Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 27.djvu/440

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434 Index to Volume XXVII. PAGK . 252 Hood, Alexander (1758-1798) Hood, Alexander, Viscount Bridport (1727- ) 253 Hood, Charles (1826-1883) . . . .256 Hood, Edwin Paxton (1820-1885) . . .256 Hood, Francis Grosvenor (1809-1855) . . 257 Hood, John (1720-1783 ?) . . . .258 Hood, Robin, legendary outlaw . . . 258 Hood, Sir Samuel (1762-1814) . . . 261 Hood, Samuel, Viscount Hood (1724-1816) . 263 Hood, Samuel (1800 ?-1875). See under Hood, John. Hood, Thomas (ft. 1582-1698) . . .270 Hood, Thomas (1799^-1845) . . . .270 Hood, Thomas, the younger (1835-1874), known as Tom Hood * 272 Hook, James (1746-1827) . . . .272 Hook, James ( 1772 ?-1828) . . . .273 Hook, John (1634-1710). See under Hook, William. Hook, Theodore Edward (1788-1841) . . 274 Hook, Walter Farquhar (1798-1875) . . 276 Hook, William (1600-1677) . . . .279 Hooke, John < 1655-1712) . . .280 Hooke, Luke Joseph, D.D. (1716-1796) . . 281 Hooke, Nathaniel (1664-1788) . . .281 Hooke, Nathaniel orNatbanael (d. 1763) . 282 Hooke, Robert (1635-1703) .... 283 Hooker or Hoker, John ( ft. 1540). See under Hooker, alias Vowell, ^ohn. Hooker, alia* Vowell, John (1526 P-1601) . 287 Hooker, Richard (1554 ?-1600) . . .289 Hooker, Thomas (1586 P-1647) . . . 295 Hooker, William Dawson (1816-1840). See under Hooker, Sir W T illiam Jackson. Hooker, Sir William Jackson (1785-1865) . 296 Hookes, Nicholas (1628-1712) . . . 299 Hoole, Charles (1610-1667) .... 299 Hoole, Elijah (179&-1872) . . . . W0 Hoole, John (1727-1803) 300 Hooper, Edmund (1553 P-1621) . . .301 Hooper, George (1640-1727) . . .301 Hooper, John (d. 1555) 304 Hooper, Robert (1773-1835) . . . .306 Hooper, William Hulme (1827-1854) . . S07 Hooten, Elizabeth (rf. 1672) . . . .308 Hooton, Charles (1813 P-1847) . . . 308 Hope, Sir Alexander (1769-1837) . . . 308 Hope (afterwards Beresford-Hope), Alexander James Beresford (1820-1887) . . . 309 Hope, Mrs. Anne (1809-1887) . . . .311 Hope, Archibald, Lord Rankeillor (1639-1706). See under Hope, Sir John, Lord Craighall. Hope, Charles, of Hopetoun, first Earl of Hope- toun (1681-1742) . . . . .311 Hope, Charles, Lord Granton (1763-1851) . 312 Hope, Frederick WUHam (1797-1862) . . £13 Hope, George (1811-1876) .... 313 Hope, Sir Henrv (1787-1863) . . . .314 Hope, Henry fchilip (rf. 1839). See under Hope, Thomas. Hope, Sir James (1614-1661) . . . .315 Hope James, afterwards James Hope John- stone, third Earl of Hopetoun ( 1741-1816) .316 Hope, James (1801-1841) , . . .316 Hope, James (1764-1846?) . . . * . 317 ; Hope, Sir James (1808-1881) . . . - 318 j Hope, Sir James Archibald (1785-1871) . . 320 j Hope, Sir John, Lord Craighall (1605 P-1654) 320 Hope, Sir John (a 1766). See Bruce, Sir John Hope. i Hope, John (1739-1785) . . . . . 321 I PAOK Hope, John (1725-1786) . . . . .321 Hope, John, fourth Earl of Hopetoun (1765-

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Hope, Sir John (1765-1836) . Hope, John (1794-1858) / . Hope, John Williams (1757-1813) Hope, Sir Thomas ( 160^-1643) Hope, Sir Thomas (d. 1646) . Hope, Thomas (1770P-1831) . Hope, Thomas Charles (1766-1844), Hope, Sir William Johnstone (1766-1831) Hope, William Williams (1802-1855). »ee under Hope, John Williams. Hope-Scott, James Robert ( 1 812-1873) . . 3S0 Hopetoun, Earls of. See Hope, Charles, first Earl (1681-1742); Hope, James, third Earl (1741-1816); Hope, John, fourth Earl (1765-1823). Hopkin, Hopkin (1737-1754). See under Hopkin, Lewis. Hopkin, Lewis ( 1708-1771 ) . . . .332 Hopkins, Charles ( 1664 ?-l 700?) . . .333 Hopkins, Edward (1600-1657) . . .383 Hopkins, Ezekiel, D.D. (1634-1690) . . 334 Hopkins, George (1620-1666). See under Hopkins, William (1647-1700). Hopkins, John (d. 1570) 334 Hopkins, John (ft. 1700) . . . .336 Hopkins, John Larkin (1819-1873) . . 336 Hopkins, Matthew (d. 1647) . . . .336 Hopkins, Richard (d. 1594 ?) . . . .337 Hopkins, William ( ft. 1674) . . . - 388 Hopkins, William (1*647-1700) . . .338 Hopkins, William (1706-1786) . . . 339 Hopkins, William (1793-1866) . . .339 Hopkinson, John (1610-1680) . . . 340 Hopkinson, William ( ft. 1583) . . .341 Hopkirk, Thomas ( 1790 ?-1851 ?) . . .341 Hoplev, EdwardWiUiam John (1816-1869) . 341 Hopper, Humphrey (ft. 1799-1834) . . 341 Hopper, Thomas ('177&-1856) . . . .341 Hoppner, John (1758-1810) . . . .342 Hoppus, John (1789-1875) . . . .343 Hopson, Cbarles Rivington (1744-1796) . . 344 Hopsonn, Edward (rf. 1728). See under Hop- sonn, Sir Thomas. Hopsonn, Sir Thomas (1642-1717). . .344 Hopton, Arthur (1588P-1614). See under Hopton, Sir Arthur. Hopton, Sir Arthur (1588 ?-1650) . . .345 Hopton, John, D.D. (d. 1558) . . . .346 Hopton, Ralph, Lord Hopton (1598-1662) . 347 Hopton, Susanna (1627-1709) . . . .350 Hopwood, James (1752 P-1819) . . .350 Hopwood, James, the vounger (ft. 1800-1850). See under Hopwoocf, James (1752 P-1819). Hopwood, William (1784-1858). See under Hopwood, James (1752 P-1819). Horbery, Matthew (1707 ?-1773) . . .351 Horden, Hildebrand (rf. 1696). . . .351 Horman, William (rf. 1585) 352 Horn, Andrew (d. 1328) ..... 352 Horn, Charles Edward ( 1786-1849). . . 353 Hornblower, Jabez Carter (1744-1814). See under Hornblower, Jonathan. Hornblower, Jonathan (1717-1800) . .354 Hornblower, Jonathan Carter (1753-1816)., See under Hornblower, Jonathan. Hornblower, Josiah (1729?-1809). See under Hornblower, Jonathan. Hornby, Sir Phipps ( 1785-1867 ) . 855 Hornby, William (/. 1618) .... 355