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stability-control sta'biliti-kan^ooi w. the contjol or con- tolling-mechanism of the stability or equilibrium of an air-craft.

stabilize 'stee-bi,laiz v. [also spelt stabilise'} render stable or stedy; equilibrate; balance.

stabilizer 'stee-bi,lai-z3z n. [also spelt stabiliserl a device which stabilizes or balances an aircraft, either laterally or longitudinally; specifically, a stabilizing-plane ; a balancer; an equilibrator; also, one of the pear-shaped protuberances at the end of the gasbag of a dirigible balloon, as the Clement-Bayard, serving to stedy the craft in flight.

stabilizing-fixi / stee-bi-lai-zin / fin n. a fin or fin-like aero- foil used for stabilizing or balancing an aircraft ; a ver- tical stabilizing-plane.

stabilizing-plane 'stee-bi-lai-zir|,pteen n. an aeroplane used for stabilizing or balancing an air-craft, as an aile- ron, fin, or rudder; a balancing-plane.

stabilizing-r udder 'stee-bi-lai-zin,zAd3z n. a rudder or rudder-like plane used in stabilizing or balancing an air- craft ; a balancing-rudder ; an aileron.

stabilizing-surface 'stee-bi-lai-zirj,SBzfis n. a surface or aerofoil used in stabilizing or balancing an aircraft; a balancing-surface.

stable 'stee-bal adj. firm, stedfast; not easily overthrown or thrown out of balance in the air; well equilibrated during flight; stedy.

stagger 'staegaz v, arrange (or arrange the parts of) in zig- zag or stept order or series: as, *staggerd surfaces; a

  • staggerd biplane; a *staggerd-tooth gear.

stake-balloon 'steek-b^loun n. a small captiv balloon used as a stake, mark, or limit in a flying-course.

standard 'staendazd n. the two vanes, webs, or vexilla of a bird's fether, taken together.

star starz n. any celestial body which appears regularly and constantly as a point of light; especially, one of the so-cald fixt stars, (see below.)

fixed star, one of the self-luminous stars at a great dis- tance from the earth, which remains practically fixt in its position relativ to the other stars of the same class: distinguisht from the planets, the sun, moon, cemets, and the like.

starboard 'sta:z,bD:zd, 'starz-bazd adj. n that side of an air-craft which is en the right as one faces the bow: as, his ^starboard wing: the pposit of larboard and port.

star-chart 'starz^Saizt n. a chart of the stars; a map of the hevens; an astjografic chart.

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