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sisting of a kite with a chair swung just below, and provid- ed with cerds for regulating flight.

kite-cell 'kait,sel . a cell intended for use as or in a kite; one of the cells or compartments of a cellular kite.

kite-club 'kait,kLAb n. a club or society devoted to kitefly- ing, as in Japan

kite-designer 'kait-di,zai-n9s n. one who designs or con- trives kites.

kite-designing 'kait-di,zai-nirj n. the act or process of de- signing kites; the occupation of a kite^designer.

kite-experiment 'kait-ik,spezi-mont n. an experiment in kiteflying; a testing of kites.

kite-expert 'kait,ek-spe:zt n. an expert on kites; one skild in the art of kite^making or kiteflying.

kite-factory 'kait,faekt9-zi n. a factory where kites are made; a kite^bilder's establishment.

kite-fancier 'kait,faensi-az . one who fancies, or makes and flies kites; a kite^flyer.

kite-flier 'kait, n. same meaning as kitetflyer.

kite-flight 'kait,fi.ait .

1. the mode of flight characteristic of paper kites.

2. a flight made by a kite ; the action of flying a kite : as, the highest *kite^flights.

kite-flyer 'knit, n. [also spelt kitciflier] one who flies

kites; a kite^fancier. kite-flying lcait,] n. the practis, art, or amusement

of flying kites.

kite-frame 'kai^fseem n. the frame or framework of a kite. kite-game 'kait,geem . a game or sport in which kites are

flown, as in Japan. kite-house 'kait,haus n. a. house or structure from which a

meteorolegic kite is flown or controlled. kite-like 'kait,laik adj. [also spelt kitelike] like a kite in

form or appearance; resembling a kite. kite-line 'kait,lam n. the line by which a kite is flown or

controlled; a kite?sting. kite-meteorograph 'kait-miti/sza-gzaif n. [also spelt kite*

meteorograf] a small meteerograf designed to be carried

by a kite; a combination of a barograf, thermograf, and

anemograf adapted for use on a kite designed for exploring

the atmosfere. kite-observation 'kait-ebzaz/vee-San n. an observation or

accurate remarking of wether^conditions made by means of

a kite or kites. kite-photograph 'kait,fot9-gza:f n. [also spelt kitetfoto-

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