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only son of William Say, became a portrait-painter, and for some years enjoyed a fashionable practice. George IV, Earl Grey, the Marquis of Normanby, Sir W. Follett, E. Bulwer-Lytton, and other distinguished persons sat to him, and many of his portraits were well engraved by S. Cousins, G. R. Ward, J. Thomson, and W. Walker. He exhibited largely at the Royal Academy from 1826 to 1854, his address after 1837 being at 18 Harley Street. There he was still residing in 1858.

[Gent. Mag. 1835, ii. 660; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists; Rawlinson's Turner's Liber Studiorum; Royal Academy Catalogues.]

F. M. O'D.

SAYE and SELE, first Viscount. [See Fiennes, William, 1582-1662.]

SAYE or SAY and SELE, Lord. [See Fiennes, d. 1450.]

SAYER, AUGUSTIN (1790–1861), physician and medical writer, born at Bexley in Kent in 1790, was the grandson of Valentine Sayer of Sandwich, who was thrice mayor of that town (information kindly given by Mr. Gerald Brenan). When twelve years of age Augustin travelled with his family in France, and was made a prisoner of war, but was soon permitted his liberty within certain limits, and is said to have supported himself as a tutor in a French school. He was, in after life, an excellent French scholar, a good classic, and an able mathematician. As soon as he was fully restored to liberty he commenced his medical studies in England. In the ‘Medical Directory’ it is stated that he graduated B.A. in 1811, and M.A. in 1813; at what university he took these degrees is unknown. After studying medicine for seven years, he entered, on 31 Jan. 1815, as a student at Leyden, where, four days later, he graduated as doctor of medicine. It is said that he was afterwards an army surgeon. He was admitted a licentiate of the College of Physicians on 22 Dec. 1820, and elected a fellow on 11 July 1843. He was a fellow of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society, and was elected president in 1840. He was a member of the Medical Society of London, and for some years took an active part in the proceedings of the Westminster Medical Society, of which he was president from 1830 to 1846. He was physician to H.R.H. the Duke of Kent, and honorary physician to Prince Frederick of the Netherlands. His chief public appointment was that of physician to the Lock Hospital and Asylum, which he held for many years. Through a long professional life he was an earnest advocate of sanitary reform, and for years he was a conspicuous member of the Marylebone representative council. He died at his residence in Upper Seymour Street, Portman Square, on 15 Nov. 1861, aged 71. He bequeathed to the library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society a copy of the ‘Dictionnaire de Science Médicale’ in sixty volumes.

The following were his chief works: 1. ‘Inquiry to ascertain the maximum Limit of the Annual Taxation required from the Sewers Ratepayers,’ 8vo, London, 1855. 2. ‘Metropolitan and Town Sewage: their Nature, Value, and Disposal,’ 8vo, London, 1857. 3. ‘London Main Drainage: the Nature, and Disposal of Sewage,’ 2nd ed. 8vo, 1858.

[Proc. Med. Chir. Soc. iv. 81; Lancet and Medical Times and Gazette, November 1861; Munk's Coll. of Phys. iii. 229–30.]

W. W. W.

SAYER or SEARE, ROBERT, in religion Gregory, (1560–1602), Benedictine monk, born at Redgrave, Suffolk, in 1560, was the son of John Seare, ‘mediocris fortunæ.’ He went to school at Buddesdale for seven years, and was admitted at Caius College, Cambridge, as a minor pensioner, ‘secundi ordinis, literarum gratia,’ on 5 July 1576 (Venn, Admissions to Gonville and Caius College, p. 34). That college refused to allow him to take the degree of B.A. for the following causes: ‘First, for that he by seacret conference had laboured to pervert divers schoolers, and some had perverted; secondly, for that he had used divers allegations against divers poyntes of Mr. Jewells booke; thirdly, for that he had bene of greate and familiar acquayntaunce with Fingeley, a pernicious papist; fourthly, for that he had used to gather together papisticall bookes, and to convey them secreatly into the country’ (Heywood and Wright, Cambridge University Transactions, i. 319, 320). Migrating to Peterhouse, he graduated B.A. as a member of that college in 1580–1 (Cooper, Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 334).

Soon afterwards he proceeded to the English College of Douay, then temporarily removed to Rheims. He and William Flack, another Cambridge man, arrived there on 22 Feb. 1581–2, and after three days they were admitted to the common table (Records of the English Catholics, i. 185). On 6 Nov. 1582 Sayer was admitted into the English College at Rome, where in 1585 he received all the holy orders. Pits says that during his stay at Rome Sayer ‘mihi diù familiariterque notus, studiorum socius, et amicus optimus fuit’ (De Angliæ Scriptoribus, p. 801). In 1588 Sayer became a monk of the Benedictine order in the famous