Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 30.djvu/169

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in December 1646, and notwithstanding Ormonde's efforts to procure his release he remained a prisoner with the Irish till the cessation of hostilities between Owen Roe O'Neill and Colonel Michael Jones [q. v.] in 1648 set him at liberty. In 1649 Cromwell sent him to Ireland with supplies in anticipation of his own arrival, and appointed him governor of Dublin. He accepted the command of a troop of horse in the service of the parliament, and for the next three years he was actively engaged against the Irish rebels. He obtained a grant of the ancient estate of the Sarsfields at Lucan, which, however, he was obliged to surrender at the Restoration, obtaining other lands in county Sligo by way of reprisal. In June 1653 he was appointed one of a committee for preventing the spread of the plague in Dublin, for erecting pest-houses, and for raising contributions for the relief of sufferers. In 1656 he was elected with Henry Owens to represent Westmeath, Longford, and King's County in the united parliament. In 1659 he incurred the suspicion of the council of state, and being dismissed from his command he declared for a free parliament, and joined with Sir Charles Coote and Lord Broghill in wresting the government out of the hands of the Commonwealth commissioners. On 28 Feb. 1661 he was appointed scoutmaster-general for life, in succession to his brother, Henry Jones [q. v.], bishop of Meath, and was at the same time created a privy councillor. He represented Meath in the Restoration parliament, and moved the grant of 30,000l. to the Duke of Ormonde on his appointment as lord-lieutenant in 1662. In 1663 an attempt was made to involve him in a plot for upsetting the government in behalf of the English interest, but he revealed the conspiracy to Ormonde. He died 2 Jan. 1684–5, and was buried on the 8th at Naas. He married Alicia, daughter of Arthur Ussher, esq. (son of Sir William Ussher), by his wife Judith, daughter of Sir Robert Newcomen, and had issue, Sir Arthur, who succeeded him, Theophilus, who died 7 Aug. 1661, Judith, who married Francis Butler of Belturbet, and Mabella, who married, first, Charles Rochfort of Streamstown, co. Westmeath, and, secondly, William Saunderson, esq.

[Lodge's Peerage, ed. Archdall, vol. ii.; Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormonde, i. 493, 538, ii. 36, 202, 246, 267, 495; Liber Hiberniæ, vol. ii.; Whitelocke's Memorials; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 5 Nov. 1653, 2 Jan. 1666; Gilbert's Contemporary Hist. of Affairs, i. 138, 727, ii. 412, iii. 247, 374; Borlace's Hist. of the Rebellion; Wood-Martin's Hist. of Sligo, vol. ii.; Ludlow's Memoirs; Somers Tracts, vi. 345; Prendergast's Ireland from the Restoration to the Revolution; Commonwealth Papers (Public Record Office, Dublin), A/89, 66, 85, 111, 147, 187, A/90, 1, 520, 750, A/30, 7, 181; Trinity College MSS. Dublin, F. 3, 18; Petty's Down Survey (ed. Larcom); Thirty-second Report of the Deputy-Keeper of the Public Records (Carte MSS. Oxford), App. i.; Journals of the House of Commons (Ireland), vol. ii. A number of letters and documents relating to him are preserved in Kilkenny Castle (see Mr. J. T. Gilbert's Reports in Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports).]

R. D.

JONES, THEOPHILUS (1758–1812), historian of Brecknockshire, born on 18 Oct. 1758, was son of Hugh Jones, successively vicar of Llangammarch and Llywell, Brecknockshire, and a prebendary of the collegiate church of Brecon. For many years he practised as a solicitor in Brecon, but upon being appointed deputy-registrar of the archdeaconry of Brecon, he disposed of his business that he might have the requisite leisure for the compilation of his ‘History of the County of Brecknock,’ 2 vols. 4to, Brecknock, 1805–1809, a model of its kind. He also published a few antiquarian communications to magazines, and two papers in the ‘Cambrian Register.’ It was his intention, had health permitted, to write a history of Radnorshire, and he began a translation of Ellis Wynn's romance, ‘Gweledigaethau y Bardd Cwsg,’ or ‘Visions of the Sleeping Bard.’ A letter by him on the Donne family appears in ‘Notes and Queries,’ 2nd ser. p. 241. He died on 15 Jan. 1812, and was buried in the church of Llangammarch.

[Williams's Eminent Welshmen, 1852, p. 261.]

G. G.

JONES, THOMAS, D.D. (1550?–1619), archbishop of Dublin and lord chancellor of Ireland, younger son of Henry Jones of Middleton, Lancashire, and brother of Sir Roger Jones, knight, alderman of London, was born at Middleton about 1550, and was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he graduated M.A. Having been ordained, he removed to Ireland, and there married Margaret, daughter of Adam Purdon of Lurgan Race, co. Louth, widow of John Douglas, and sister-in-law of Adam Loftus [q. v.], archbishop of Dublin. His marriage probably helped his advancement. His first preferment was the chancellorship of St. Patrick's Cathedral, Dublin, to the deanery of which he was elected in 1581; continuing, however, to hold the chancellorship in commendam as long as he lived. Sir Henry Wallop says in a letter to Walsyngham dated 6 Jan. 1581, that there were ‘but three preachers in the whole realm, viz. the Bishops of Dublin and Down, and Mr. Jones’