Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 40.djvu/101

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NARY, CORNELIUS (1660–1738), Irish catholic divine, was born in co. Kildare in 1660, and received his early education at Naas in the same county. He was ordained priest by the Bishop of Ossory at Kilkenny in 1682, and soon afterwards entered the Irish College in Paris, of which he was subsequently provisor for seven years. While in Paris he graduated doctor of divinity in the university in 1694, and he was also twice appointed procurator of the German or English ‘Nation’ at the university of Paris, and, as such, was for the time being a member of the academic governing body. Leaving France about 1696, he went to London, where he acted for a while as tutor to the Earl of Antrim, an Irish catholic peer; but afterwards removing to Dublin, he was arrested and imprisoned for his religion in 1702. In the ‘Registry of Popish Clergy’ for 1703–4 he is described as popish parish priest of St. Michan, and so he remained until his death, at the age of seventy-eight, on 3 March 1738. He is described by Harris, the editor of Sir James Ware's ‘Works,’ as ‘a man of learning and of a good character.’

An anonymous mezzotint portrait is mentioned by Bromley.

He was the author of the following works: 1. ‘A Modest and True Account of the Chief Points in Controversy between the Roman Catholicks and the Protestants,’ Antwerp and London, 1699, 8vo. 2. ‘Prayers and Meditations,’ Dublin, 1705, 12mo. 3. ‘The New Testament translated into English from the Latin, with Marginal Notes,’ London, 1705 and 1718, 8vo. 4. ‘Rules and Godly Instructions,’ Dublin, 1716, 12mo. 5. ‘A Brief History of St. Patrick's Purgatory and its Pilgrimages; written in favour of those who are curious to know the Particulars of that famous Place and Pilgrimage, so much celebrated in Antiquity,’ Dublin, 1718, 12mo. 6. ‘A Catechism for the use of the Parish,’ Dublin, 1718, 12mo. 7. ‘A Letter to His Grace Edward, Lord Archbishop of Tuam, in answer to his charitable Address to all who are of the Communion of the Church of Rome,’ Dublin, 1719, 1720, 1728, 8vo. 8. ‘A New History of the World, containing an Historical and Chronological Account of the Times and Transactions from the Creation to the Birth of Christ, according to the Computation of the Septuagint,’ Dublin, 1720, fol. 9. ‘The Case of the Catholics of Ireland,’ Dublin, 1724.

He was also the author of several controversial pamphlets and the translator of others, and left in manuscript a work entitled ‘An Argument showing the Difficulties in Sacred Writ as well in the Old as New Testament;’ he is also stated by Anderson (Sketches of the Native Irish) to have published a short ‘History of Ireland.’

[Harris's Works of Sir James Ware; Battersby's Dublin Jesuits; Anderson's Sketches of the Native Irish; Bellesheim's Geschichte der Katholischen Kirche in Irland, vol. ii.; Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography.]

P. L. N.

NASH, FREDERICK (1782–1856), water-colour painter, was born in Lambeth, London, on 28 March 1782. He was the son of a builder, and at an early age became a pupil of Thomas Malton the younger [q. v.], although a wealthy relative had offered to give him a legal education. He studied also at the Royal Academy, and began to exhibit there in 1800 by sending a drawing of 'The North Entrance of Westminster Abbey.'

He was afterwards employed by Sir Robert Smirke [q. v.] the architect, and between 1801 and 1809 he made some of the drawings for Britton and Brayley's 'Beauties of England and Wales,' and for Britton's 'Architectural Antiquities.' In 1807 he was appointed architectural draftsman to the Society of Antiquaries. He had three drawings in the first exhibition of the Associated Artists in Water-Colours in 1808, and in 1809 exhibited six drawings as a member of that short-lived society. These included two interiors of Westminster Abbey, the west front of St. Paul's, and a large drawing of the choir of Canterbury Cathedral. In 1810 he was elected an associate, and six months later a full member, of the Society of Painters in Water-Colours; he seceded in 1812, in consequence of his disapproval of certain changes made in its constitution, but he was re-elected in 1824.

His first published work was 'A Series of Views of the Collegiate Chapel of St. George at Windsor,' 1805, drawn and etched by himself, and finished in aquatint by Frederick C. Lewis and others. This was followed by 'Twelve Views of the Antiquities of London,' 1805-10. In 1811 he exhibited a fine drawing of the 'Interior of Westminster Abbey,' with a funeral procession, which was highly praised by Benjamin West, and in 1812 some of the drawings which were engraved in Ackermann's 'History of the University of Oxford,' 1814. In 1813 and 1815 appeared the drawings of Glastonbury Abbey and the Tower of London, in 1816 those of Malmesbury Abbev, and in 1818 those of the Temple Church, all made for the 'Vetusta Monumenta.' He visited Switzerland in 1816, and in 1819 began the series of drawings of Paris and Versailles, which were engraved by John Pye, John