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of the losth meridian west of Greenwich. It is 7 hours earlier than Greenwich time.

Pacific time, the standard time or hour used in the Pacific or fifth American time^section; the time of the i2Oth me- ridian west of Greenwich. It is 8 hours earlier than Greenwich time.

solar time, time as reckond from, or mesured by, the ap- parent position of the sun; apparent time.

standard time, the system of reckoning time (in con- fernuty with the international time system) adopted by the railroads, etc., of the United States and Canada en Novem- ber i8th, 1883, and now in general use in those and many other countries, which takes the time of Greenwich, Eng- land, as the basis and divides the world into sections in each of which the time is taken as varying exactly one hour from that of the next section : distinguisht from local time,

tip tip n. the extremity or end, as of a wing; the outer part or lateral termination, whether flexible or rigid, mov- able or fixt, of a main plane or aerofoil of a. flying^ma- chine; also, a small supplementary plane or end^piece at or near either extremity of a sustaining^plane, such as an aileron or winglet, or a rear flap, used for balancing : as, the *tip of a wing; the left *tip of the machine.

from tip to tip, from the tip or outer extremity of one of the wings of a bird or flying^machine to the tip of the other and epposit wing, tuhen the wings are extended. tip tip v. [past participle and preterit tipped, tipt]

1. tr. turn from an upright position, as a flymg^machine ; cause to slant or lean, as a horizontal aeroplane; incline downward; tilt; cant.

2. intr. lean from the normal or usual position; slant over.

tip-control 'tip-k9n,tjool n. a device or apparatus for con- tollmg or regulating the movements or position of the tip or extremity of the plane, wing, or sustainingssurface of an aeroplane or flying^machine.

tip-feather 'tip,fedaz n. [also spelt tipffether] one of the fethers at the tip or outer end of a bird's wing : as, the finger?like *tip=fethers of the wings of many soaring birds.

tip -rudder 'tip^Adaz n. a rudder or rudder^like aerofoil located at the tip or outer end of a main sustaining^plane in a flymg^machine; an aileren.

tip-speed 'tip,spiid n. the oscillatory speed of the tip of a reciprocating wing; the up?and#down velocity of a wings tip in flapping flight.

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