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fixt enclosure experiences resistance to its motion, the bedy imparts no momentum to the fluid.

monoplane 'mena^teen n. a smgle^plane f lymg^machine ; a flying^ or glidmg^machine having commonly but one main sustaining^plane (at least en either side of its central bedy), er (if it have two or more main sustaining^planes), having the sustaining^planes which are located en either side of its central bedy disposed in one geometric plane; an aeroplane flymg^machine without superposed sustaimng^planes : con- tjasted with biplaife, triplane, multiplane, etc.

double monoplane, a monoplane having two sustaining? planes, placed one after the other; a tandem monoplane having two sustainmg^surfaces.

tandem monoplane, a monoplane which has separate sus- taining^planes placed tandem, or one after the other, as in a double monoplane, see tandem.

monoplane / men9,pi.een adj. resembling or having the characteristics or nature of a monoplane; single^plane; one^ plane; flat: as, a *menoplane tail. monoplane-flight 'mena-pteen^tait n. a flight made by

or in a monoplane. monoplanist 'men9,pi,ee-nist n. one who uses monoplanes;

an aviator who drives monoplanes.

monsoon ,men'suun n. a seasonal wind prevailing in south- ern Asia and the Indian Ocean, tuhich from April to Oc- tober blows from the southwest and from October to April from the northeast.

dry monsoon, same meaning as winter monsoon, rainy monsoon, the southwest monsoon, occurring in summer and commonly accompanied by hevy and continuous rainfall ; the wet monsoon; the summer monsoon. summer monsoon, same meaning as rainy monsoon, wet monsoon, same meaning as rainy monsoon, winter monsoon, the northeast mensoon, occurring in winter; the dry monsoon.

montgolfier ,ment'gelfi-3z n. [also spelt montgolfiere, montgolfiere] a balloon of the kind invented by the brothers J. M. and J. E. Mentgelfier of Annonay (Ardeche), France, in 1783, raised by heated air; a het^air balloon; a fire^balloon ; a Mentgelfier balloon.

moonlight 'muun,?ait n. the light of the moon; moonshine. mooring 'mo:-zir) n. something by tuhich an airship or bal- loon is made fast to earth, or the object to luhich it is moored or made fast.

moth me: 6 n. any lepidopterous insect of the suborder hete- recera, which resemble the butterflies (rhopalocera) but are

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