Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/464

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Index to Volume L.

Ryves, Bruno (1596-1677) . . . .70
Kyves, Elizabeth (1750-1797)'. . . . 71
Ryves, George Frederick (1758-1826) . . 72
Ryves, Mrs. Lavinia Janet ta Horton de Serres
"(1797-1871). See under Serres, Mrs. Olivia.
Ryves, Sir Thomas (1583 P-1652) ... 72
Sabie, Francis (/.1 595) 74
Sabine, Sir Edward (1788-1883) . 74
Sabine, Joseph (1662 P-1739) . . 78
Sabine, Joseph (1770-1837) . . 79
Sabran, Lewis (1652-1732) . . 79
Sacheverell, Henry (1674 P-1724) . 80
Sacheverell, William (1638-1691) . 83
Sackville, Charles, sixth Earl of Dorset and
Earl of Middlesex (1638-1706) . . .86
Sackville, Charles, second Duke of Dorset
(1711-1769) 88
Sackville, Sir Edward, fourth Earl of Dorset
(1591-1652) 89
Sackville, George, first Viscount Sackville
(1716-1785). See Germain, George Sack-
Sackville, John Frederick, third Duke of Dor-
set (1745-1799) 92
Sackville, Lionel Cranfield, first Duke of Dor-
set (1688-1765) . . . ...... >W
Sackville, Sir Richard (d. 1566) ... 95
Sackville, Richard, fifth Earl of Dorset (1622-
1677). See under Sackville, Sir Edward,
fourth Earl of Dorset.
Sackville, Robert, second Earl of Dorset
(1561-1609) 96
Sackville, Thomas, first Earl of Dorset and
Baron Buckhurst (1536-1608) . .96
Sacrobosco, Christopher (1562-1616). See
Sacro"Bosco, Johannes de (/. 1230). See
Holywood or Halifax, John.
Saddington, John (1634 P-1679) . . 100
Saddler, John (1813-1892) ... 101
Sadington, Sir Robert de (/. 1340) . 101
Sadleir, Franc (1774-1851) ... 102
Sadleir, John (1814-1856) ... 102
Sadler, Anthony ( ft. 1640). See under Sadler
Anthony (/." 1630-1 680).
Sadler, Anthony ( ft. 1630-1680) . . 103
Sadler, John (d. 1595?) .... 104
Sadler, John ( 1615-1674) ... 104
Sadler, Michael Ferrebee (1819-1895) . 105
Sadler, Michael Thomas (1780-1 835) . 105
Sadler, Sadleir, or Sadleyer. Sir Ralph '(1507-
1587) . . . . . . . .109
Sadler, Thomas, in religion Vincent Faustus
(1604-1681) 112
Sadler, Thomas ( ft. 1670-1700). See under
Sadler, John (1615-1674).
Sadler, Thomas (1822-1891) .
Sadler, Windham William (1796-1824) .
Sadlington, Mark (d. 1647) .
Saewulf (fi. 1102)
Saffery, Mrs. Maria Grace (1772-1858) .
Saffold, Thomas (d. 1691)
> tllH/Hlj J. lllMIIH^ JJL AVi/J-y 114
Sage, John (1652-1711) 115
Sahara, William de (d. 1304 ?) . . .116
Sainbel or Saint Bel, Charles Vial de (1753-
) 116
Sainsbury, William Noel (1825-1895) . . 117
St. Albans, Duke of. See Beauclerk, Charles
St. Albans, Duchess of. See Mellon, Harriot
(1777 P-1837).
St. Albans, Earl of. See Jermyn, Henrv (d.
St. Albans, Viscount. See Bacon, Francis.
St. Albans, Alexander of (1157-1217). See
St. Albans, Roger of ( ft. 1450). See Roger.
St. Amand, Almaric de (fl. 1240). See under
St. Amand, Almaric de, third Baron de St.
St. Amand, Almaric de, third Baron de St.
Amand (1314 P-1382). . 118
St. Amand, James (1687-1754) 118
St. Andre', Nathanael (1680-1776) 119
St. Aubyn, Catherine (d. 1836) 120
St. Aubyn, Sir John (1696-1744) 120
St. Aubyn, Sir John (1758-1839) 121
Saint-Carilef or Saint-Calais, William of (d.
). See William.
St. Clair). See Sinclair.
Saint-fivremond, Charles de Marguetel de
Saint Denis, de (1613 P-1703) . . .122
See under
St. Faith's, Benedict of (fl. 1400).
St. Faith's, John of.
St. Faith's, John of (d. 1359) ....
St. Faith's, Peter of (d. 1452). See under St.
Faith's, John of.
St. Faith's, Robert of (d. 1386). See under
St. Faith's, John of.
St. Faith's, William of (d. 1372). See under
St. Faith's, John of.
Saint-George, Sir Henry (1581-1644) .
Saint-George, Sir Henry, the younger (1625-
). See under Saint-George, Sir Henry.
St. George, Sir John (1812-1891) . . '.125
Saint-George, Sir Richard (d. 1635)
Saint-George, Sir Thomas ( 1615-1703)
under Saint-George, Sir Henry.
Saint-German, Christopher (1460P-1540) . 127
St. Germans, third Earl of. See Eliot, Edward
Granville (1798-1877).
St. Giles, John of (fl. 1230). See John.
St. Helens, Baron. See Fitzherbert, Alleyne
St. John, Bayle (1822-1859) . . . .128
St. John, Charles George William (1809-1856) 128
Saint-John, Henry, Viscount Bolingbroke
(1678-1751) 129
St. John, Horace Stebbing Roscoe (1832-
) 144
St. John, James Augustus (1801-1875) . . 145
Saint-John, John de (d. 1302) . . . .145
St. John, John (1746-1793) . . . .148
St. John, Oliver, Viscount Grandison and
Baron Tregoz (1559-1630) . . . .148
St. John, Oliver (1603-1642). See under St.
John, Oliver, fourth Baron St. John of
Bletsho and first Earl of Bolingbroke.
St. John, Oliver, fourth Baron St. John of
Bletsho and first Earl of Bolingbroke
(1580 P-1646) 150
St. John, Oliver (1598 P-1673). . . .151
St. John, Sir Oliver Beauchamp Coventry
(1837-1891) 157
St. John, Percy Bolingbroke (1821-1889) . 158
St. Lawrence, Sir Christopher, twentieth, or
more properly eighth, Baron Howth (d.
) 159
St. Lawrence, Sir Christopher, twenty- second,
or tenth, Baron Howth (1568 P-1619) . . 160
St. Lawrence, Nicholas, sixteenth, or more
properly fourth, Baron Howth (d. 1526) . 162