henry, D.D. (1596-166?) . . .119 Holden, Lawrence (1710-1778) . . .120 Holden, Lawrence, the younger ( 1752-1844). See under Holden, Lawrence (1710-1778). Holden, Moses (1777-1864) . . . .121 Holder, William (161&-1698) . . . .121 Holderness, Earls of. See D'Arey, Robert (1718-1778); Ramsay, John (1580?- ). Holding, Frederick (1817-1874). See under Holding, Henry James. Holding, Henry James (1888-1872) . . 122 Holdsworth, Daniel, D.D., LL.D. (1558?- ?). SeeHalswortb. Holdsworth, Edward (1684-1746) . . .122 Holdsworth, Richard (1690-1649) . . .124 Hole, Henry Fulke Plantagenet Woolicombe (d. 1820) 126 Hole, Matthew (d. 1730) . . . . .126 Hole, Richard (1746-1808) . . . .127 Hole or Holle, William {ft. 1600-1680) . .128 Holford, Miss Margaret. See Hodson, Mrs. Margaret. Holgate or Holdegate, Robert (1481 ?-1555) . 128 Holinshed or HoUingshead, Raphael (<L ?). . . . . . . .130 Holker, Jean Louis (1770-1844). See under Holker, John (1719-1786). Holker, John (1719-1786) . . . .132 Holker, John (1745-1822). See under Holker, John (1719-1786). Holker, Sir John (1828-1882) . . .133 Holl, Francis (1815-1884) . . . .184 Holl, Francis Montague, known as Frank Holl (1845-1888) 135 Holl, William, the elder (1771-1888) . . 186 Holl, William, the younger ( 1807-1871). See under Holl, William, the elder. Holland, Earl of (1589?-1649). See Rich, Henry. Holland, Lords. See Fox, Henry (1705- ). first Lord j Fox, Henry Richard Vaaaall (1778-1840), third Lord. Holland, Lady (1770-1845). See Fox, Elfea- ! beth VassalL i Holland, Abraham (d. 1626) . . . .187 ! Holland, Charles (1788-1769). . . .137 , Holland, Charles (1768-1849 ?) . . .188 [ Holland, Cornelius ( ft. 1649) . . . .188 Holland, Edmund, fourth Earl of Kent (rf. I 1408). See under Holland, Thomas, second Earl of Kent. I Holland, George Calvert (1801-1865) . . 189 Holland, Guy, who sometimes assumed the I name of Holt (1587 ?-1660) . . . .140 , Holland, Henry Id. 1604) . . % .140 i Holland, Henry (d. 1625) . . . .141 I Holland, Henry (1588-1660?) . . .141

Holland, Henrv (1746?-1806) . . .148 

, Holland, Sir Henry (1788^-1873) . . .144 Holland, Hezekiah ( fL 1638-1661) . . 146 Holland, Hugh <<L 1688) . . . .146 Holland, James (1800-1870) . . . .146 Holland, John, Duke of Exeter and Earl of Huntingdon (1362?-1400) . . . .147 Holland, John, Duke of Exeter and Earl of Huntingdon (1895-1447) . . . .148 Holland, John (<L 1722) 150 Holland, John (1766-1826). See under Hol- land, Philip. Holland, John (1794-1872) . . . .150 Holland, Sir Nathaniel Dance- (1785-1811) . 151 Holland, Philemon (1652-1637) . . .151 Holland, Philip (1721-1789) . . . .168 Holland, Sir Richard ( jL 1450) . . .154 Holland, Richard (1596-1677) . . .155 Holland, Richard, M.D. (1688-1780). See under Holland, John (d. 1722). Holland, Robert ( 1567-1622 ? ) . . .165 Holland, Saba, Lady Holland (d. 1866). See under Holland, Sir Henry. Holland, Seth (d. 1661) . . . . .156 Holland, Sir Thomas, first Earl of Kent of the Holland family (d. i860) . . . .156 Holland, Thomas, second Earl of Kent of the Holland family (1850-1897) . . .157 Holland, Thomas, Duke of Surrey and Earl of Kent (1374-1400) . . . . .157 Holland, Thomas (d. 1612) . . . .158 Holland, Thomas (1600-1&2). . . .159 Holland, Thomas (1659-1748). See Eccleston, Thomas. Holland, Thomas Agar (1808-1888) . . 159 Hollar. Wenceslaus (1607-1677), in Bohemian Vaclav Holar ...... 160 Holies, Denzil (1599-1680) . . . .162 Holies, Sir FrtschevilJe (1641-1672) . . 166 Holies, Gervase (1606-1675) . . . .167 Holies, Gilbert, third Earl of Clare. See under Holies, John, second Earl of Clare. Holies, John, first Earl of Clare (1564 ?-1687) 168