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resolved to subscribe no more. He busied himself in writing treatises and pamphlets, many of them against the deists. In September 1735 he went to Bath for the benefit of a dislocated leg. On 28 Sept. he preached at St. James's, Bath, at the curate's request. Dr. Coney, the incumbent, preached on 12 Oct., and refused the sacrament to Jackson, on the plea that he did not believe the divinity of the Saviour. Jackson complained to the bishop (John Wynne), who disapproved Coney's action.

Jackson's later years were spent in the compilation of his ‘Chronological Antiquities’ (1752), a collection of laborious research. He had projected a critical edition of the Greek Testament, but his work was interrupted by decaying health. He died at Leicester on 12 May 1763. He married, in 1712, Elizabeth (d. December 1760), daughter of John Cowley, collector of excise at Doncaster, and had twelve children; his son John and three daughters (all married) survived him.

Apart from his relation to Clarke, Jackson's polemical tracts possess little importance. The most notable replies to them are by Waterland. Jackson was a pertinacious writer, without originality or breadth of culture. He had none of the devotion to science which distinguished the abler divines of his school, and of modern languages he was wholly ignorant. He is said to have been litigious; but his general disposition was amiable and generous.

He published, besides the tracts already mentioned: 1. ‘An Examination of Mr. Nye's Explication … of the Divine Unity,’ &c., 1715, 8vo. 2. ‘A Collection of Queries, wherein the most material objections … against Dr. Clarke … are … answered,’ &c., 1716, 8vo. 3. ‘A Modest Plea for the … Scriptural Notion of the Trinity,’ &c., 1719, 8vo. 4. ‘A Reply to Dr. Waterland's Defense,’ &c., 1722, 8vo (by ‘A Clergyman in the Country’). 5. ‘The Duty of Subjects towards their Governors,’ &c., 1723, 8vo (sermon, at the camp near Leicester, to Colonel Churchill's dragoons). 6. ‘Remarks on Dr. Waterland's Second Defense,’ &c., 1723, 8vo (by ‘Philalethes Cantabrigiensis’). 7. ‘Further Remarks on Dr. Waterland's Further Vindication of Christ's Divinity,’ &c., 1724, 8vo (same pseudonym). 8. ‘A True Narrative of the Controversy concerning the … Trinity,’ &c., 1725, 4to. 9. ‘A Defense of Humane Liberty,’ &c., 1725, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1730, 8vo. 10. ‘The Duty of a Christian … Exposition of the Lord's Prayer,’ &c., 1728, 12mo. 11. ‘Novatiani Presbyteri Romani Opera,’ &c., 1728, 8vo (this was criticised by Lardner, ‘Works,’ 1815, ii. 57 sq., and led to a correspondence with Samuel Crell, the Socinian critic, published in ‘M. Artemonii Defensio Emendationum in Novatiano,’ &c., 1729, 8vo). 12. ‘A Vindication of Humane Liberty,’ &c., 1730, 8vo; also issued as second part of 2nd edit. of No. 9 (against Anthony Collins). 13. ‘A Plea for Humane Reason,’ &c., 1730, 8vo (addressed to Edmund Gibson, then bishop of London). 14. ‘Calumny no Conviction,’ &c., 1731, 8vo (defence of No. 15). 15. ‘A Defense of the Plea for Humane Reason,’ &c., 1731, 8vo. 16. ‘Some Reflexions on Prescience,’ &c., 1731, 8vo. 17. ‘Remarks on … “Christianity as old as the Creation,”’ &c., 1731, 8vo; continuation, 1733, 8vo (by ‘A Priest of the University of Cambridge’). 18. ‘Memoirs of … Waterland, being a Summary View of the Trinitarian Controversy for 20 years, between the Doctor and a Clergyman in the Country,’ &c., 1731, 8vo. 19. ‘The Second Part of the Plea for Humane Reason,’ &c., 1732, 8vo. 20. ‘The Existence and Unity of God,’ &c., 1734, 8vo (defence of Clarke's proof). 21. ‘Christian Liberty asserted,’ &c., 1734, 8vo. 22. ‘A Defense of … “The Existence and Unity,”’ &c., 1735, 8vo (against William Law). 23. ‘A Dissertation on Matter and Spirit,’ &c., 1735, 8vo (against Andrew Baxter [q. v.]). 24. ‘Athanasian Forgeries … chiefly out of Mr. Whiston's Writings,’ &c., 1736, 8vo (by ‘A Lover of Truth and of True Religion;’ ascribed to Jackson, but not certainly his). 25. ‘A Narrative of … the Rev. Mr. Jackson being refused the Sacrament,’ &c., 1736, 8vo (see above). 26. ‘Several Letters … by W. Dudgeon … with Mr. Jackson's Answers,’ &c., 1737, 8vo. 27. ‘Some Additional Letters,’ &c., 1737, 8vo. 28. ‘A Confutation of … Mr. Moore,’ &c., 1738, 8vo. 29. ‘The Belief of a Future State proved to be a Fundamental Article of the Religion of the Hebrews, and held by the Philosophers,’ 1745, 8vo (against Warburton). 30. ‘A Defense of … “The Belief of a Future State,”’ &c., 1746, 8vo. 31. ‘A Farther Defense,’ &c., 1747, 8vo. 32. ‘A Critical Inquiry into the Opinions … of the Ancient Philosophers concerning … the Soul,’ 1748, 8vo. 33. ‘A Treatise on the Improvements … in the Art of Criticism,’ &c., 1748, 8vo (by ‘Philocriticus Cantabrigiensis’). 34. ‘A Defense of … “A Treatise,”’ &c. [1748], 8vo. 35. ‘Remarks on Dr. Middleton's Free Enquiry,’ &c., 1749, 8vo. 36. ‘Chronological Antiquities … of the most Ancient Kingdoms, from the Creation of the World for the space of 5,000 years,’ 1752, 4to, 3 vols. (this was translated into German).