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Latin verses by Michelborne. Four of Campion's ‘Latin Epigrams,’ 1619, are addressed to him in very affectionate terms (bk. i. nos. 180, 192, bk. ii. nos. 77, 121). Both Campion and Fitzgeffrey lament the modesty which prevented their friend from publishing his verse. Two poems by Michelborne in praise of the author are prefixed to ‘The Art of Brachygraphy,’ 1597, of Peter Bales [q. v.], and he is a contributor to ‘Camdeni Insignia,’ 1624. Michelborne died at Oxford on 27 Dec. 1626, and was buried in the church of St. Thomas the Martyr.

Fitzgeffrey inscribes several poems in his ‘Affaniæ’ to Edward's brothers—three to Thomas (pp. 84, 165), and two to Lawrence (pp. 5, 32), while each brother is the subject of an epigram by Campion (bk. ii. no. 34 on Lawrence and no. 69 on Thomas). Lawrence was residing at Oxford in 1594, although his name does not appear in the university register (Oxf. Univ. Reg., Oxf. Hist. Soc., II. i. 318). Thomas prefixed Latin hexameters—‘In Dracum Redivivum Carmen’—to the first edition, and some English stanzas to the second edition of Fitzgeffrey's poem on ‘Sir Francis Drake,’ 1596. English commendatory verses by him also figure in Thomas Storer's poetic ‘Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinall,’ 1599, and in Sir William Vaughan's ‘Golden Grove,’ 1608.

[Wood's Fasti Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 428; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Ritson's Bibliographia Poetica, pp. 278, 283; Campion's Works, ed. Bullen, pp. 301, 304, 323, 332, 346.]

S. L.

MICHELBORNE, MITCHELBURN, or MICHELBURNE, JOHN (1647–1721), governor of Londonderry, son of Abraham Michelborne by his first wife, Penelope, daughter of John Wheeler of Droitwich (see Berry, Sussex Genealogies, p. 50), was baptised on 8 Jan. 1647–8 at Horsted Keynes in Sussex. He was of an ancient family long settled there and at Stanmer, and Sir Richard Michelborne of Bradhurst was his grandfather. After serving under Percy Kirke [q. v.] at Tangier between 1680 and 1683, he had a major's commission from the Prince of Orange dated 5 Feb. 1689, and in the same month took part in the attempt on Carrickfergus. He commanded Skeffington's regiment of foot at Cladyford and during the siege of Londonderry. When Governor Baker fell ill on 17 June 1689 he deputed Mitchelburn to act for him, and at his death ten days later named him governor. The two officers had been on bad terms and had even crossed swords, and the author of the ‘Londerias’ says Mitchelburn was under arrest when his predecessor died; but Walker, Mackenzie, and Ash do not mention this. He was a pall-bearer at Baker's funeral. Though not confirmed by any vote of the officers, Mitchelburn acted as military governor during the rest of the siege; but Walker always signs his name first. About the middle of July Melfort, on behalf of King James, offered Mitchelburn 10,000l. if he would procure a surrender, but the governor answered that William was his sovereign, who could reward him without the help of brass money (Letters in Siege of Derry, act iv.) He lost his wife and all his children—seven in number—during the siege. After the relief of Londonderry Kirke commissioned Mitchelburn as sole governor, and made him colonel of both Skeffington's and Crofton's regiments, which he fused into one. Mitchelburn commanded this corps at the Boyne, and mustered 664 rank and file after the battle (Story). He served at the long siege of Sligo, of which he took possession 19 Sept. 1691, and of which he was made governor (Harris).

In 1690 the Irish Society voted 100l. to Mitchelburn, but he had spent his own money during the siege of Londonderry, and was a heavy loser. He petitioned the English treasury, alleging that 9,570l. 16s. 8d. were due to him and his regiment (Cal. of Treasury Papers, 21 April 1691). Various delays and difficulties were interposed, but it appears that some portion of what was due was at length paid to him (Harris, book viii.) He remained permanently at Londonderry, and became alderman. In 1699 he issued a printed statement of his losses, which gave great offence at Londonderry, and he was expelled from his office of alderman (Corporation Minutes in Hempton, p. 406). He succeeded in the litigation which followed, and was restored by mandamus. A result of the statute 2 Anne, cap. 6, which imposed the sacramental test, was to exclude Mitchelburn's presbyterian opponents from the corporation, and in August 1703 his bill of costs was paid. He made at least two journeys to London on account of his claims, and in 1709 suffered imprisonment for debt in the Fleet.

Mitchelburn originated some well-known Londonderry observances. With Bishop King's leave he placed in the cathedral the French flags which had been taken on 7 May 1689, and in 1713 Bishop Hartstonge allowed him to record the fact in an inscription on the east window (ib. p. 410). On 1 Aug. 1718 the red flag, which still adorns the steeple, was hoisted for the first time, as Bishop William Nicolson [q. v.] has recorded (ib. p. 411), amid great rejoicings