Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/273

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with their several relations to the interests of the Landlord, Tenant, and the Public.' London, 1801, 8vo (anonymous). 7. 'A General Treatise on Cattle, the Ox, the Sheep, and the Swine, comprehending their Breeding, Management, Improvement, and Diseases.' London, 1806, 8vo. 8. 'The History and Delineation of the Horse in all his Varieties, with an Investigation of the Character of the Racehorse and the Business of the Turf, the engravings from original paintings, with instructions for the General Management of the Horse.' London, 1809, 4to (plates). 9. 'Practical Observations on the British Grasses, by William Curtis, 5th edit, with additions, London, 1812, 8vo, plates; 7th edit., 'with considerable additions, including hints for the general management of all descriptions of grass land.' 1834, 8vo, plates. 10. 'Practical Treatise on Breeding, Rearing, and Fattening all kinds of Domestic Poultry, Pheasants, Pigeons, and Rabbits, Swine, Bees, Cows, &c..' dv Bonington Moubray (i.e. J. Lawrence), London, 1813, sm. 8vo; 2nd ed. 1816; many subsequent editions, the 8th in 1842; a new edition by L. A. Meall, 1854, contains little trace of the original. 11. 'British Field Sports, embracing Practical Instructions in Shooting, Hunting, Coursing, Racing, Cocking, Fishing, &c, with Observations on the Breaking and Training of Dogs and Horses and the Management of Fowling-pieces, by W. H. Scott (i.e. J. Lawrence), London, 1818, 8vo (plates). 12. ' The Sportsman's Repository, comprising a series or engravings representing the Horse and the Dog by John Scott, with a description of the different species of each.' London, 1820, 4to (plates, anonymous). 13. 'A Memoir of the late Sir T. C. Bunbury.' Ipswich, 1821, 8vo. 14. 'The National Sports of Great Britain, by Henry Aiken, with descriptions in English and French.' London, 1821, fol. (coloured lithographs by Aiken, text by Lawrence, anonymous). 15. 'The Horse in all his Varieties and Uses; his Breeding, Rearing, and Management.' London, 1829, sm. 8vo.

[Obituary notice in Sporting Magazine, May 1839; E. B. Nicholson's Rights of an Animal, 1879, p. 72, &c. The notices in Biog. Dict. of Living Authors, 1816, and J. Donaldson's Agricultural Biography, 1854, are full of errors. The writer has to thank Mr. Nicholson for placing at his disposition the unpublished materials for an enlarged sketch of the life of Lawrence.]

LAWRENCE, JOHN LAIRD MAIR, first Lord Lawrence (1811–1879), governor-general of India, sixth son and eighth of twelve children of Lieutenant-colonel Alexander Lawrence, and younger brother of Sir Henry Montgomery Lawrence [q. v.] and Sir George St. Patrick Lawrence [q. v.], was born at Richmond in Yorkshire, where his father's regiment (the 19th foot) was then quartered, on 4 March 1811. Moving with his parents to Guernsey, to Ostend, and finally, on the conclusion of the war, to Clifton, his first school was Mr. Gough's at Bristol, which he began to attend as a day-boy in 1819. Of this school he said grimly in after-life.: 'I was flogged every day of my life at school except one, and then I was flogged twice. In 1823 he was removed to his uncle James Knox's school, the free grammar school of Londonderry, since called Foyle College. The education was rough and unsystematic, and he gained little there but a taste for reading history. In 1825 he was sent to Wraxall Hall school, near Bath. Three of his elder brothers had already received Indian appointments through the influence of a family friend, John Hudlestone, a director of the East India Company, and in 1827 an offer of an appointment was made to John. To his great chagrin it was a civil and not a military post which fell to him, and it was only under the influence of his favourite sister, Letitia, that he reluctantly accepted it. He proceeded to Haileybury in July, passed two years there creditably but without gaining distinction, except a prize for Bengali, and eventually passed out third for the presidency of Bengal in May 1829. Till he reached middle life he did not impress his friends as being a man of mark or destined to future greatness. He sailed with his brother Henry for India in September, and, after a five months' voyage and long and intense suffering from sea-sickness, reached Calcutta on 9 Feb. 1830. There he entered the college of Fort William. Rough, uncouth, and somewhat boisterous, he found the society of Calcutta very uncongenial. Lacking any natural bent for an Indian career, and suffering also in health, he very nearly resolved to return to England. At length, having mastered Urdu and Persian, he was at his own request gazetted to Delhi, where Sir Charles Metcalfe was then resident. In this city and district he remained for thirteen years. He at once took kindly to the place and the work, and was at first assistant magistrate and collector of the city. Almost without intermission he occupied this post for four years, till he was placed in charge of the northern or Paniput division of the Delhi territory in 1834. Energetic, laborious, and sternly just, he had also, in spite of hot temper and rough manners, the faculty of cultivating intimacy with the