Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/443

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posuerunt;’ and that the visitor now knows ‘quantilla in cellula tanti ductoris cineres in opprobrium hæredum delitescunt.’ A portrait, by William Wissing, belongs to Earl Spencer. Another, by Kneller, has been engraved by Houbraken, Vanderbank, Picart, and John Smith (1652–1742) [q. v.]

Of his six children by his first wife, Otto, the eldest, born on 15 March 1639 at Geisenheim, was killed at the siege of Valenciennes on 16 July 1656. Friedrich, the least diligent and least beloved of his father, was born at Oberwesel on 14 March 1640. He served for some time in the regiment of the Count of Nassau, and after the peace of the Pyrenees was sent to Candia to fight against the Turks; but, only getting as far as Rome, he accompanied his father, with the rank of captain of cavalry, to Portugal, where he served with distinction. He reconducted the English contingent back to England, married and retired into private life, residing chiefly at Geisenheim, where he died, after quarrelling with his brother Meinhard over the succession to his father's French property, on 5 Dec. 1700. Meinhard [q. v.], the third son (1641–1719), is separately noticed. Heinrich, born at Herzogenbusch on 9 July 1643, a youth of great promise, after attaining the rank of lieutenant in the French army, died of wounds received in a battle near Brussels in 1667. Wilhelm, the youngest of Schomberg's sons, was born at Herzogenbusch on 11 Aug. 1647; a boy of great promise, who died before he had attained the age of manhood. By his second wife Schomberg had no issue.

Charles, his fourth son, who succeeded him as second Duke of Schomberg (1645–1693), was born also at Herzogenbusch on 5 Aug. 1645. He joined his father in Portugal towards the end of his service there, and being on his return to France appointed lieutenant-colonel, he served with him in Roussillon, where he was taken prisoner on 27 July 1674. On his release he took part in the war against Holland under Créqui, and after the revocation of the edict of Nantes accompanied his father to Lisbon, and, subsequently entering the service of the elector of Brandenburg, was by him appointed governor of Magdeburg and major-general of infantry. He attended his father to England in 1688, and took the oath of naturalisation at the same time, on 4 April 1689 (Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. p. 270); but, returning almost immediately to Holland, was wounded in the trenches before Kaiserswerth in June (Cal. State Papers, William and Mary, i. 66, 155). On the death of his father he succeeded to the title (by limitation) and to the annuity of 4,000l., representing the interest on the 100,000l. granted to his father, and by him lent to the crown. He took his seat in the House of Lords on 15 Nov. 1690 (Cal. House of Lords MSS. 1690–1, p. 170), and being shortly afterwards appointed, with the rank of lieutenant-general, to command the auxiliary forces in Savoy (Luttrell, Brief Relation, ii. 172), he reached Turin on 18 June 1691. He took part in the relief of Coni on 21 July; but becoming discontented at the general mismanagement of the war, he only consented to retain his post in deference to the wish of William, who rewarded him on 27 Dec. with the colonelcy of the foot-guards. The following year he conducted an expedition into Dauphiné, spreading consternation far and wide, but without leading to any practical results. During the winter he revisited England, and, returning to his post in the spring of 1693, he commanded the left wing of the centre at the battle of Marsaglia on 4 Oct., and would have been left for dead on the field had not his faithful servant La Salle discovered him and carried him to Turin. Feeling, however, that his wounds were mortal, he made his will, leaving his brother Meinhard his heir universal, and, after lingering a few days, died on 16 Oct. His body was buried in the cathedral church of Lausanne (Addison, Remarks on several parts of Italy); but his heart was brought over to England by Du Bourdieu, minister of the French church in the Savoy, where it was interred, and a memorial slab erected, on 3 Oct. 1696 (Memoirs of the Transactions in Savoy during the War, Lond. 1697, pp. 72 sqq; Mémoires de St.-Simon, ed. 1841, i. 151; Bussy, Mémoires, vi. 436; Dangeau, Journal, i. 204, 294, 343, iv. 151, 375).

[Schomberg's life may conveniently be divided into four parts, the first extending to the peace of the Pyrenees, in 1659; the second comprising his services in Portugal, from 1659 to 1668; the third to the revocation of the edict of Nantes, in 1685; and the last to his death in 1690. For the whole period the standard authority, a work of considerable research, based on original documents, including Schomberg's own Diaries, preserved in the archives of the Degenfeld-Schomberg family at Frankfurt-am-Main, is Kazner's Leben Friedrich von Schomberg oder Schoenburg, Mannheim, 1789. The same, but in a more condensed form, has been reprinted in Stamberg's Rheinischer Antiquarius for 1858. The account in Agnew's Protestant Exiles from France, Edinburgh, 1886, ignoring Kazner's work, is less complete, and not always accurate. Other articles of greater or less value will be found in the Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie; Dictionnaire Historique des Généraux