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    tory of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Italy,' &c., Edinburgh, 1827, 8vo; 2nd edit, enlarged, 1832, 8vo.

  1. 'History of the Progress and Suppression of the Reformation in Spain,' &c., Edinburgh, 1829, 8vo.

Posthumous was

  1. 'Sermons,' &c., Edinburgh, 1836, 8vo.

A volume of his 'Miscellaneous Writings,' collected and edited by his son, Edinburgh, 1841, 8vo, contains annotated reprints of his biographies of Henderson, Patrick Hamilton [q. v.], F. Lambert, A. Rivet, and J. Murray; his account of the 'Taborites,' his reviews of Milne on presbytery and episcopacy, Simeon on the liturgy, Sismondi's 'Considerations' on Geneva, Scott's 'Tales of my Landlord,' Orme's Owen, and Turner's 'Life and Times,' also three pamphlets on church matters. In 1805 or 1806 he edited the 'Christian Magazine.' He was a contributor to 'Blackwood's Magazine' in its first year (1817). His last publication was an anonymous pamphlet (May 1833) advocating the abolition of church patronage.

[Life, by his son, 1840; Thomson's Historical Sketch of the Secession Church, 1848. pp. 173 eq.; Memoir by Crichton, 1854; Catalogue of Edinburgh Graduates, 1858, p. 251; Grub's Eccl. Hist. of Scotland, 1862. iv. 153, 160 sq., 235; Anderson's Scottish Nation, 1872, ii. 711 sq.]

McCRIE, THOMAS, the younger (1797–1875), Scottish divine and author, born at Edinburgh 7 Nov. 1797, was eldest son of Thomas McCrie the elder [q. v.], by his first wife. He was educated at the high school and at the university of Edinburgh, but does not seem to have graduated. He afterwards entered the Theological Hall of the Original Secession Church, was ordained, and became secession minister of Crieff, 1820, and of Clola, Aberdeenshire, in 1828. In 1836 he succeeded his father as minister of the West Richmond Street meeting-house, Edinburgh. In the same year he became theological professor at the Original Secession Hall. At the disruption he favoured the non-intrusionist party. In 1852 the original seceders joined the free church of Scotland, and McCrie took a prominent part in the deliberations necessary for carrying out the arrangement; in 1856 he was moderator of the free assembly. In the autumn of the same year he was appointed professor of church history and systematic theology at the London college of the English presbyterian church. He retired in 1856 owing to failing eyesight. Theres of his life he passed at Gulliane in East Lothian and at Edinburgh. He died 9 May 1875 at 89 Minto Street, Edinburgh. McCrie preached well when he could use notes; he was a kindly a and popular with students. Before 1850 he was made D.D. by the Aberdeen, and LL.D. by that married Walteria, a daughter of Robert Chalmers, secession minister at Haddington, but left no children.

His chief works are:

  1. 'Life of Thomas McCrie,' Edinb. 1840, 8vo.
  2. 'Sketches of Scottish Church History,' Edinb. 1841, 8vo; other editions 1843, 1875; this was originally a reprint of lectures.
  3. 'The Ancient History of the Waldensian Church,' 1845, 8vo.
  4. 'Lectures on Chriatian Baptism,' 8vo.
  5. 'Memoirs of Sir Andrew Agnew,' Lond. 1850, 8vo.
  6. 'Thoughts on London with the Free Church of Scotland,' Edinburgh, 1862, 8vo.
  7. 'Annals of English Presbyterianism from the Earliest Period to the Present Time,' Lond. 1872, 8vo.

He edited a collection of his father's works; for the Wodrow Society, 'Wodrow's Correspodence' in 1842, and 'The Life of Robert Blair' in 1848; and Barrow's 'Treatise of the Pope's Supremacy,' ed. 1882, 8vo. He translated 'Pascal's Provincial Letters,' ed. 1847, 16mo; 1851, 8vo; 1875, 16mo. As a young minister he contributed to 'The Witness,' when conducted by Hugh Miller, and for a short time edited the 'British and Foreign Evangelical Review.'

[Wylie's Disruption Worthies, ed. 1881. pp. 349 sq. (with portrait); Scotsman, 11 May 1875 Free Church of Scotland Monthly Record, 1 July 1875; information kindly furnished by the Rev. C. G. McCrie.]

MACCUAIRT, JAMES (fl. 1712), Irish poet, often called Seamus dall, or Dall MacCuairt, was born at Creevin, co. Louth, became blind early in life, and was well known as a musician and poet. He was a friend of Carolan [q. v.] He wrote a poem of 210 stanzas on the battle of Aughrim and the death of Sorley MacDonnell, 'San Eachdhruim an air staid na comhnaidh' ('In Aughrim of the slaughter there dwells'). His address to Carolan on his return to Meath from Connaught, 'Da milliuin deag feilte dhibh, o arus Meadhbha ingean Eachael' ('Twelve million welcomes to you from the mansion of Meave, daughter of Eochaidh'), is of eighteen stanzas. He wrote five devotional poems, 'Iarraim do bbeannacht gan fheirg' ('I beseech thy blessing without anger'), of fifty-two stanzas; 'A dhuine nach leir dhuit creachta croidhi on dall' ('Oh man to whom from blindness the wounds of his heart are not clear'); 'A bhladh na bpatiarc sa naingeal' ('Oh flower of the patriarchs and angels'), of 176 stanzas; 'Is claoidhte chuiv Adhamhrena clannuibh' ('Adam put destruc-