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duke of Newcastle [q. v.], on hearing of the incident signified to Young their disapprobation. Soon after the expiration of his term of office, on 24 Dec. 1867, he returned to England, and was created G.C.B. on 13 Nov. 1868.

Young determined on his return to enter active political life. Inclining to liberalism, he consulted Gladstone as to a constituency, but found himself in disagreement with the liberal leader on the question of the ballot. In 1868 the conservative ministry offered him the governorship of Canada, which several men of their party, including Lord Mayo, had declined, because the Canadian parliament had impaired the dignity of the office by reducing the governor's salary. Young accepted the post, and on 2 Jan. 1869 he was appointed governor-general of Canada and governor of Prince Edward's Island, which was not annexed to the Dominion until 1873. He reached Canada towards the end of November, and found the rebellion of Louis Riel [q. v.] in progress on his arrival. It was not suppressed until September 1870, when Riel fled into the United States. On 26 Oct. Young was created Baron Lisgar of Lisgar and Baillieborough, co. Cavan. Resigning his post in June 1872, he returned to Ireland, leaving behind him in Canada a reputation for ability and sound judgment. He died at Lisgar House, Baillieborough, on 6 Oct. 1876. On 5 April 1835 he married Adelaide Annabella, daughter of Edward Tuite Dalton by his wife Olivia, afterwards Marchioness of Headfort. Lady Lisgar married, secondly, Sir Francis Charles Fortescue Turville of Bosworth Hall, Leicestershire. Lisgar left no issue, and on his death the barony became extinct, while the baronetcy descended to his nephew, William Need Muston Young. Young's portrait was engraved by George E. Perine for the ‘Eclectic Magazine’ in 1872 (New York, xv. 129).

[Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, s.v. ‘Young of Baillieborough;’ Boase's Modern Biogr. s.v. ‘Lisgar;’ Ward's Men of the Reign, 1885, s.v. ‘Lisgar;’ Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886, s.v. ‘Young;’ Haydn's Book of Dignities, ed. Ockerby; Official Return of Members of Parliament; Records of Lincoln's Inn, 1896, ii. 131; Four Years in the Ionian Islands, 1864, i. 208–29; Dunn's Ionian Islands in relation to Greece, 1859; Rusden's Hist. of Australia, 1883, iii. 259–64; Lang's Hist. of New South Wales, 1875, i. 409–20; Parkes's Fifty Years in the Making of Australian History, 1892; Dent's Last Forty Years, 1881, ii. 487–8, 518; Pope's Memoirs of Sir J. A. Macdonald, 1894, vol. ii.; Dent's Canadian Portrait Gallery, 1881, iv. 40–1.]

E. I. C.

YOUNG, JOHN (1811–1878), Canadian economist and minister of public works, was born at Ayr in Scotland on 4 March 1811, and was educated in the parish school. He went to Canada in his fifteenth year, and, after a short stay in the western province, moved to Quebec, and entered the office of John Torrance & Co. Nine years later he was taken into partnership, and traded in Quebec till 1841, when he proceeded to Montreal as one of the firm of Stephens, Young, & Co. He amassed a fortune, and spent the remainder of his days in Montreal. A representation to Lord Gosford as to the unquiet state of Lower Canada, suggesting the formation of a volunteer force, brought him into notice in 1835. On the breaking out of the rebellion two years later he did good service in raising a regiment of volunteers and taking command of a company. In 1842 he identified himself with the Free Trade Association (Montreal), and by his writings in the ‘Economist’ newspaper during the next four years prepared the business community for the change of policy of 1846, which was distasteful to the Canadian public generally. He was an ardent free-trader all his life, but did not belong to the laisser-faire branch of the school. He saw that the separate life and prosperity of Canada on the American continent depended on cheap and quick transport, and bent his energies to its development, so as to enable the British provinces to compete with the United States, Montreal with New York. The deepening of Lake St. Peter's, which enables ocean steamers to ascend to Montreal, the railway line to Portland (Maine), which gives Montreal a winter port, the line from Montreal to Kingston, which secures the trade of the west, and the junction of the line by means of the Victoria Bridge in 1860, are chiefly to be ascribed to Young. He was a devoted advocate likewise of canal improvement, e.g. the enlargement of the Welland, St. Lawrence, and Lachine canals, a work carried out according to his ideas only in late years, and a canal to connect Lake Champlain with the St. Lawrence, which remains a desideratum. By 1851 he had gained so high a position in public estimation that, on the formation of the Hincks-Morin ministry, he was offered the commissionership of public works, with a seat in the cabinet, though he had never sat in parliament. He accepted the portfolio, and signalised his short term of office by organising the Canadian exhibit at the exhibition of that year, by subsidising steamships between Montreal and Liverpool, and bringing together the intercolonial railway conference. He withdrew from the