Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 52.djvu/421

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Index to Volume LII.

Sherbrooke, Viscount. See Lowe, Robert (1811-1892).
Sherbrooke, Sir John Coape (1764-1830)
Sherburne, Sir Edward (1618-1702)
Sherer, Moyle (1789-1869)
Sherfield, Henry (d. 1634)
Sheridan, Mrs. Caroline Henrietta (1779-1851)
Sheridan, Charles Francis (1750-1806)
Sheridan, Mrs. Elizabeth Ann (1754-1792)
Sheridan, Mrs. Frances (1724-1766)
Sheridan, Helen Selina, afterwards successively Mrs. Blackwood, Lady Dufferin, and Countess of Gifford (1807-1867)
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Sheridan, Thomas (fl. 1661-1688)
Sheridan, Thomas (1687-1738)
Sheridan, Thomas, the younger (d. 1746). See under Sheridan, Thomas (fl. 1661-1688).
Sheridan, Thomas (1719-1788)
Sheridan, Thomas (1775-1817), usually called Tom. See under Sheridan, Richard Brinsley.
Sheridan, William (1636-1711)
Sheriff, Laurence (d. 1567)
Sheringham, Robert (1602-1678)
Sherington or Sherrington, Sir William (1495?-1553). See Sharington.
Sherley. See also Shirley.
Sherley or Shirley, Thomas (1638-1678)
Sherlock, Martin (d. 1797)
Sherlock, Paul (1595-1646)
Sherlock, Richard (1612-1689)
Sherlock, Thomas (1678-1761)
Sherlock, William, D.D. (1641?-1707)
Sherlock, William (fl. 1759-1806)
Sherlock, William H. (fl. 1800-1820). See under Sherlock, William (fl. 1759-1806).
Sherman, Edward (1776-1866)
Sherman, James (1796-1862)
Sherman, John (d. 1671)
Sherring, Matthew Atmore (1826-1880)
Sherry, John (d. 1551). Sec under Sherry or Shirrye, Richard.
Sherry or Shirrye, Richard (fl. 1550)
Sherwen, John (1749-1826)
Sherwin, Charles (fl. 1780). See under Sherwin, John Keyse.
Sherwin, John Keyse (1751?-1790)
Sherwin, Ralph (1550-1581)
Sherwin, Ralph (1799-1830)
Sherwin, William (1607-1687 ?)
Sherwin, William (fl. 1670-1710)
Sherwood. See also Shirwood.
Sherwood, Mary Martha (1775-1851)
Sherwood, Robert (fl. 1632)
Sherwood, William (d. 1482)
Shewen, William (1631?-1695)
Shield, William (1748-1829)
Shields, Alexander (1660?-1700). See Sheilds.
Shiels, Shiells, or Shields, Robert (d. 1753)
Shilleto, Arthur Richard (1848-1894). See under Shilleto, Richard.
Shilleto, Richard (1809-1876)
Shillibeer, George (1797-1866)
Shilling, Andrew (d. 1621)
Shillitoe, Thomas (1754-1836)
Shipley, Sir Charles (1755-1815)
Shipley, Conway (1782-1808). See under Shipley, William Davies.
Shipley, Georgiana (d. 1806). See under Hare-Naylor, Frances.
Shipley, Jonathan (1714-1788)
Shipley, William (1714-1803)
Shipley, William Davies (1745-1826)
Shipman, Thomas (1632-1680)
Shipp, John (1784-1834)
Shippard, Alexander (1771-1841)
Shippard, William (1764-1856). See under Shippard. Alexander.
Shippen, Robert (1675-1745). See under Shippen, William.
Shippen, William (1673-1743)
Shipton, Mother
Shipton, John (1680-1748)
Shipton, William (fl. 1659)
Shirburn, Robert (1440?-1536). See Sherborne.
Shirley or Sherley, Sir Anthony (1565-1635?)
Shirley, Evelyn Philip (1812-1882)
Shirley, Henry (d. 1627)
Shirley, Sir Horatio (1805-1879)
Shirley, James (1596-1666)
Shirley, John (1366?-1456)
Shirley, John, M.D. (fl. 1678). See under Shirley, John (1648-1679).
Shirley, John (1648-1679)
Shirley, John (fl. 1680-1702). See under Shirley, John (1648-1679).
Shirley, Laurence, fourth Earl Ferrers (1720-1760)
Shirley or Sherley, Robert, commonly called Sir Robert Shirley or Count Shirley (1581?-1628)
Shirley, Sir Robert (1629-1656)
Shirley, Sir Thomas (1542-1612). See under Shirley or Sherley, Sir Thomas (1564-1630?).
Shirley or Sherley, Sir Thomas (1564-1630?)
Shirley, Sir Thomas (1769-1800). See under Shirley, William (1694-1771).
Shirley, Walter (1725-1786)
Shirley, Walter Augustus (1797-1817)
Shirley, Walter Waddington (1828-1866)
Shirley, Washington, fifth Earl Ferrers (1722-1778). See under Shirley, Laurence, fourth Earl Ferrers.
Shirley, William (1694-1771)
Shirley, William (fl. 1739-1780)
Shirreff; Emily Anne Eliza (1814-1897)
Shirreff, John (1759-1818)
Shirrefs, Andrew (1762-1807?)
Shirwood. See also Sherwood.
Shirwood, John (d. 1494)
Shirwood, Robert (fl. 1520)
Shirwood, William (fl. 1260)
Shoberl, Frederic (1775-1853)
Shore, Jane (d. 1527?)
Shore, John, first Baron Teignmouth (1751-1834)
Shore, Louisa Catherine (1824-1895)
Shore, Margaret Emily (1819-1839). See under Shore, Louisa Catherine.
Shore, Thomas (1793-1863). See under Shore, Louisa Catherine.
Shoreditch or Shordych, Sir John de (d. 1345)
Short, Augustus (1802-1883)
Short, Charles William (1799-1857). See under Short, Augustus.
Short, James (1710-1768)
Short, Thomas, M.D. (1635-1685)
Short, Thomas (1690?-1772)
Short, Thomas Vowler (1790-1872)
Shortall, Sebastian (d. 1639)
Shortland, Edward (1812-1893)
Shortland, John (1769-1810)
Shortland, Peter Frederick (1815-1888)