Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 31.djvu/425

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it would be safer for him to withdraw them. On 13 Feb. 1618–19 James pronounced sentence against the defendants. All were ordered to be imprisoned during the king's pleasure, and Lake and his wife were also to pay a fine of 5,000l. each, with 1,000l. damages to Lady Exeter; Lady Roos was fined ten thousand marks, and Arthur Lake 300l.

Chamberlain reported on 14 Feb. 1618–19 that Lord Digby and Bacon extenuated Lake's guilt, and that the success of his cause had been prayed for by the catholics generally, and especially by those at Louvain. Lady Roos confessed her guilt on 19 June 1619, and was released. Lake himself admitted the justice of his sentence on 28 Jan. 1619–20, and was thereupon liberated. His wife did not gain her freedom till 2 May 1621. The fines were afterwards commuted to one payment of 10,200l., in addition to the damages awarded to Lady Exeter.

The proceedings necessarily led to Lake's dismissal from the office of secretary. He spent the remainder of his life in retirement, chiefly at his estate of Canons, in the parish of Little Stanmore or Whitchurch, Middlesex, which he had purchased in 1604. He seems to have renewed his friendly relations with Buckingham, who visited him apparently in London in July 1621. He was elected M.P. for Wells in 1625, and for Wootton Bassett, Wiltshire, in 1626. He died at Canons on 17 Sept. 1630, and was buried at Whitchurch on 19 Oct. following. The erroneous statement that he was a benefactor to St. John's College, Oxford (Hearne, Discourses, ii. 436), seems to have arisen from his purchase of a picture hanging in the president's lodgings there in 1616.

Lake married Mary, daughter and coheiress of Sir William Ryder, alderman of London. She was buried at Whitchurch on 25 Feb. 1642–3. By her he was father of three sons and four daughters. The eldest son, Thomas, and the second son, Arthur, were both knighted in 1617. The former was elected M.P. for Wells in 1625, and died in 1653. The latter was M.P. for Bridgwater in the parliaments of 1625 and 1626, and died in 1633. The third son, Lancelot (d. 1646), left a son, Lancelot, who was M.P. for Middlesex in the convention of 1660 and in the parliament of 1661, and was knighted at Whitehall on 6 June 1660, and died in 1680. Sir Lancelot had two sons, Thomas, and Warwick, the ancestor of Gerard, lord Lake [q. v.] The elder son, Thomas, who was knighted on 4 Dec. 1670, married Rebecca, daughter of Sir John Langham of Cotesbrooke, and had a daughter Mary, first wife of James Brydges, first duke of Chandos [q. v.], to whom the estate of Canons ultimately passed.

[Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (Harl. Soc.), pp. 243–4; Lloyd's State Worthies, 1766, ii. 63, 75; Wood's Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 260–1; Return of Members of Parliament; Goodman's Court of James I; Court and Times of James I; Weldon's Court of James I; Brydges's Peers of England; Saunderson's James I; Fuller's Worthies; Spedding's Bacon; Gardiner's History, vols. ii. and iii.; Lysons's Environs, iii. 405, 412; Cal. State Papers, Dom.; Nichols's Progresses of James I; Burke's Extinct Peerage, s.v. ‘Lake;’ notes kindly supplied by J. Willis Clark, esq., registrary of the university of Cambridge, by L. Ewbank, esq., of Clare College, and by the Rev. W. H. Hutton, of St. John's College, Oxford.]

S. L.

LAKINGHETH, JOHN de (d. 1381), chronicler, was a native of Norfolk, and a monk of Bury St. Edmunds in the time of Edward III and Richard II, and was ‘custos baroniæ,’ an office which, no doubt, brought him into close connection with the tenants of the monastery. He thus became very unpopular, and in the peasant rising of 1381 the insurgents clamoured that he should be surrendered to them. In order to save the monastery this was done, and he was beheaded. Lakingheth compiled ‘Kalendare Maneriorum Terrarum … ad Monasterium S. Edmundi Buriensis spectantium,’ which is preserved in Harl. MS. 743, no doubt his own autograph. The contents of this calendar are described in the ‘Monasticon Anglicanum,’ iii. 121–2, and some documents from it are printed on pp. 135–6, 138–9. The second article in the volume is a ‘Short History of the Abbots down to the Death of John de Brynkele in 1379;’ to this has been added a list of the abbots down to the dissolution. This history is printed in the ‘Monasticon,’ iii. 155–6.

One Sir John de Lakingheth was captain of Conq in Brittany in May 1373, when the town was captured by Oliver de Clisson (Froissart, viii. 140, ed. Luce); afterwards in 1376 he was one of the captains of Brest (Fœdera, iii. 1062). A third John de Lakingheth was rector of Bircham Tofts, Norfolk, in 1375 (Blomefield, Norfolk, x. 287).

[Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 462; Walsingham's Historia Anglicana, ii. 3 (Rolls Ser.); other authorities as quoted.]

C. L. K.

LALOR, JAMES FINTON (d. 1849), politician, was eldest son of Patrick Lalor, a gentleman farmer, of Tinakill, Queen's County, Ireland, who took a prominent part in the anti-tithe movement there and was M.P. for his county, 1832–5. Peter Lalor