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count of Denmark,” in two parts,’ London, 1694, 8vo; a wearisome and bigoted tirade against the advanced whig principles embodied in the book of Robert Molesworth, first viscount Molesworth [q. v.] There is a prefatory epistle addressed to William III.

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 401, giving a list of minor pieces by Rogers which appear to be no longer extant; Colvile's Warwickshire Worthies; Bodleian Libr. Cat.; Rogers's Works in Brit. Mus. s.v. Rogers, Thomas and R. T.]

ROGERS, THOMAS (1760–1832), divine, born at Swillington, near Leeds, on 19 Feb. 1760, was youngest son of John Rogers, vicar of Sherburn, Yorkshire, who is said to have been a lineal descendant of John Rogers [q. v.], the martyr. On leaving Leeds grammar school he entered Magdalene College, Cambridge, in 1779, graduated B.A. in 1783, and was ordained deacon on Trinity Sunday in that year. After being successively curate of Norton-cum-Galby in Leicestershire, Ravenstone in Derbyshire, and at St. Mary's, Leicester, under Thomas Robinson (1749–1813) [q. v.], he was appointed headmaster of the Wakefield grammar school on 6 Feb. 1795. In December of the same year he was allowed to hold with this office the afternoon lectureship of St. John's, Wakefield. Rogers conducted some confirmation classes in 1801 in Wakefield parish church with such success that a weekly lectureship was founded in order to enable him permanently to continue his instruction. His Sunday-evening lectures were thronged, and raised the tone of the neighbourhood, where religious feeling had long been stagnant. In 1814 he resigned the mastership of the grammar school, and in 1817 became chaplain of the West Riding house of correction in Wakefield. He effected many reforms in the prison. He died on 13 Feb. 1832, aged 71, and was buried in the south aisle of the parish church. His wife Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Long of Norton, whom he married in 1785, died in 1803, leaving six children.

Besides ‘Lectures on the Liturgy of the Church of England’ (London, 1804, 2 vols. 8vo; 3rd edit. 1816), he composed a manual of ‘Family Prayers,’ 1832.

[Memoir by his son, the Rev. Charles Rogers, 1832; Peacock's Hist. of the Wakefield Grammar School, 1892, pp. 143–6; Walker's Cathedral Church of Wakefield, 1888, pp. 187–9, 223.]

ROGERS, TIMOTHY (1589–1650?), puritan divine, eldest son of Vincent Rogers, rector of Stratford-le-Bow, Middlesex, was born at Stratford, and baptised there on 30 March 1589. His father is supposed to have been a grandson of John Rogers (1500?–1555) [q. v.] Nehemiah Rogers [q. v.] was his younger brother. From the title-page of Timothy's ‘Roman-Catharist,’ it appears that he was preacher at Steeple, Essex, in 1621, but he does not seem to have held the vicarage. In 1623 he became perpetual curate of Pontesbright or Chapel, Essex, and held this living till 1650. On 19 Aug. 1636 he was appointed to the vicarage of All Saints', Sudbury, Suffolk. How long he held this preferment is not certain. In 1648 he was a member of the twelfth or Lexden classis in the presbyterian organisation for Essex, and in the same year he signed the ‘Testimony’ of Essex ministers as ‘pastor of Chappel.’ He probably died in 1650. His son Samuel was admitted vicar of Great Tey, Essex, on 27 Jan. 1637–8, on the presentation of his uncle Nehemiah.

Rogers published: 1. ‘The Righteous Man's Evidence for Heaven,’ &c., 1619, 8vo (Watt); 8th edit. 1629, 24mo; 12th edit. 1637, 12mo; also Glasgow, 1784, 12mo; and in French, ‘L'Héritage du Ciel,’ Amsterdam, 1703, 8vo. 2. ‘The Roman Catharist,’ &c. (1612), 4to. 3. ‘Good Newes from Heaven,’ 1628, 24mo; 3rd edit. 1631, 12mo. 4. ‘A Faithfull Friend true to the Soul … added, the Christian Jewell of Faith,’ 1653, 12mo.

[Morant's Essex, 1768, ii. 208; Chester's John Rogers, 1861, pp. 252, 275 sq.; David's Evang. Nonconformity in Essex, 1863, pp. 294 sq.]

ROGERS, TIMOTHY (1658–1728), nonconformist minister, son of John Rogers (1610–1680) [q. v.], was born at Barnard Castle, Yorkshire, on 24 May 1658. He was educated at Glasgow University, where he matriculated in 1673, and afterwards studied under Edward Veal [q. v.] at Wapping. His entrance into the ministry was as evening lecturer at Crosby Square, Bishopsgate. Some time after 1682 he was prostrated by hereditary hypochondria, from which he recovered in 1690, and then became assistant to John Shower [q. v.], minister of the presbyterian congregation in Jewin Street, removed in 1701 to the Old Jewry. His services were highly acceptable, but his hypochondria returned, and in 1707 he left the ministry, retiring to Wantage, Berkshire, where he died in November 1728; he was buried in the churchyard there on 29 Nov. His portrait is in Dr. Williams's Library; an engraving from it by Hopwood is in Wilson. John Rogers, his grandson, was minister at Poole, Dorset.

He published, besides single sermons, in-