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land speed, the speed of a flying^machine relativ to the lancUsurface or earth beneath : distinguisht from air speed, law of corresponding speeds, the law that when the speed of a given aircraft or model is to that of another similar craft as the square roots of their linear mesurements, their resistances are as to their respectiv masses, or as the cubes of their linear mesurements.

speed spiid intr. [past participle and preterit sped, speeded} make progress ; fly along : as, the machine *sped rapidly en.

speed-circle 'spiid^Bzkal . a circular flight made at spe- cial speed; a circular speed^flight.

speed-flight 'spiid,f>,ait n. a flight made at special speed, as by balloon or aeroplane; a suuift flight; a speediest.

speeding 'spii-dirj n. the action of putting on speed or going at a rapid gait in an airship; the practis of making speeds flights.

speed-prize 'spiid,psaiz n. a prize, premium, or tjofy efferd for or won by making a speed^record in a flying^machine ; a speed?tofy.

speed-test 'spiid,test n. a test or tpal of the speed of a f lyingsmachine ; a speed^tjial.

speed-trial 'spiid,tai-9l n. a trjial of the speed of an air- ship; a flight or race in which speed is tested; a tjial speedsf light ; a speediest.

speed-trophy 'spiid,tr,oo-fi n. [also spelt speedftrofy] a tr,ofy or prize offerd for or won by making a speed^record in a flying^machine; a speed^prize.

sphere sfi:z n. [also spelt sfere} the gasbag (of a sferical balloon).

spherical 'sfezi-kal adj. [also spelt sferical} having the form of a sf ere, ball, or globe, as a balloon ; globular, round, sf eric.

spherical 'sfezi-kal n. [also spelt sferical} a sferical balloon.

spheroidal sfi'zoi-dl adj. [also spelt sferoidal} having the the shape or character of a sfereid; resembling a sfere in form, but not quite sferical, as an ellipsoid of revolution ; nearly sfere^shaped : as, a balloon of *sf ereidal shape.

spider-web 'spai-daz,web n. a device used for holding a balloon in place during inflation, consisting of a stout rope encircling the netting (and fastend and readjusted to the netting from time to time by snap^hooks), with lateral ropes extending radially from it to timbers sunk in the ground at intervals around and at some distance from the balloon.

spindle-shaped 'spindt^eept adj. shaped or formd like a spindle used in hand^spinning; circular in cross^section and tapering from the middle toward each end; fusiform: as, a *spmdle*shaped balloon.

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