Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 48.djvu/448

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Index to Volume XLVIII.

Rigby, Alexander (1594-1650) 299
Rigby, Edward (1747-1821) 301
Rigby, Edward (1804-1860) 301
Rigby, Joseph (d. 1671) 302
Rigby, Richard (1722-1788) 302
Rigg or Rigge, Ambrose (1635?-1705) 304
Rigge, Robert (d. 1410). See Rygge.
Rightwise or Ritwyse, John (d. 1532?) 305
Riley, Charles Reuben (1752-1798). See Ryley.
Riley, Henry Thomas (1816-1878) 306
Riley or Ryley, John (1646-1691) 307
Rimbault, Edward Francis (1816-1876) 307
Rimmer, Alfred (1829-1893) 308
Rimmington, Samuel (1755?-1826) 308
Rimston or Remington, William (fl. 1372) 308
Ring, John (1752-1821) 309
Ringrose, Basil (d. 1686) 310
Ringstead, Thomas de (d. 1366) 310
Rintoul, Robert Stephen (1787-1858) 311
Rinuccini, Giovanni Battista (1592-1653) 312
Riollay, Francis, M.D. (1748-1797) 315
Rios, Joseph de Mendoza y (1762-1816). See Mendoza.
Riou, Edward (1758?-1801) 315
Ripariis, de. See Redvers.
Ripley, George (d. 1490?) 316
Ripley, Thomas (d. 1758) 317
Ripon, Earl of. See Robinson, Frederick John, first Earl (1782-1859).
Rippingille, Edward Villiers (1798?-1859) 318
Rippon, John (1751-1836) 318
Rippon, Thomas (1761-1835). See under Rippon, John.
Risdon, Tristram (1580?-1640) 319
Rishanger, William (1250?-1312?) 319
Rishton, Edward (1550-1586) 321
Rishton, Nicholas (d. 1413) 321
Rising, John (1756-1815) 322
Risley, Thomas (1630-1716) 322
Ritchie, Alexander Handyside (1804-1870) 323
Ritchie, John (1809-1850). See under Ritchie, Alexander Handyside.
Ritchie, John (1778-1870). See under Ritchie, William (1781-1831).
Ritchie, Joseph (1788?-1819) 323
Ritchie, Leitch (1800?-1865) 324
Ritchie, William (1781-1831) 325
Ritchie, William (1790-1837) 326
Ritchie, Sir William Johnstone (1813-1892) 326
Ritschel, George (1616-1683) 327
Ritson, Isaac (1761-1789). See under Ritson, Joseph.
Ritson, Jonathan (1776?-1846). See under Ritson, Joseph.
Ritson, Joseph (1752-1803) 327
Ritter, Henry (1816-1853) 331
Ritwyse, John (d. 1532?). See Rightwise
Rivarol, Louisa Henrietta Madame de (1749?-1821) 331
Rivaulx or Rivallis, Peter de (d. 1258?) 332
Rivers, Earls of. See Woodville or Wydeville, Richard, first Earl (d. 1469); Woodville or

Wydeville, Anthony, second Earl (d. 1483); Savage, Richard, fourth Earl (1664-1712).

Rivers, first Baron. See Pitt, George (1722?-1803).
Rivers, Antony (fl. 1615), alias Thomas Blewett 333
Rivers, Thomas (1798-1877) 333
Rivers, William (1788-1856) 333
Riverston, titular Baron of (d. 1715). See Nugent, Thomas.
Rivett or Revett, John (1624-1674). See under Le Sueur, Hubert.
Riviere, Henry Parsons (1811-1888) 334
Riviere, Robert (1808-1882) 334
Riviere, William (1806-1876) 335
Rivington, Charles (1688-1742) 335
Rivington, Charles, the younger (1754-1831). See under Rivington, John (1720-1792).
Rivington, Francis (1745-1822). See under Rivington, John (1720-1792).
Rivington, Francis (1805-1885) 336
Rivington, James (1724-1803). See under Rivington, Charles.
Rivington, John (1720-1792) 336
Rivington, John (1779-1841). See under Rivington, John (1720-1792).
Rizzio, David (1533?-1566). See Riccio.
Roach, John (fl. 1796) 337
Roach, Richard (1662-1730) 338
Roach-Smith, Charles (1804-1890). See Smith.
Rob Donn (1714-1778). See Mackay, Robert.
Rob Roy (1671-1734). See Macgregor, Robert.
Robartes or Robertes, Foulk (1580?-1650) 338
Robartes, Francis (1650?-1718) 338
Robartes, John, first Earl of Radnor (1606-1685) 339
Robberds, John Gooch (1789-1854) 341
Robe, James (1688-1753) 341
Robe, Sir William (1765-1820) 342
Robe, William Livingstone (1791-1815). See under Robe, Sir William.
Roberdeau, John Peter (1754-1815) 343
Robert I (1274-1329). See Bruce. Robert de, VIII.
Robert II (1316-1370), the Steward 344
Robert III (1340?-1406), originally known as John, Earl of Carrick 347
Robert, Duke of Normandy (1054?-1134) 349
Robert, Earl of Gloucester (d. 1147) 356
Robert of Jumièges (fl. 1051) 358
Robert the Staller (fl. 1060) 359
Robert d'Oilgi, d'Oilly, or d'Oyly (d. 1090?) 359
Robert of Mortain, Count of Mortain (d. 1091?). See Mortain.
Robert Losinga (d. 1095). See Losinga.
Robert of Bellême or Belesme, Earl of Shrewsbury (fl. 1098) See Bellême.
Robert (d. 1103) 361
Robert Fitzhamon (d. 1107). See Fitzhamon.
Robert de Beaumont, Count of Meulan (d. 1118). See Beaumont.
Robert Bloet (d. 1123). See Bloet.
Robert (d. 1139) 361
Robert d'Oilgi II (fl. 1130-1142). See under Robert d'Oilgi, d'Oilly, or d'Oyly.
Robert the Englishman, Robert de Ketene, or Robert de Retines (fl. 1143) 362
Robert Pullen, Pullus, or Le Poule (d. 1147?). See Pullen.
Robert de Bethune (d. 1148) 364
Robert of ‘Salesby’ (fl. 1150?) 365
Robert (d. 1159) 366
Robert of Melun (d. 1167) 366
Robert of Shrewsbury (d. 1167) 368
Robert, Earl of Leicester (1104-1168). See Beaumont, Robert de.
Robert, Fitzharding (d. 1170). See Fitzharding.
Robert of Bridlington (fl. 1170), or Robert the Scribe 368
Robert of Cricklade, also called Canutus (fl. 1170) 368