Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 36.djvu/60

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the Grafton ministry, he doubtless thought it necessary to use extra pains to damage the reputation of those who stood highest in public opinion. After Granby's death 'Junius' declared that he bore him no ill-will — that his (Granby's) 'mistakes in public conduct did not arise from want of sentiment or judgment, but, in general, in the difficulty of saying no to the bad people who surrounded him' (ib.) Walpole speaks of him as having sunk (in public estimation) by changing his views so often (Letters, v. 214-16). Early in 1770 Granby made a public recantation of the views he had previously expressed at the Middlesex election, and declared that he should always lament his vote on that occasion as the greatest misfortune of his life. Shortly afterwards he cut short his public career by resigning all his appointments, the colonelcy of the blues excepted. His latter days appear to have been much harassed by creditors.

Granby was made P.C. in 1760, lord-lieutenant of Derbyshire in 1762, and LL.D. Cambridge in 1769. He died at Scarborough, of gout in the stomach, 18 Oct. 1770, aged 49, and was buried at Bottesford, Leicestershire. His unsecured debts at his death are stated at 37,000l. (Rutland MSS. ii. 316). By his marriage he had issue, John, lord Roos, born on 27 Aug. 1751, died in 1760; Charles, afterwards Marquis of Granby and fourth Duke of Rutland; Lord Robert Manners [q. v.], and three daughters.

Granby was twice painted by Reynolds, and one of these portraits, showing him on horseback, is now in the National Gallery.

[Foster's Peerage, under 'Rutland' and 'Somerset;' H. Walpole's Letters; Parl. Hist. under dates; Bonn's Letters of Junius, ed. by Wade; Calendar Home Office Papers, 176&-70; Hist. MSS. Comm. 12th Rep. pt. v. Rep. on Rutland MSS.; Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 28855, G. O. in Germany, 28553; Letters from Prince Ferdinand, 32864-955; Correspondence (copies) with Holies, duke of Newcastle, and other letters; Home Office, Mil. Entry Books, and Ordnance Records in Public Record Office. The originals of the Secretary of State's instructions to the Marquis of Granby in Germany are at Belvoir, only entries existing in the Public Records; while the originals of the marquis s despatches home are in the Record Office (Foreign Office Papers). The extracts printed by the Hist. MSS. Commission (Ruthtad MSS.) are from the copies at Belvoir, not from the originals.]

MANNERS, Sir ROBERT (d. 1355?), constable of Norham, is said to have been son of a certain William de Manners who died in 1349. He obtained a grant of land in Berrington, Northumberland, in 1329, and petitioned the king for Learmouth on account of his own and his father's services in the Scottish wars in 1331. A curious letter of 1333 from the Bishop of Durham to the council, referring to his jurisdiction over Norham, mentions Manners as constable, and seems to mark an earlier date than 1345, which is usually assigned to his appointment. Manners was a rough border soldier. He was ordered to give up two hostages whom he illegally detained in 1333. In 1&40 he was M.P. for Northumberland, and in 1341 he aided Lord Grey of Werk in stopping a raid of the Earl of Sutherland. In 1342 he was allowed to embattle Etal in Northumberland, and thus founded the influence of his family in that district. He arranged the truce with David Brjace the same year, and when the Scots invaded England, in alliance with the French, in 1346, he took part in the battle of Neville's Cross. He seems to have died in 1355, as in that year the custody of Etal was given to the Lethams, who were afterwards, in the interest of the heir, accused of wasting it. Sir Robert's wives were Margaret and a certain Ada. The pedigree is differently stated, possibly because of the two seats of the family, but it is certain that his heir was John Manners, who was born in 1355. Possibly John was a grandson of Sir Robert.

The second Sir Robert Manners (1408–1461) was probably grandson of Sir John Manners and great-great-grandson of the first Sir Robert. He was a justice of the peace for Norhamshire in 1438, when he succeeded to the family property, was sheriff of Northumberland in 1454, and M.P. for Northumberland in 1459. He died about 1461, and was buried in the church of the Austin Friars, London. He married Johanna, daughter of Sir Robert Ogle, and sister of Robert, first lord Ogle [q. v.], and by her, who died in 1488, left four sons: 1. Sir Robert Manners, Sheriff of Northumberland in 1463, 1465, when he was knighted, and 1485, who married Eleanor, daughter of Lord Roos, and so brought that title into the Manners family; he was grandfather of Thomas Manners, first earl of Rutland [q. v.] 2. John Manners (d. 1492). 3. Gilbert Manners, a retainer of the Earl of Warwick. 4. Thomas Manners of Etal.

[Raine's North Durham, pp. 211 , &c.; Cal. of Docs, relating to Scotland, 1307–1509; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, vol. i.; Registrum Palatinum Dunelmense, ed. Hardy (Rolls Series), vols. iii. and iv.; Nichols's Leicestershire, ii. 41.]

MANNERS, Lord ROBERT (1758–1782), captain in the navy, born Feb. 1758, was the second son of John Manners, marquis of Granby [q. v.], and grandson of John, third