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of the gasbag of a balloon, thru which the inflatingsgas is introduced, and which is eften left open while voyaging; the tail.

open neck, the neck of a balloon as left open or unclosed, as is sometimes the case when incomplete inflation of the gasbag is empleyd : as, the *open*neck scheme.

neck-pipe 'nek,paip n. a pipe or tube fitted into the neck of a balloon.

needle-hole 'nii-dl,hoo* n. one of the holes in a balloon* envelop or gasbag, made by the needle in sewing the gores together.

negotiate ni'goo-$i,et tr. manage, handle: as, to *negotiate a curv; Negotiating air-currents.

neon 'nii,en n. an elementary gas, a constituent of the atmos- fere, discoverd by Ramsay about 1898.

neossoptile ^i-a'soptil . [also spelt neossoptil] one of the soft fethers of a newly hatcht bird, as contrasted with a fether of a mature type.

nephological ^efa'tedsi-kal adj. [also spelt nefological] pertaining to nefelogy; relating to clouds or cloudiness.

nephologist ni'fete-dsist n. [also spelt nefologist] one skild in nefelogy; a student of the clouds.

nephology ni'fela-dsi n. [also spelt nefology] the science of the clouds; cloud-study.

nephoscope 'nefa,skop n. [also spelt nefoscope] an instru- ment for observing cloudzmotion and determining the alti- tude of clouds and the velocity and direction of their movement.

Abbe's marine nephoscope, a nefoscope designed for ob- serving the motions of the clouds at sea.

Aime's nephoscope, a nefoscope for showing the altitude of the clouds; a reflecting anemometer.

Besson's zenithal nephoscope, a nefoscope especially adapted for observations near the zenith.

vanishing-point nephoscope, a nefoscope designed for quickly observing the vanishing-point and radiation^peint for the motion of clouds which are moving in parallel directions.

nephoscopic ,nef9'skepik adj. [also spelt nefoscopic] ef, or made by means ef, the nefoscope : as,, *nefoscepic ob- servations.

nephoscopist ni'fesks-pist n. [also spelt nefoscopist] a student of nefescopy; a nefelogist.

nephoscopy ni'feska-pi n. [also spelt nefoscopy] scientific observation of the clouds; nefelogy.

nervnlet 'nBrz-vio-tet n. a little nervure, in an insect's wing.

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