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was buried in St. Andrew's, Holborn. The inscription on his monument, which is over the north gallery of the church, has long been illegible. His wife Elizabeth (1657-1714) was buried in Chichester Cathedral, where there is a monument to her memory (Le Neve, Mon. Angl. 1650-1718, p. 257, No. 529). In his will he mentions three sons—Thomas Manningham, D.D. (d. 1750), treasurer of Chichester in 1712 (Le Neve, Fasti, 1. 269), prebendary of Westminster in 1720 (ib. iii. 364), and rector of Slinfold and Selsey, Sussex; Sir Richard Manningham, M.D. [q. v.]; and Simon Manningham, prebendary of Chichester (1719-67) and vicar of Eastbourne (1720-34)—and two married daughters, Mary Rawlinson and Dorothea Walters, besides five other children.

Manningham printed a large number of his sermons between 1680 and his death, and was author of 'Two Discourses,' 8vo, London, 1681, and 'The Value of Church and College Leases consider'd' in Sir Isaac Newton's 'Tables,' 12mo, 1742.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 555; will registered in P. C. C. 176, Marlboro'; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. i. 207-11; Chester's Westminster Abbey Registers, pp. 339, 381; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. ix. 278, 7th ser. iv. 192, 295.]

MANNOCK, JOHN (1677–1764), Benedictine monk, born at Giffords Hall, Suffolk, in 1677, was second son of Sir William Mannock, the third baronet, of Giffords Hall, by his wife Ursula, daughter of Henry Neville, esq., of Holt, Leicestershire. On 24 Oct. 1693 he was admitted a student of the English College at Rome. He afterwards became a monk of the Benedictine order, making his profession at St. Gregory's Convent, Douay, 7 March 1700, taking in religion the name of Father Anselm. After being ordained at Liège he was sent to England on the mission, and from 1709 till 1759 he acted as chaplain to the Canning family at Foxcote, Warwickshire. He held several offices in his order, being appointed procurator of the southern province in 1729, definitor of the province in 1755, and definitor of the regimen and titular cathedral prior of Worcester in 1757. He was stationed at Kelvedon Hall, Essex, from 1759 until his death, which took place there on 30 Nov. 1764.

His works are:

  1. 'The Creed Expounded, or the Light of Christian Doctrine set up on the Candlestick of Orthodox Interpretation. . . . To which is premised a short Essay on Faith, byway of introduction,' London, 1735.
  2. 'The Poor Man's Catechism, or the Christian Doctrine explained. With short Admonitions,' London, 1762.
  3. 'The Poor Man's Controversy' [London?], 1769, pp. 136. A posthumous work, the manuscript of which is at St. Gregory's College, Downside, near Bath, where several other works by Mannock are also preserved in manuscript, including
  4. 'The Poor Man's Companion.'
  5. 'A Summary or Abridgment of the Christian Doctrine.'
  6. 'Annus Sacer Britannicus, or short Lives of the English Saints,' 3 vols.
  7. 'Thesaurus Praedicatorum.'
  8. 'A Commentary on the Bible,' 9 vols.
  9. 'An Historical Catechism of the Old Testament.'
  10. 'An Historical Catechism on the Life and Death of Christ.'

[Downside Review, iv. 156, vi. 137; Foley's Records, v.548, 549, vi. 443; Oliver's Catholic Religion in Cornwall, p.519; Snow's Necrology, p.114; Weldon's Chronicle, App. p. 12.]

MANNY or MAUNY, Sir WALTER de, afterwards Lord de Manny (d. 1372), military commander and founder of the Charterhouse, was a native of Hainault. His father was Jean, called Le Borgne de Mauny, lord of Mauny or Masny, near Valenciennes, and said to have been descended from the Counts of Hainault (Froissart, ed. Lettenhove, xxii. 174). Le Borgne de Mauny, according to Froissart (iv. 292-8), was slain by private enemies in the English camp, before La R6ole on the Garonne in 1324 or 1325 (Beltz, Memorials of the Order of the Garter, p. 111). Froissart makes Sir Walter discover his body when at La Reole in 1346, and bury it in the church of the Friars Minors at Valenciennes with an epitaph, a supposed copy of which, containing an impossible date, is quoted by Lettenhove (xxii. 174). Manny's mother was Jeanne de Jenlain, from whom he inherited that lordship (ib. iv. 293; Beltz, p. 113). Froissart (ii. 53, iii. 80) seems to place him fourth among five sons, three others of whom also fought in the French wars. The English authorities almost invariably spell his name Manny, not Mauny (cf. Notes and Queries, 5th ser, iii. 347, 6th ser. ix. 26, 78, 118, 335, 377).

Manny may have been in attendance upon Queen Isabella during her visit to Hainault in 1326 (Froissart, ii. 53), but probably first came to England at the end of the next year in the train of Queen Philippa, who made him one of her esquires (ib. ii. 193, xxii. 179). He was knighted in 1331, and greatly distinguished himself in the Scottish wars, accompanying Edward Balliol in July 1332, by permission of the king, in his invasion of Scotland (Murimuth, p. 296), taking a foremost part in the siege of Berwick in the next year, and, if we may credit Froissart (ii. 293, 297, 317), being left with William de Montacute