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snow-spectacles 'sNoo^pekta-kslz n. pi. a. kind of spectacles or shield with narrow slits, designed to protect the eyes from the glare of the snow.

soar so:z intr. mount on wings, or as en wings, thru the air; rise aloft and remain en the wing without visible move- ments of the pinions; fly easily to a great height with but little advance in any direction; sail en the air; glide.

soar sz:z n. height attaind in soaring; the range of one that soars.

soarer 'soi-zaz n. a bird which habitually soars.

soaring 'so:-ir) n. the action of the verb soar; the act or process of flying easily and lightly upward with or without wingsmovement; the action of sailing en the air.

automatic soaring, soaring perfermd by an aircraft by automatic means; soaring by means of self-acting mech- anism.

dynamic soaring, soaring which depends upon want of uniformity of the wind, in distinction from soaring in a wind which is uniform and has an upward velecity-compo- nent.

soaring-energy 'sor-zir^enaz-dsi n. energy of soaring.

soaringly 'soi-ein-li adv. as if soaring; so as to soar; with an upward motion or direction. .

soaring-machine / so:-?irj-ni9 / Siin n. a machine designed for soaring or practising soaring flight; a gliding-machine ; a glider.

soaring-velocity 'sD:-zin-vi,tesi-ti n. velocity or speed of soaring or gliding.

solano sa'Jai-no n. an easterly or southerly wind occurring in Spain or en the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

somersault 'sAmaz/scilt n. [also spelt sommersault] a com- plete turn in the air; a revolution or rotation in the air, usually about a transverse axis.

sonora S3'no:-z9 n. a sterm occurring in parts of southern California; also, an immense thundercloud.

soul sool n. the loose dry pith, in the form of a series of caps or thimbles, in the calamus, tube, barrel or quill of a bird's fether.

sound sound v.

1. tr. mesure the depth ef; fathom: as, *sounding the ocean of air.

2. intr. use soundmg^apparatus, as in finding the depth of the air below an aircraft : as, *sounding for the bettom or terrain.

sounding-balloon 'saun-dirj-bs^uun n.

1. a balloon used for sounding or investigating the air

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