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triumph over Hell,”’ 4to, London, 1615, written under the ponderous pseudonym of ‘Nick, groome of the Hobie-Stable Reginoburgi,’ in the form of a dialogue (cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1603–10 p. 586, 1611–1618 p. 269).

Hoby translated from the French of M. Coignet ‘Politique [discourses on] trueth and lying,’ 4to, London, 1586, and from the Spanish of B. de Mendoza, ‘Theorique and Practise of Warre,’ 4to [London], 1597.

A few of Hoby's letters are contained in the Lansdowne and Birch MSS. in the British Museum (cf. Court and Times of James I). His portrait, a small oval, representing him at the defeat of the Spanish Armada, has been engraved. He collected and placed in Queenborough Castle portraits of many of the constables, including his own. These were removed before 1629, and Hoby's portrait taken to Gillingham vicarage, Kent (Johnson, Iter Plantarum). The others passed into the library at Penshurst (Gent. Mag. vol. lvi. pt. i. pp. 5–6).

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), ii. 194–7; Townshend's Historical Collections; Cat. of Lansdowne MSS.; Ayscough's Cat. of MSS.; Nichols's Progresses of James I; Lysons's Mag. Brit. vol. i. pt. ii. p. 243; Evans's Cat. of Engraved Portraits, ii. 203; Warton's Life of R. Bathurst, pp. 188–9.]

HOBY, Sir PHILIP (1505–1558), diplomatist, born in 1505, was son of William Hoby of Leominster, Herefordshire, by his first wife (Howard, Miscellanea Genealogica, i. 143). His zeal for the Reformation recommended him to Henry VIII. During 1535 and 1536 he was employed in diplomatic service at the courts of Spain and Portugal (Letters of Hen. VIII, ed. Gairdner, vols. viii. ix. x.). In 1541–2 Hoby, being then one of the gentlemen ushers of the king's privy chamber, was authorised, along with Sir Edward Kerne and Dr. Peter, to apprehend certain persons suspected of being Jews, and on 4 Feb. in that year he laid before the privy council the books containing their examinations and inventories of their goods (Acts of Privy Council, ed. Nicolas, vii. 304). For maintaining Thomas Parson, a clergyman who held ‘evill opinions’ touching the sacrament of the altar, Hoby was with two others committed to the Fleet on 18 March 1542–3, but was discharged six days later (ib. ed. Dasent, i. 98, 101). He took part in the siege of Boulogne. His services were rewarded with knighthood immediately after the conquest of the town on 30 Sept. 1544 (Metcalfe, Book of Knights, p. 80), and he was granted certain houses in London, which he appears to have afterwards conveyed to the Drapers' Company towards the yearly marriage of four maiden orphans (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1598–1601, p. 13). He was likewise liberally rewarded with monastic spoils (cf. his will registered in P. C. C. 34, Noodes). On 12 May 1545 he was appointed master of the ordnance in the north (Acts of Privy Council, ed. Dasent, i. 159). In April 1548 he succeeded Thomas Thirlby, bishop of Westminster, as ambassador resident at the court of the emperor Charles V (Cal. State Papers, For. 1547–53, p. 20). On returning to England for a brief holiday in October 1549 he conducted the negotiations between the councils at Windsor and London in regard to the protector Somerset, and contrived that the duke should fall into the hands of the Earl of Warwick (Literary Remains of Edw. VI, Roxburghe Club, vol. ii.). With the lord warden, Sir Thomas Cheyne, he was then despatched to Charles V to declare the causes of Somerset's removal (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547–80, p. 26). In April 1551 he was appointed with the Marquis of Northampton and others to treat at Paris of the marriage then proposed between Edward VI and Elizabeth, daughter of Henry II of France. He departed thither, says King Edward in his ‘Journal,’ on 15 May, attended by ‘ten gentlemen of his owne, in velvet cotes and chaines of gold’ (Literary Remains of Edw. VI, ii. 319). In January 1551–2, Hoby, together with Thomas Gresham [q. v.], was sent to Antwerp to negotiate the payment of certain moneys owing to the Fuggers (Burgon, Life of Gresham, i. 80). He was afterwards frequently employed in negotiating loans with the wealthy merchants of Antwerp. In the following February he was despatched to Mary, queen-regent of Flanders, to complain of certain infringements in the naval and commercial interests of England (Literary Remains of Edw. VI, ii. 396, 400). A copy of his instructions is preserved in Harleian MS. 353, f. 116. In accordance with Henry VIII's wish Hoby was made master of the ordnance and was admitted to the privy council in March 1552 (ib. i. cclxxiv). The manor of Bisham, Berkshire, was also bestowed on him, greatly to the disgust of Anne of Cleves (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547–80, p. 47). During the king's progress in July 1552 Hoby was left in the Tower of London in charge of the metropolis (Literary Remains of Edw. VI, ii. 431, 436). In April 1553 Hoby, with Thirlby and Sir Richard Morysine, was sent to Charles V to endeavour to mediate a peace between him and Henry II (Cal. State Papers, For. 1547–1553, p. 260). In the ensuing May he was