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the center of a hurricane or other such sterm from any given peint has a certain rough relation to the average rate at tuhich the barometric pressure is falling.

Maxwell's law of viscosities, the law or principle that the viscosity of a gas is independent of its pressure. sine law, same meaning as sine f square law. sine-f squared law, same meaning as sine? square law. sinefsquare law, the law or principle stated by Isaac Newton, that in a (Newtonian) fluid the resistance to a moving solid surface varies directly as the square of the sine of the angle of incidence; the sine^squared law; the sine law.

leaden 'ledn adj. [also spelt leden} having the color of led; dull^colord; gloomy: as, a *leden sky.

leading-angle 'hi-din,aerjg3l n. the angle of a wing or other aerofoil which is in leading or forward position; the angle of the leading or advancing edge; the angle of entry: the epposit of tr ailing^ angle.

leakage 'hi-kids n. the action of leaking; gradual escape of inflating^gas, as thru a hole or nfis in a balloon^envelop.

lee hi n. the shelterd side of an airship, the land, an emi- nence, or other object; the side turnd away from the wind. lee shore, the shore or coast on the lee side of the ship; the shore toward or against which the wind blows; the lee- ward shore.

leeward 'hi-w^d adv. toward the lee or side which is turnd away from the wind; toward the shelterd side: opposed to windward.

leeward 'hi-wazd adj. away from the wind; farthest from the point toward tuhich the wind blows : the pposit of windward.

leeward 'hi-wazd n. the part or side which is shelterd from the wind; the shelterd side; the lee.

leewardly 'hi-waz-dli adj. (nautical) apt to fall to leeward : opposed to weatherly.

leg leg n. a run made (by a water^ship) en a single tack; a flight made in a single direction or over a single division or section of the whole course.

leonid 'hi-D-nid n. a falling star or meteor which appears to issue or hail from the constellation Leo.

lepidopter ,lepi'dopt3z . any insect of the order lepi- doptera.

lepidoptera ,lepi'dept3-rD n. pi. a large erder of insects comprizing the butterflies and moths, characterized by hav- ing four membranous wings coverd with scales; the scaly* wingd insects.

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