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weather-register 'wed9z,zed3i-st3z n. a register or record of wether^conditions; an hourly or daily meteorolegic rec- ord at any station, especially such a record kept by the ob- servers themselvs, as distinguisht from one kept by self* recording instruments.

weather-report 'wed9z-zi,po:zt n. a report of the wether? conditions, especially as issued daily by a wether^servis.

weather-service 'wed9z,SBzvis n. [also spelt wethentservis] a servis or organization for studying, reporting upon, and forecasting the wether; a meteorological servis, such as maintaind by each of the principal governments of the world.

weather-sharp 'wed3z,$a:zp n. an expert on the wether; a skild forecaster or meteorologist.

weather-sign 'wed3z,sam n. a sign or indication of wether? conditions; a fenemenon or sensation indicating state or change of wether or atmosferic conditions.

weather-signal 'wedaz,signl n. a signal, such as a special flag, displayd so as to give notice of, or information re- garding, approaching wether^conditions.

Buys Ballot's system of weathertsignals, a system of wether^signals, the first in modern times, adopted in Hol- land in 1860, and employing a form of semafore similar in design to the French, consisting of a movable horizontal bar or wind^vane and an arm hinged to the vane and carry- ing a disk at its free end.

weather-situation 'wed3z-sit$u,ee-$an n. the situation as to wether; the state of things as far as the wether goes; the wether^conditions.

weather-station 'wed3z,stee-$9n n. a station where observa- tions are made upon the wether and reported to a centjal effis; one of the branch stations of a wether^servis ; a me- teorolegic observing?station.

weather-symbol 'wed3z,simb9l n. a symbol or conven- tional sign used in recording wether^conditions or making wether^maps, as one of those adopted by the International Meteorological Congress to represent hydrometeors, etc.

weather-type 'weda^taip n. a type or distinctiv kind of wether observable at a given station under given distance* relations to centers of high and low barometric pressure, compare windztype.

weather-warning 'wedaz/weiz-nirj n. warning regarding approaching bad wether; an admonitory wether^signal. compare stormtwarning.

weather-whistle 'weba^unsal n. a tuhistle used as a

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