Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/199

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only sound and severely economical, but far in advance of the prevailing order in purity of taste. He was a succesaful manager of the Botanical Gardens exhibitions in Regent's Park until be relinquished his post there in 1862. He practised as a landscape gardener from that date until 1879, when he retired in favour of his assistant, J. F. Meston. On this occasion his admirers gave him his portrait by Wiegmann, and a painting of one of his works, together with an address written by Canon (now Dean) Hole, one of the committee. His work for Prince Demidoff at San Donato, near Florence, in 1852, added greatly to his reputation, and to the increasing taste for English gardening on the continent. His chief designs are those at Greenlands, Henley-on-Thames, for the Right Hon. W. H. Smith; at Hampstead, for Sir Spencer Wells; at Possingworth, Sussex, for Mr. Lewis Huth; Western Park, Sheffield; Park Place, Henley; Taplow Court; Eynsham Hall; Sopley Park; Montague House, Whitehall; Blythwood, near Taplow, for Mr. George Hanbury; Brambletye, near East Grinstead, for Mr. Donald Larnach; and Leigh Place, near Tonbridge, for Samuel Morley. His last public work in England was the Alexandra Park at Hastings, laid out in 1878. He continued to give professional advice in landscape gardening until the spring of 1889. His last private garden was that of Sir Henry Peek at Rousden, near Lyme Regis, completed in 1889.

Mamock died at Oxford and Cambridge Mansions, London, on 16 Nor. 1889. In accordance with his desire, his body, after a religious service, was cremated at Woking, and the remains deposited at Kensal Green on 21 Nov.

From 1836 to 1841 Marnock was editor of the monthly 'Horticultural Magazine,' and for several years, commencing with 1845, he edited the weekly 'United Gardeners' and Land Stewards' Journal.' With Richard Deakin he wrote the first volume of 'Florigraphia Britannica, or Engravings and Descriptions of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of Britain,' 8vo, 1837.

[Gardeners' Chronicle, 29 April 1882 pp. 565, 567 (with portrait), 23 Nov. 1889 p. 588 (with portrait); Gardeners' Mag. 23 Nov. 1889, pp. 741 (with portrait); Times, 21 Nov. 1889.]

G. G.

MAROCHETTI, CARLO (1805–1867), sculptor, royal academician, and baron of the Italian kingdom, was born at Turin in 1805. Turin, as the capital of Piedmont, then formed part of the French empire, but on its separation in 1814 Marochetti's father, who had settled near Paris as an advocate in the court of cassation there, took out an act of naturalisation for himself and family as French citizens. Marochetti was educated at the Lycée Napoléon and received his first lessons in sculpture in the studio of Baron Bosio the sculptor. Having failed to win the 'Prix de Rome' at the École des Beaux-Arts, Marochetti proceeded to Rome at his own expense and resided there for eight years — from 1822 to 1830 — working in the academy of French artists in the Villa Medici on the Pincio. Though born on the Italian side of the Alps, Marochetti was thoroughly French by nature, and was never even able to speak Italian with facility. In 1827 he exhibited in Paris 'A Girl playing with a Dog,' for which he was awarded a medal at the Beaux-Arts and which he subsequently presented to the king of Sardinia. His first important work was the fine equestrian statue of Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy, which he exhibited for some time in the court of the Louvre at Paris and subsequently presented to his native town of Turin. This work gained for Marochetti not only the esteem but the personal friendship of Carlo Alberto, king of Sardinia, who summoned him of Turin and created him, for this and other services, a baron of the Italian kingdom. At Turin he executed the equestrian statue of Carlo Alberto for the courtyard of the Palazzo Carignano (now in the Piazza Carlo Alberto), a statue of 'The Fallen Angel' and a bust of Mossi for the Turin Academy, and other works. He subsequently returned to Paris, where he was received into great favour by King Louis-Philippe and his court. He received several important commissions, including a statue of the Duke of Orleans for the courtyard of the Louvre (moved in 1848 to Versailles), of which he made two replicas respectively for Lyons and Algiers; the relief of the battle of Jemappes on the Arc de l'Etoile; the relief of 'The Assumption' for the high altar of the Madeleine; the tomb of Bellini the musician in the cemetery of Pere Lachaise; and the monument to La Tour d'Auvergne at Carbaix. Marochetti was given the Legion of Honour in 1839. On the death of his father he inherited the Chateau de Vaux, near Paris.

On the outbreak of the revolution in 1848 Marochetti came to England, where his connection with the French court quickly brought him into equal consideration among the court and nobility here, and he was especially patronised by the queen and prince consort. In 1850 he exhibited at the Royal Academy a bust and a statue of 'Sappho;' the latter was severely criticised and also very much admired. In 1851 he sent a bust of