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proaching an ice-floe, and caused by the reflection of light by the ice. ice-cloud 'ais^taud n.

1. any one of the class of clouds or cloudlike bodies com- prizing the cirrus clouds and cirro-nebulae, whose compo- nent particles are minute ice-crystals; a cirrus; a cirro- nebula : distinguish^; from watencloud.

2. a low cloud composed of ice-particles or of waters globules colder than ice umich, upon contact with solid bodies, adhere as frostwork; a frost-cloud; a rime-cloud.

ice-crystal 'ais,ksistl n. a crystal of ice; one of the minute crystals or particles of tuhich an ice-cloud or cirro-nebula is made up; an ice-particle.

ice-cycle 'ais,sai-k3l n. an apparatus for traveling or cours- ing on the surface of the ice of rivers, lakes, etc., driven by an aerial screw propeller; a motor-driven ice-boat.

ice-field 'ais^iild n. a field or wide flat expense of ice, especially of marine ice in Polar regions.

ice-floe 'ais,fi.oo n. a large sheet of floating ice, sometimes several miles in extent; an ice-float; a floe.

ice-fog 'ais,fog n. a fog due to wind blowing over ice-fields or ice-floes.

ice-pack 'ais,paek n. a body of separate pieces or drift-ice closely packt so as to form one ice-field.

ice-particle 'ais,parti-k3l n. one of the minute particles of ice occurring suspended in the atmosfere, often forming ice-cloud or cirro-nebula; an ice-crystal.

ice-sky 'ais,skai n. a bright whitish sky or atmosfenc ap- pearance near the horizon, in the Polar regions, indicativ of fields of ice or snow.

ice-spicula 'ais^pikgu-te n. [plural icetspiculae] a spicula or spicule of ice; an ice-spicule.

ice-storm 'ais,sto:erm >n. a precipitation of ice from the atmosfere, as a hailstorm or a fall of sleet or rain which freezes or turns to ice upon coming into contact with objects.

ichthyoid 'ik0i,oid adj. resembling a fish; fish-shaped.

igniter ,ig'nai-taz n. an electjic ceil or other device in an internal-combustion engin for igniting or setting fire to the explosiv mixture of gases with which the cylinder is charged.

ignition. ,ig'm$9n n. the process or action of igniting or being set on fire; a kindling; specifically, the igniting of the mixture of air and hydrocarbon in the cylinder of an internal-combustion engin, causing the gaseous mixture to expand and thus produce motion,

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