Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 52.djvu/180

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SHUTE, JOHN (fl. 1550–1570), architect and limner, published in 1563 a work entitled ‘The First and Chief Groundes of Architecture, used in all the Auncient and Famous Monyments, with a farther and more ample Discourse upon the same, than hitherto hath been set out by any other,’ with a dedication to Queen Elizabeth (cf. Arber, Transcript, i. 210). In the introduction to this work Shute describes himself as ‘painter and architect,’ and says that he had been in the service of John Dudley, duke of Northumberland, who had sent him to Italy in 1550, and maintained him in his studies under the best architects. That Shute was also a limner or miniature-painter of repute is shown by Heydock in his translation of Lomazzo's ‘Art of Painting’ (1598), where it is stated that ‘limning, much used in former times in church-books, as also in drawing by the life in small models, of late years by some of our countrymen as Shoote, Betts, &c., but brought to the rare perfection we have seen, by the most ingenious, painful, and skilful master Nicholas Hilliard,’ &c. Although Shute was one of the earliest native artists, and held in esteem by his contemporaries, no work of his can be authenticated.

[Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; authorities mentioned in the text.]

L. C.

SHUTE, JOHN (fl. 1562–1573), translator, who would appear to have seen some military service abroad, was author of

  1. ‘Two very notable Commentaries, the one of the originall of the Turcks and Empire of the house of Ottomanno, written by Andrewe Cambini; and thother of the warres of the Turcke against George Scanderbeg, prince of Epiro, and of the great victories obteyned by the sayd George … translated oute of Italian,’ London, by Rowland Hall for Humfrey Toye, 1562, b. l.; dedicated to the ‘high Admirall,’ Sir Edward Fynes. There is a long preface by the translator on discipline and soldiery. Cambini's commentary was published in 1529. Shute says that he does not know the author of the history of Scanderbeg.
  1. ‘The firste parte of the Christian Instruction, and generall Somme of the Doctrine, conteyned in the holy Scriptures. … Translated into Englishe by John Shute, according to the late Copy set forth by th'author, Maister Peter Viret,’ London, by John Day, 1565. Four of Viret's ‘Dialogues’ are translated. There is a long preface by Shute and a dedication to the Earl of Leicester, which apologises because ‘a simple soldier, better practised abrode in martiall matters than furnised at home with the cunning of the scoole,’ attempts to translate theology.
  2. ‘A Christian Instruction, conteyning the Law and the Gospell. Also a Summarie of the Principall poyntes of the Christian fayth and Religion, and of the abuses and errors contrary to the same. Done in certayne Dialogues in french by M. Peter Viret, sometime minister of the word of God at Nymes in Province. Translated, London,’ by Abraham Veale, 1573. This is a continuation of No. 2. It is dedicated by ‘John Shoute, from London, 4 January,’ to Elizabeth, countess of Lincoln, and contains an epistle to the Christian reader by Shute. The statement that Shute ‘published on Beza and some other theological tracts on the Sacraments’ is probably an inaccurate reference to 2 and 3. He is to be distinguished from John Shute, architect and limner.

[Arber's Transcript, i. 178; Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Dibdin, iv. 102, 361; Brit. Museum Libr. Cat.]

R. B.

SHUTE, afterwards SHUTE-BARRINGTON, JOHN, first Viscount Barrington (1678–1734). [See Barrington.]

SHUTE, JOSIAS or JOSIAH (1588–1643), archdeacon of Colchester, son of Christopher Shute [q. v.], vicar of Giggleswick, Yorkshire, was born there in 1588. After being educated at the grammar school in the village, he proceeded to Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated B.A. 1605, and M.A. 1609. He was instituted on 29 Nov. 1611, on the presentation of James I, to the rectory of St. Mary Woolnoth, Lombard Street, where his eloquent and learned preaching was much appreciated by the royalist party. He remained there for thirty-three years. Fuller says 'he was the most precious jewel shewn in Lombard Street,' then the location of goldsmiths and jewellers, as now of bankers. From about June 1632 Shute acted as chaplain to the East India Company, preached thanksgiving and other sermons for them at St. Helena, and protested against the reduction of mariners' wages (Cal. State Papers, Colonial, East Indies, and Persia, 1630-4, pp. 267, 419, 457, 468, 471, 549, 552). Shute was appointed by Charles I to the archdeaconry of Colchester on 15 April 1642, and was chosen on 14 June 1643 by the houses of parliament a member of the Westminster assembly of divines, but died on 13 June 1643, before the first sitting. He was buried in St. Mary Woolnoth on the 14th (Brooke and Hallen, Transcript of the Registers of St. Mary Woolnoth, p. 222). Fuller, quoting 'Persecutio Undecima,' 1648, 4to, a civil war tract, says he was 'molested and vext to death by the rebels, and