Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/298

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in parliament, but must be distinguished from Sir Miles Sandys (1601–1636), author of a work twice published in 1634 under the titles ‘Prudence the first of the Four Cardinal Virtues’ and ‘Prima Pars Parvi Opusculi’ (Brit. Mus. Cat.; Foster, Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714); William, born 1566, who died young; Thomas, born 1568; Henry, born 1572; George [q. v.] Of the archbishop's two daughters Margaret, born 1566, married Anthony Aucher of Bowen, Kent; and Anne, born 1570, married Sir William Barne of Woolwich.

Sandys wrote, in addition to the short pieces printed by Strype: 1. ‘Epistola’ prefixed to ‘The Translation of Luther on the Galatians,’ London, 1577, 4to. 2. ‘Sermons,’ London, 1585, 4to; 1616; with life of Sandys, by Thomas Whitaker, London, 1812, 8vo; with some other pieces and life by John Ayre, for the Parker Society, Cambridge, 1841, 8vo. 3. ‘Statutes for Hawkshead Grammar School’ in Habington's ‘Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester,’ pp. 163–9.

[Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 24, 543; Ayre's Life; Strype's Works, passim; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge, ii. 74 &c.; Wriothesley's Chron. ii. 91, Narratives of the Reformation, pp. 142, 342 (Camden Soc.); Froude's Hist. of Engl. vi. 27 &c., x. 413, xii. 5; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547–80 and 1581–90; Brown's Genesis, U.S.A. ii. 992; Brydges's Restituta, i. 195, 218; Border Papers, ed. Hamilton, i. 3, 309; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. xi. 422; Thomas's Worcester Cathedral, pp. 210–14; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. xii. 224.]

W. A. J. A.

SANDYS, Sir EDWIN (1561–1629), statesman, second son of Archbishop Edwin Sandys (1516?–1588) [q. v.], by his second wife, Cicely, sister of Sir Thomas Wilford, was born in Worcestershire on 9 Dec. 1561. George Sandys [q. v.] was his youngest brother. In 1571 Edwin was entered at Merchant Taylors' School, and thence was elected scholar of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, matriculating in September 1577. He graduated B.A. on 16 Oct. 1579, M.A. on 5 July 1583, and B.C.L. on 23 April 1589. He was elected fellow of Corpus early in 1580, and on 17 March 1581–2 was presented by his father to the prebend of Wetwang in York Cathedral. In 1589 he was admitted a student of the Middle Temple.

Sandys had been sent by his father to Corpus to be under the care of his friend, Richard Hooker [q. v.], then tutor in that college. With him went George Cranmer [q. v.], who had entered Merchant Taylors' in the same year. The two youths formed with Hooker a lasting friendship, and gave him valuable help and advice in the preparation of his ‘Ecclesiastical Polity.’ It was Hooker's custom to send each book as he completed it to them, and they returned it with suggestions and criticisms. Sandys's notes to the sixth book are extant in Corpus Christi MS. No. 297, and have been printed in Church and Paget's edition of Hooker's ‘Works,’ iii. 130–9. His representations to his father are said to have been the means of Hooker's appointment to the mastership of the Temple, and he was subsequently one of Hooker's executors.

On 13 Oct. 1586 Sandys entered parliament as member for Andover. From the first he took an active part in its proceedings, and repeatedly served on committees (cf. D'Ewes, Journals, pp. 393, 396, 412, 414, 415). In the parliament of 1588–9 he sat for Plympton, Devonshire, for which he was re-elected in 1592–3. On 10 March 1592–3 he proposed to subject ‘Brownists’ and ‘Barrowists’ to the penalties inflicted on recusants (ib. pp. 471, 474, 478, 481, 500, 502; ‘Mr. Sands’ appears to be Edwin; his brother Miles and his kinsman Michael, both members of these parliaments, are distinguished in the ‘Journals’ by their christian names).

Soon after the dissolution of parliament in 1593 Sandys accompanied his friend Cranmer on a three years' tour on the continent, visiting France, Italy, and Germany. He remained abroad after Cranmer's return, and was at Paris in April 1599; he dated thence his ‘Europæ Speculum,’ and dedicated it to Whitgift. In the preparation of this work Sandys was largely aided by his intercourse with Fra Paolo Sarpi, who subsequently translated it into Italian (Grotius, Epistolæ, 1687, pp. 865, 866). The tone of the book is remarkably tolerant for the time. Sandys finds good points even in Roman catholics. For a long time it remained in manuscript, but on 21 June 1605 it was entered at Stationers' Hall, and published under the title ‘A Relation of the State of Religion.’ It was printed, without the author's consent, from a stolen copy of the manuscript, and Sandys is said to have procured an order of the high commission condemning it to be burnt. This was carried out on 7 Nov. (Chamberlain to Carleton, Cal. State Papers, Dom. 7 Nov. 1605). A copy of the condemned edition in the British Museum contains corrections and additions in the author's handwriting. From this copy an edition was printed after Sandys's death at The Hague in 1629, 4to, under the title ‘Europæ Speculum, or a View or Survey of the State of Religion in the Westerne Parts of the World.’ The