Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 28.djvu/261

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paid 1,000l. to the parliament. Against such treatment Lord Cottington appealed to the parliament, and the speaker desired Sir Edward to desist. In January 1643 Hungerford had a violent quarrel with Sir Edward Baynton, the parliamentary governor of Malmesbury, each accusing the other of intended treachery. In February 1643 he occupied and plundered Salisbury, but finding himself unsupported by the county, evacuated Devizes and retired to Bath. "When Waller recaptured Malmesbury for the parliament (22 March 1643) he appointed Hungerford governor, but while Hungerford was still at Bath seeking supplies, Malmesbury was abandoned by the officer whom he had nominated to represent him. Hungerford published a 'Vindication' of his conduct, dated at Bath 28 April 1643 (London, 6 May 1643, 4to). After taking part with Waller in the battles of Lansdowne and Roundway Down (Claredon, Hist. ed. Macray, iii. 82n, 85n), Hungerford besieged Lady Arundel in Wardour Castle (2-8 May 1643) (Mercurius Rusticus, No. 5). He treated the lady with little grace, carrying her with scant ceremony to Hatch and thence to Shaftesbury, and keeping her the while 'without a bed to lie on.' Subsequently Hungerford attacked Farleigh Castle, which was garrisoned for the king and under the command of Colonel John Hungerford, said to be Sir Edward's half-brother. The castle surrendered to Sir Edward in September 1645.

He had a reversionary right to the property under the will of his mother's uncle, Sir Edward Hungerford (d. 1607), but the testator's widow had a life-interest, and she lived there till 1653 [see Hungerford, Walter, 1503-1540, ad fin.'] Hungerford in 1625 lived at Corsham, Wiltshire, but after 1645 he seems to have settled at Farleigh. He died in 1648, and was buried in the chapel of Farleigh Castle. His will was proved 26 Oct. 1648. He obtained a license, dated 26 Feb. 1619-20, to marry Margaret, daughter and coheiress of William Hollidaie or Haliday, alderman and lord mayor of London (Chester, Marriage Licenses, ed. Foster, p. 728). She had no issue by him, and survived him till 1672, when she was also buried at Farleigh. In 1653 she petitioned the council of state to pay her 500l., a small part of the sum borrowed from her husband by the parliament. Parliament had ordered repayment in 1649 (Cal. State Papers, 1652-3 pp. 421, 440, 456, 1653-4 pp. 410-11). Cromwell appears to have interested himself in her case (Carlyle, Cromwell, iii. 210). Sir Edward's reversionary interest in the Farleigh estates passed to his royalist half-brother Anthony (d. 1657)[q.v.]

[Authorities cited; notes supplied by C. H. Firth, esq.; Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (Harl. Soc.); Visitation of Oxfordshire, 1634 (Harl. Soc.); Hoare's Hungerfordiana, 1823; Carlyle's Cromwell; Collinson's Somerset; Bibliotheca Gloucestrensis, p. 196.]

W. J. H-y.

HUNGERFORD, Sir EDWARD (1632–1711), founder of Hungerford Market, son and heir of Anthony Hungerford the royalist (d. 1657) [q.v.], was born on 20 Oct. 1632, and was baptised at Black Bourton, Oxfordshire (Notes and Queries, 4th ser. vi. 454, by Canon Jackson). He was made a knight of the Bath at Charles II's coronation on 23 April 1661, and was elected M.P. for Chippenham in 1660, 1661, 1678, 1679, and 1681, for New Shoreham in 1685, 1688, and 1690, and for Steyning in 1695, 1698, 1700, and 1702. In January 1679-80 he presented a petition for the summoning of a parliament (Luttrell, Brief Relation, i. 32), and his avowed opposition to the court led to his removal from 'the lieutenancy' of his county in May 1681 (ib. p. 89) . In April 1669 his town residence, Hungerford House, by Charing Cross, London, was destroyed by fire (Peyps, Diary, iv. 161), and he settled in 1681 in Spring Gardens. He obtained some reputation as a patron of archery, and was lieutenant-colonel of the regiment of archers in 1661, and colonel in 1682. But Sir Edward was best known for his reckless extravagance. He is said to have disposed of thirty manors in all. By way of restoring his waning fortunes, he obtained permission in 1679 to hold a market on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays on the site of the demolished Hungerford House and grounds. In 1682 a market-house was erected there, apparently from Sir Christopher Wren's designs. A bust of Sir Edward was placed on the north front, with an inscription stating that the market had been built at his expense with the king's sanction (see drawing in Gent. Mag. 1832, pt. ii. p. 113). In 1685 Sir Stephen Fox and Sir Christopher Wren purchased the market and received the tolls. The market-house was rebuilt in 1833, and was removed in 1860, when Charing Cross railway station was built on the site (Cunningham, Handbook to London, ed. Wheatley, ii. 248-9). Hungerford sold the manor and castle of Farleigh in 1686 to Henry Baynton of Spye Park for 56,000l. (Luttrell, i. 395), but about 1700 it was purchased by Joseph Houlton of Trowbridge, in whose descendants' possession it remained till July 1891, when it was bought by Lord Donington. In his old age Hungerford is stated to have become a poor knight of Windsor. He died in 1711