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Frederick he kept a shop for the sale of cricketing appliances at 10 Prince's Terrace, Caledonian Road, Islington, London, where he died of cholera 21 Aug. 1854. He was buried in Highgate cemetery. The members of the Marylebone Club erected a monument to his memory above his grave, on which is inscribed the single word ‘Lillywhite.’ His characteristic definition of cricket, ‘me bowling, Pilch batting, and Box keeping wicket,’ is well known.

His sons John and Frederick Lillywhite were both well-known cricketers. John, born 10 Nov. 1826, died 27 Oct. 1874; Frederick, born 23 July 1829, died 15 Sept. 1866.

[W. Lillywhite's Illustrated Handbook of Cricket, edited by A Cantab, 1844; F. Lillywhite's Cricket Scores (1862), ii. 9–12; Denison's Cricket Sketches of the Players, 1846, pp. 34–9; Cansick's Collection of Epitaphs (1872), ii. 158–9; Illustrated News of the World, 22 May 1858, pp. 252, 254, with view of monument; Illustrated London News, 22 July 1843, p. 59, with portrait; notes kindly supplied by Dr. J. W. Allen.]

LILY, GEORGE (d. 1559), Roman catholic divine, son of William Lily [q. v.] the grammarian, by Agnes, his wife, was a native of London, and became a commoner of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1528 (Bloxam, Magdalen College Register, iv. 22 n.) Leaving the university without a degree he travelled to Rome, where he ‘was received with all humanity into the protection of Cardinal Pole,’ and became noted for his erudition. After his return to England he was collated to the prebend of Kentish Town or Cantlers, in the church of St. Paul, on 22 Nov. 1556 (Newcourt, Repertorium, i. 171). Cardinal Pole, to whom he was domestic chaplain, collated him on 13 March 1557–8 to a canonry in the first prebend of the church of Canterbury (Le Neve, Fasti, ed. Hardy, i. 47). He died in 1559 before 29 July, and it is supposed that he was buried near the body of his father in St. Paul's churchyard.

Lily wrote: ‘Virorum aliquot in Britannia, qui nostro seculo eruditione, et doctrina clari, memorabilesque fuerunt, Elogia, per Georgium Lilium Britannum, exarata.’ Dedicated to Paul Jovius, bishop of Nocera, and printed in that prelate's ‘Descriptio Britanniæ, Scotiæ, Hyberniæ, et Orchadum,’ Venice, 1548, 4to, together with other contributions by Lily, viz.: ‘Nova et Antiqua Locorum Nomina in Anglia et in Scotia,’ f. 42 b seq. (cf. Harrison, Description of England, ed. Furnivall, 1877, p. 245); ‘Anglorum Regum Chronices Epitome,’ down to the year 1547, ff. 57–123 (reprinted, Frankfort, 1565, 4to, with continuation to the accession of Elizabeth in 1558–9; Basle, 1577, &c.; Frankfort, 1614, 8vo; also in vol. i. of Polydore Vergil's ‘Historia Anglica,’ Douay, 1603); ‘Lancastriæ et Eboracensis de regno contentiones,’ f. 124; ‘Regum Angliæ Genealogia,’ f. 125 b.

Lily is also credited with ‘Catalogus sive Series Pontificorum et Cæsarum Romanorum,’ and a ‘Life of John Fisher, Bishop of Rochester’ (cf. Harmer [i.e. Henry Wharton], Specimen of Errors in Burnet's Hist. of the Reformation, p. 61; Gough, British Topography, i. 238 n.) The latter is probably the anonymous Latin life of Fisher, preserved in the Arundel MS. 152, art. 2 in the British Museum (Cat. of Arundel MSS. p. 41). Bale mentions ‘De vitâ, moribus, et fine Thomæ Cranmeri,’ by Lily, in his manuscript notes to the ‘Scriptores Majoris Britanniæ;’ and the first exact map of Great Britain, which was afterwards engraved, and is now scarce, is assigned to him (Gough, i. 87).

[Addit. MS. 5875, f. 37 b; Bale's Script. Brit. Cat. i. 723; Cat. of MSS. in Cambridge Univ. Library, v. 552; Cotton MSS. Nero B. vi. 152, 157; Gough's Brit. Topogr. i. 87, 348, 516; Harl. MS. 6989, art. 26; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), ii. 405; Nicholson's English Hist. Libr. p. 3; Pits, De Angliæ Scriptoribus, p. 740; Tanner's Bibl. Brit. p. 481; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), i. 302.]

LILY or LILLY, PETER (d. 1615), archdeacon of Taunton, was son of Peter Lily, prebendary of Canterbury, and grandson of the grammarian, William Lily [q. v.] He was educated at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he became fellow, and graduated B.A., M.A., and D.D. He took holy orders, and was made rector of Fulham, Middlesex, on 17 May 1598, prebendary of St. Paul's on 16 April 1599, rector of Hornsey, Middlesex, on 1 Nov. 1610, and archdeacon of Taunton, Somerset, in October 1613 (Le Neve, Fasti, i. 168). He was nominated by James I among the first fellows of Chelsea College, and is named in the charter of its foundation on 8 May 1610. Lily was also a brother of the Savoy, where he died in 1615. His will, dated 22 Feb. 1614–15, was proved on 14 June 1615. He was buried in the chancel of the Savoy Chapel, where are also the tombstones of his wife (d. 1 June 1627) and only daughter (d. 10 Oct. 1625). He published ‘Conciones Duæ,’ London, 1619, and ‘Two Sermons,’ London, 1619.

[Lansd. MS. 983, f. 52; Wood's Athenæ (Bliss), i. 34; Newcourt's Repert. i. 128, 587, 609; Faulkner's Chelsea, ii. 225; Cat. of the Bodleian Library.]