Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 45.djvu/295

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mitted into aristocratic circles, and died at Geneva. She published anonymously in 1832 ‘Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion.’ Another, partly autobiographical work, entitled ‘Records of Real Life,’ appeared in 1839, and ‘Three Springs of Beauty’ in 1844. She died in July 1846, having (by will dated 24 Nov. 1845) bequeathed a diary and other manuscripts to the Bodleian Library.

[Pedigree in Brit. Mus. Addit. MSS. 28734 and 28616, fol. 23; Madame Roland's Letters to Bancal; Hulbert's Hist. of Salop; Avenel's Anacharsis Cloots, Paris, 1876; Gent. Mag. 1794, pt. ii. pp. 672 and 958; Alger's Englishmen in French Revolution and Glimpses of French Revolution; Biographie Universelle, art. ‘Harriot Pigott’ (inaccurate in date of death).]

J. G. A.

PIKE, PIK, or PYKE, JOHN (fl. 1322?), chronicler, was master of the schools of St. Martin-le-Grand, London (cf. Bibl. Reg. MS. 13 C. xi). He wrote:

  1. ‘Suppletio Historiæ Regum Angliæ.’ There are three fourteenth-century copies of this work: Cotton. MS. Julius D. vi, Arundel MS. 220, and Bibliothèque Nationale, 6234, Fonds Latin, olim Baluze. A modern copy is in British Museum Harleian MS. 685, f. 46. In Julius D. vi. f. 1, the rubric states that it was extracted by Johannes Pik ‘de compendio Brome,’ i.e. from the ‘Compendium’ of John Brome, and Augustinian, who died in 1449. Pike's work is chiefly compiled from Ralph de Diceto's ‘Abbreviationes,’ ‘Imagines,’ and ‘De Mirabilibus Angliæ,’ and from Brome's ‘Compendium.’ Two passages are printed in Gale's ‘Scriptores XV’ (i. 553, 560), under the name of Diceto. The history of the Norman kings is brought down to the coronation of John.
  2. ‘In ista Compilacione tractatur quale jus dominus noster Rex Angliæ intendit habere ad terram Scotie;’ this consists of extracts from named chroniclers and a short history of the relations of Edward I and Edward II to Scotland, down to the death of Thomas of Lancaster [q. v.] in 1322 (Jul. D. vi. f. 67, and Arundel MS. 220, f. 278).
  3. A history of English bishoprics, enlarged from Diceto's (Arundel MS. 220, f. 147 b). The history of Canterbury has been, in part, printed by Wharton (Anglia Sacra, ii. 677), and erroneously ascribed to Diceto (Stubbs, Diceto, vol. i. p. lxxxviii). The lives of the bishops are brought down in some cases only to the coronation of John, in others to a later date, the latest being that of the consecration of John, bishop of Norwich, in 1299. Walter Reynolds (1314–1327) is included in the list of archbishops; a later hand adds his two successors. That the author was Pike is proved by references to passages in the ‘Suppletio’ (No. 1 above).
  4. Another collection of extracts closely similar to the ‘Suppletio’ in character (Arundel MS. 220, ff. 4, 52; Harl. MS. 3899). The history of the British kings (extracted from Geoffrey of Monmouth) is here much fuller than in the ‘Suppletio.’ After extracts on the Saxon and Norman kings, the chronicle is carried to the birth of Edward, prince of Wales, in 1239. Bale, Pits, and Tanner, in stating that William Horman [q. v.], vice-provost of Eton, made an epitome of Pike's ‘Suppletio,’ confound Pike with Picus Mirandulæ.

[Hardy's Catalogue, ii. 124, iii. 12, 376; Glover's Livere de Reis de Brittanie, p. xii; Pits, De Illustribus Angliæ Scriptoribus, s. an. 1115; Bale's Scriptorum Catalogus, p. 170, No. 61.]

M. B.

PIKE, JOHN DEODATUS GREGORY (1784–1854), baptist, eldest son of John Baxter Pike, was born at Edmonton on 6 April 1784. His mother, a daughter of James Gregory, a London merchant, claimed descent from Oliver Cromwell. The father, John Baxter Pike (1745–1811), descended from an artisan family of old standing in Lavington, Wiltshire, was the son of Thomas Pike, a class-leader among the early methodists. His mother was his father's second wife, Eleanor (Baxter). He attracted the notice of Archbishop Secker and Richard Terrick, bishop of London, and was ordained a deacon in the Anglican church, but subsequently came under the influence of Dr. Andrew Kippis and turned unitarian preacher (1777). Later he fluctuated between presbyterianism and advanced rationalist views, but for a time devoted his energies to a boarding-school, first at Stoke Newington, then at Edmonton. About 1791, however, he was practising as a doctor in London, while his wife conducted a boarding-school for young ladies at Enfield. Subsequently he appears to have taught ‘geography and belles-lettres’ in the school at Enfield. He died at Edmonton on 11 Dec. 1811, and was buried in a family vault at East Barnet. His wife died at Edmonton in 1838. A man of active mind and various interests, Pike contributed to the ‘Monthly Magazine’ letters on horticulture, poultry-farming, and kindred subjects (notes supplied by E. C. Marchant, esq.)

After being educated, chiefly at home, John Deodatus was from 1802 to 1806 at Wymondley (baptist) College, Hertfordshire, and became a baptist. On leav-