Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 33.djvu/451

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Index to Volume XXXIII.

Leiri*, George Kobert (1782-1871 ) ,
Lewia Ulj-D CoCbi. iilso BUmetinies called Lewis
- '■' Lljwelj-n UlvQ Colhi (_/?. 1450-
ia, Griffith George (1784-18:19)
L,ewi>, Hubert ( IS-io-lSSi) .
Levu, JuiiaHenr>-(178^18Sn) .
Leirii, John Dttawate <1(«28-1884)
Lairu,Jabn Fralerick (IBUS-ISTG)
Levis, Jovca nr JocuM (if. t5^7> .
Lewis, Lw|«ld David (1828-1890) .
Le«ia, Ladv Mirii Tliei«!a (IgOS-ISGa)
Lcwii. UaA Ifi. 167B) ....
Lewis, Matthew tireiiory (177&-18tg} .
Lewis MaTgaawg, i.e. of Glamoiganihire (A.
Lewii, Owen, *1» koowa u Lewis
Lawia, Samual, tha vonoger (d.
nnder Lewis, Sunoel, the elder.
Lew^ SamnelSaTira (1830-1891)
Uwis,Stiurt(17aar-lSl8; ,
Lewis, Thomas C 1069-1749 7 ) .
Lewis, ItirTlHMnisFranMand (17SO-1355)
Lewis, Thomu TavloT (1B01-IS58)
Lewis, Tilns (177i-iatl)
Lewi*,WiUiuii (1G9S-1667} .
Lewi*. Wmiam (1714-1781) .
Lewi., William (rf. 1856?) . .
Lewis, William Oanelt (1S31-18S5)
Lewi^ William Thomas, celled 'Gentlemen
Lewis (1T48?-1811) miu
LewsoD, Jane, commonlj called Ladv Lewson
(1700?-1816) 202
Lewjs »p Rhys ap Owain (d, 1616?). See
Dwon, Lew vs.
Lexlnlon, Barona. See Sutton, Robert, &nt
Baron (d. ISCS) t Sutton, Robert, aiicond
Beron (d. 1723).
Lttdnton, Henry de (d. 1358). See nndcr
LexialOD or Lesaiagton, John de.
Lexinton or Lessinglon, John de (</. 1257) . 202
Lexlnlon, Oliver de (rf. 1399). See Sutton.
Lexinlon or Lessington, Robert de (d. 1250) . 30. (1620-1702) .
LevMsler, John (j). 1689) . .
Leveestei. Sir Peter (1G14-1678) .
L^den. John. M.D. (1775-1811 ) .
Leylsnd. Joaeph Rentier (1811-1851)
Lersen, Thomas (1548-1608 ?)
• "--' See also Lloyd,_Llwyd, and Loyd.
Liart, Matthew (1736-178
IjiblHrtoun, Lord. See nu
(d. IfiSO).
Lii'hBetd. See also LitdiSeld.
Lichfield. Earls of. See Stuart, Bcraard
(162-JP-1645; Lee. GeorM Henrr, " '
'-rUfthe I^familr (1718-1772).
Llddei,DaBcaD (1561-1613) . . . ._
Liddelj, Henry Thomas, fiist Earl of Ravens-
worlh (1797-1878)
Sir John (1794-1868).
See under
Liddiard, William (177S-1S41
I.iddon, Henry Parry (182»-1890} .
Lifard, Gilbert of St. (d. ISOfi). See Gilbert.
Llfford (1709-1789), fit.t V
Hewitt, James.
Light, Edward (dl 1SB2?) .
Light. William (1784-1838) .
LidhirDot, Hannah (jl. 1768
Gmrge III.
LigbcToot, John (1602-1675).
Lightfoot, John (1736-1788) .
Lightfoot, Joseph Rarber(I8-28
Ligoaier, Edward, Earl Ligoni
aee of Iceland (d 1782). See unaer L,igo-
niei, John, otherfiisB Jean Louis, Earl Ligo-
Ligonier, Francis, otherwise Frani^is Angoate
[d. 17461. See under Ligonier. John, other-
wise Jean I.oais, Earl Uguoier.
Ligonier, John, otherwise Jean Louis, Earl
Ligonier (168O-I770) . . . . . 9<
Lilbume, John (1614 ?-ie57).
Lillmrne, Robert (I613-I6G5) .
LilliDgalon, Lake (1653-1713)
Lillo, George (1693-17BB)
Lilly. See also Lily and Lyly.
Lillv, ChristiaD (if. 1738)
Lilly, Edmoud (d. 1716).
LiUy. Henry (i 1638) ....
LiUy, John'(1558-1606). See Lrlr, John.
Lilly, William (1602-1681) .
Lillywhite, Frederick William (1793-1854) .
Lily, George (d. 1559) .....
Lily or Lillv, Peter (d. 1815) . , . ,
Lilv, William (1468 ?-1622) ....
LImeriefc, Earl of (1758-1845). See Percv,
Esmond Henrr.
Llmpos, Richard (1834-1875)
Linacre, Thomas (1460 ?-1624)
Linehe orLynche, Richard (Jl. 1^96-1601)
Lincoln, Earls wT. See Lacy, John de (dL
1240).firat F.Brlof the Uey familv; Laer.
Heniy de (1249?-1811), third Eail of t6e
Lacr fkmilv; Pole, Johu de 1e (1464?-
1487) ) Clinton, Edward Fieooes de (1513-
1586), fint Earl of the Clinton family i Clin-
ton, Henry Fiennes (1720-1794), ninth Eort
of ihe Clinton familv.
Lincoln, Hugh of. Saint (1246 ?-125S). See
Llnd, James, M.D. (1716-1791) . . >7t'|
Lind, James, M.D. (1736-1812) . 27X1
Lind, Johanna Mana, known as Jenny Liod,
and afterwards as Madame Jenny Lind-
Goldschmidt (1830-1887) . . , . t
Lind,John(1737-17SI) T