Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 57.djvu/308

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schools. He taught the prisoners in the York gaol, and he aided in founding a lending library in that city. His expositions of the philosophy of education and the duties of teachers were principally delivered at Ackworth school; but he also published ‘Five Papers on the Past Proceedings and Experience of the Society of Friends in connection with the Education of Youth’ (1843).

In 1849 Tuke withdrew from active life in consequence of a paralytic seizure, and lived in retirement until 14 Oct. 1857, when he died at York at the age of seventy-three. He was buried in the Friends' burial-ground, Heslington Road, York.

Tuke married, in 1810, Priscilla, daughter of James Hack of Chichester, by his wife, Hannah Jeffreys of St. James's, Westminster. She died in 1828, leaving a large family; James Hack Tuke [q. v.] and Daniel Hack Tuke [q. v.] were his sons.

Tuke was intimately acquainted with the works of the early writers belonging to the Society of Friends. While his attitude towards them was sympathetic, he was no indiscriminate apologist. He published: 1. ‘Memoirs of Stephen Crisp, with Selections from his Works,’ 1824. 2. ‘Selections from the Epistles of George Fox,’ 1825. 3. ‘Memoirs of George Whitehead,’ 1830. 4. ‘Plea on behalf of George Fox and the early Friends,’ 1837. He was also editor for many years of the ‘Annual Monitor.’

[Memoirs of S. Tuke, 2 vols., with portrait, privately printed for the use of the family only; Memoir by John S. Rowntree, reprinted from the Friends' Quarterly Examiner for April 1895.]

TUKE, THOMAS (d. 1657), royalist divine, was educated at Christ's College, Cambridge, where he proceeded B.A. in 1599 and commenced M.A. in 1603. He was ‘minister of God's word’ at St. Giles's-in-the-Fields, London, in 1616. On 19 July 1617 he was presented by James I to the vicarage of St. Olave Jewry, and he held that living till 16 March 1642–3, when he was sequestered, plundered, and imprisoned for his adherence to the royalist cause (Mercurius Rusticus, p. 256). In 1651 he was preaching at Tattershall, Lincolnshire. Richard Smyth, in his ‘Obituary’ (p. 45), notes that on 13 Sept. 1657 ‘old Mr. Thomas Tuke, once minister at St. Olave's in the Old Jury, was buried at ye new chapell by the new markett place in Lincoln's Inn Fields.’ His wife Mary was buried at St. Olave's on 17 June 1654.

Subjoined is a list of his principal works, most of which are extremely rare: 1. A translation made in collaboration with Francis Cacot of William Perkins's ‘Christian and Plaine Treatise of … Predestination,’ London, 1606, 8vo. 2. ‘The Trve Trial and Turning of a Sinner,’ London, 1607, 8vo. 3. ‘The Treasvre of Trve Love. Or a lively description of the loue of Christ vnto his Spouse,’ London, 1608, 12mo. 4. ‘The Highway to Heauen; or the doctrine of Election, effectuall Vocation, Iustification, Sanctification, and eternall Life,’ London, 1609, 8vo. A Dutch translation by H. Hexham was published at Dordrecht, 1611, 4to. 5. ‘The Pictvre of a true Protestant; or, Gods House and Husbandry: wherein is declared the duty and dignitie of all Gods children, both Ministers and People,’ London, 1609, 8vo. 6. ‘A very Christian, learned and briefe Discourse, concerning the true, ancient, and Catholicke Faith,’ London, 1611, 12mo, translated from the Latin of St. Vincent de Lerins. 7. ‘A Discovrse of Death, bodily, ghostly, and eternall: nor vnfit for Sovldiers warring, Seamen sayling, Strangers trauelling, Women bearing, nor any other liuing that thinkes of Dying,’ London, 1613, 4to. 8. ‘The Practice of the Faithful; containing many godly praiers,’ London, 1613, 8vo. 9. ‘New Essayes: Meditations and Vowes: including in them the Chiefe Duties of a Christian both for Faith and Manners,’ London, 1614, 12mo. 10. ‘The Christians Looking-Glass,’ London, 1615, 8vo. 11. ‘A Treatise against paint[i]ng and tinctvring of Men and Women: against Murther and Poysoning: against Pride and Ambition: against Adulterie and Witchcraft, and the roote of all these, Disobedience to the Ministrie of the Word. Whereunto is added the Pictvre of a Pictvre, or the Character of a Painted Woman,’ London, 1616, 4to. The ‘Picture of a Picture’ was originally printed as a broadside, of which a copy is in the Douce collection at the Bodleian Library. Mr. Grosart says this treatise ‘is of the raciest in its style, drollest in its illustrations, most plain-speaking and fiery in its invectives.’ 12. ‘Index Fidei et Religionis, sive Dilucidatio primi & secundi capitis Epistolæ Catholicæ Divi Jacobi,’ London [1617], 4to. 13. ‘A Theological Discourse of the gracious and blessed conjunction of Christ and a sincere Christian,’ London, 1617, 8vo. 14. ‘Concerning the Holy Eucharist, and the Popish Breaden-God, to the men of Rome, as well laiqves as cleriqves’ [in verse, London], 1625, 4to; 2nd edit. 1636, 4to; reprinted for private circulation in the ‘Miscellanies of the Fuller Worthies' Library,’ 1872, with an introduction and notes by the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart. 15. ‘The Israelites Promise or Profession made to Joshua,’ London, 1651, 8vo.