Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/402

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Le Fanu

Baihaki,’ and in part superintended that of the Maulávi Sáiyid, Ahmad Khan's edition (1868) of the ‘Tárikh-i-Firuz Sháhi by Ziyáu 'd-Din Barani,’ an interesting account of which will be found in vol. iii. of Dr. Rieu's ‘Catalogue of Persian MSS.’ in the British Museum. He was joint editor (1863) of the ‘Tabakát i Nasiri,’ by Minháju 'd-Din al Jurjáni, and (1864) of the ‘Muntakh-abu't Tawárikh’ of Abd'ul Kádir Badáuni, stated by Dr. Hoernle to be second as a history ‘to none in the whole range of historical works by Mohammedan authors.’ The publication of the ‘Ikbál Námeh-i-Jahángíri’ of M'Ulamád Khan, and the ‘Badsháh Námeh’ of Abd'ul-Hámed Lahauri was likewise indebted to his superintendence.

He also published:

  1. 'Instruction in Oriental Languages, especially as regards Candidates for the East India Company's Service, and as a National Question.' London and Edinburgh, 1857.
  2. 'A Biographical Sketch of the Mystic Philosopher and Poet, Jámí' London, 1859.
  3. 'Guide to the Examinations at Fort William.' Calcutta, 1862.
  4. 'Resolutions, Regulations, Despatches, and Laws relating to the Sale of Waste Lands and Immigration to India,' Calcutta, 1863.
  5. 'The Drain of Silver to the East, and the Currency of India.' London, 1864(1865).
  6. 'Memoranda written after a Visit to the Tea Districts of E. Bengal.' Calcutta, 1866.
  7. 'Land and Labour in India.' a review, London, 1867.
  8. 'Indian Mussulmans.' three letters reprinted from the 'Times.' four articles from the 'Calcutta Englishman,' an article on the prince consort, and an appendix, London, 1871.

[Foster's Baronetage, under 'Lees;' East India Registers and Army Lists; Journ. Royal Asiatic Society, London, January-March 1889; Athenaeum, 16 March 1889, p. 345; information from private sources.]

H. M. C.

LEEVES, WILLIAM (1748–1828), poet and composer, son of Henry Leeves, esq. of Kensington, was born on 11 June 1748. He entered the first regiment of foot-guards as ensign on 20 June 1769, and was promoted lieutenant on 23 Feb. 1772. In 1779 he decided to take holy orders, and was appointed to the living of Wrington in Somerset, the birthplace of Locke and the abode of Hannah More, at whose house he was a frequent and welcome visitor. Leeves continued rector of Wrington until his death there on 28 May 1828. A portrait of him in his lieutenant's uniform was painted in 1773, and this was engraved for Mrs. Moon's 'Memoir.' He married^ on 4 May 1786, Anne, youngest daughter of Samuel Wathen, M.D. She was possessed of great musical talent, and was a skilful performer on the violin. Their eldest son, William Henry, had & splendid bass voice. Another son, Henry Daniel, was in holy orders, and was chiefly instrumental in the erection of the English church at Athens. George was in the navy, on retiring from which he settled in America. Marianne married the Rev. Robinson Elsdale, son of Robinson Elsdale [q. v.] the autobiographer.

Leeves was a good musician and a competent performer on the violoncello. In 1772 he wrote the music to the song 'Auld Robin Gray.' by Lady Anne Barnard [q. v.] The autograph is in the British Museum (Addit. MS. 29387). Lady Anne had originally written her words to a Scottish melody previously known as 'The Bridegroom greets.' but Leeves's music at once superseded the old tune. According to Oliphant, in his edition of 'Auld Robin Gray.' published in 1843, Leeves brought out about 1790, in conjunction with Dr. Harrington of Bath and Mr. Broderip of Wells, a volume of glees. In 1812 he published 'Six Sacred Airs, intended as a Domestic Sunday Evening Recreation, accompanied by a Pianoforte or Harpsichord, two of them by a Violoncello Obligato or Violin.' In the dedication to his friend, Thomas Hammersley, Leeves first publicly acknowledged the composition of 'Auld Robin Gray.' owing, it was said, to the delight with which he had recently heard the air sung by Miss Stephens, afterwards Countess of Essex. Besides musical compositions he was author of a considerable number of short occasional poems, some of which were published.

[In Memoriam: the Rev. William Leeves, by his granddaughter, Mrs. Moon (privately printed), 1873; Gent. Mag. 1828, pt. ii. p. 91.]

A. H.-H.

LE FANU, JOSEPH SHERIDAN (1814–1873), novelist and journalist, born at Dublin on 28 Aug. 1814, was son of Thomas Philip Le Fanu, dean of Emly, by his wife Emma, daughter of Dr. Dobbin, fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. The father, the eldest son of Joseph Le Fanu, by Alicia, sister of Richard Brinsley Sheridan [see Le Fanu, Philip], was a descendant of an old and ennobled Huguenot family, and the appointment of Joseph Le Fanu, the novelist's grand-father, to the office of clerk of the coast of Ireland brought the family into official connection with that country. Le Fanu gave early proof of his literary tendencies by writing verses as a child, and is said to have produced at fourteen a long Irish poem (cf. Purcell Papers, Preface). He was privately educated under the direction of his father, until in 1833 he entered Trinity College,