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1296, Mar came to Edward at Montrose, and afterwards swore fealty again at Berwick. He was, notwithstanding, carried prisoner to England, but was released on parole, 23 June 1297, in order to visit Scotland, Edward at the same time exacting from him a pledge that he would serve him against France. He died about this time, leaving a son and successor, Gratney, eleventh earl of Mar, and father of Donald, twelfth earl of Mar [q. v.]; he also left two daughters, Isabel, wife of Robert the Bruce, and Mary, who married Kenneth, earl of Sutherland.

[Bain's Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, vol. ii. passim; Antiquities of Aberdeenshire (Spalding Club), iv. 198, 600, 698-704; Rymer's Fœdera, i. 596, 638, 730-74, 791, 804.]

MAR, DONALD, twelfth Earl of (1293?–1332), was the son of Gratney, eleventh earl, and Lady Christian Bruce, sister of King Robert Bruce. He was probably born about 1293 (Fraser, Red Book of Menteith, vol. i. p. lxxx), and, as his father died about 1305, he was but a young boy at the time of his succession. After the defeat of Bruce at Methven in 1306, along with others, Mar was brought to Edward in token of submission, and was carried prisoner to England, where, in respect of his tender age, he was entrusted to the custody of the Bishop of Chester, first in the castle of Bristol, and afterwards at the bishop's own house, with suitable attendants (Palgrave, Documents and Records, Scotland, pp. 353-6). He spent nearly all the remainder of his life in England, taking service with Edward III, for which he received fifteen pence per day as wages. During this time he is never styled earl, but simply Donald of Mar. He was the owner of a trading vessel there called La Blithe.

After the battle of Bannockburn, in 1314, Mar and his mother, with Bruce's wife and daughter, and Wishart, bishop of Glasgow, were exchanged for the Earl of Hereford, Edward's brother-in-law, who had been taken prisoner by the Scots at Both well. But when Newcastle was reached in their journey to Scotland Mar turned back, preferring to remain in England (Chronicon dc Lanercost, p. 229). He paid visits to Scotland in 1318 and 1323. But to encourage him to remain in his service Edward conferred upon him various grants of lands and wardships, including the manor of Longbynington in Lincolnshire, and in 1321 appointed him keeper of Newark Castle (some call it Bristol Castle), which he held for the king till 1326, when he delivered it up to Queen Isabella and Lord Mortimer (Scalacronica, p. 151). He went to Scotland in 1327 for assistance to replace Edward III upon his throne, but instead of bringing help he joined the Scots in their raid of that year to Byland Abbey in Yorkshire, and was declared a rebel by Edward. Mar now remained in Scotland, and assumed his position as one of the seven earls. He had grants of lands from Bruce there in 1328 and 1329, and after the death of Randolph, 30 July 1332, he was chosen regent of Scotland. But he only held the honour ten days. Edward Baliol landed in Scotland the very day of his appointment, and Mar took command of the Scottish force which was raised to meet him, a post for which he was no way qualified. The battle was fought on 9 Aug. at Dupplin Moor in Perthshire, and Mar's army of thirty thousand was routed by Baliol's of three thousand, and himself slain. He left a widow, Isobel Stewart, who had two other husbands, Geofrey de Moubray, whom she divorced, and Sir William Carswell; also a son, Thomas, who succeeded as thirteenth earl of Mar [q. v.], and a daughter, Margaret, who succeeded as Countess of Mar after her brother's death, and married William, first earl of Douglas [q. v.]

[Bain's Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland, vol. iii. passim; Antiquities of Aberdeenshire (Spalding Club), iv. 698-725; Acts of the Parliaments of Scotland, i. 13-97.]

MAR, THOMAS, thirteenth Earl of (d. 1377), was the son of Donald, twelfth earl [q. v.], and succeeded on his father's death in 1332, though probably still under age. He was one of the Scottish commissioners sent to Newcastle in 1351 to treat for peace with England, and for the release of David II, and was also one of the hostages for the payment of his ransom. In 1358 he was appointed great chamberlain of Scotland, but held the office only about a year. He entered into an agreement with Edward III of England at Westminster (24 Feb. 1359) whereby he promised to remain with and faithfully serve the king of England against all the world (David, king of Scots, excepted) in return for a pension of six hundred merks sterling yearly, with compensation if on account of this agreement he should lose his Scottish estates (Rotuli Scotia, i. 830). After this date he only occasionally appears in Scotland.

David II in 1361 seized Mar's castle of Kildrummy (Wyntoun, Cronykil, lib. viii. cap. xlv. 11. 113-28). According to 'Scalacronica' (pp. 202, 203), the seizure was due to a quarrel arising out of a single combat between Mar and Sir William Keith (d. 1407?) [q. v.] at Edinburgh, when Mar ac-