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winder 'wain-da? n. a, device for winding a cerd, as in a rubber-band driven flyer.

wind-firm 'wind,fB:zm adj. firm against the wind; capa- ble of withstanding hevy winds.

wind-fluctuation 'wmd-fLAkt$u,ee-$9n n. the fluctuation or wave-like movement in the wind, in different direc- tions; turbulence, commotion, or disturbance of the wind.

wind-friction 'wind,f:3ik$9n . the friction or surface-re- sistance of the wind, as upon a kite; air-friction.

wind-gage 'wind,geed3 n. [also spelt wind-gauge] an m- stument for gaging or mesuring the velocity, force, or pressure of the wind; an anemometer.

wind-gall 'wmd,gc:l . a fragment, piece, or portion of a rainbow seen en detacht clouds; a wind-deg.

wind-gap 'wind,gaep n. a sloping ravine, netch, or cleft indenting the upper part of a mountain-ridge.

wind-guard 'wmd,ga:zd n. [also spelt wind*gard\ a gard, as en the nose of a balloon, for protection against the wind ; a wind-screen.

wind-gust 'wind,gAst n. a gust or flaw of wind.

wind-gyration 'wind-dsai^ee-Jan n. a gyration or rotary mass of wind; an atmosferic eddy.

windily 'windi-li adv. with high wind; in a way that be- tokens wind.

windiness 'windi-nis n. the state of being windy or tem- pestuous.

winding-drum 'wam-dirj,drAm n. a drum or windlass en a flying-machine by means of which to wind the starting- rope by tuhich the craft is launcht; a winch.

windlass 'windtes n. a tuheel-and-axle device, such as a winch, used for controlling the ropes or lines connected with captiv balloons or kites, or the guide-ropes of bal- loons.

wind-mantle 'wmd,m3entl n. a natural or artificial forest maintaind as a mantle for protection against the wind; a shelter-belt or shelter-wood.

wind-meter 'wmd,mii-t3z n. a meter or mesunng-device for gaging the force, pressure, or velocity of the wind; an anememeter.

windmill 'wind,mil, 'wi^mil n. a wind-motor.

windmill-sail 'wind-mi^seel n. one of the sails, vanes, or inhips of a windmill.

wind-motion 'wind^moo-Son n. the motion of the wind; the movement of the air : as, the motiv power of *wind-motion.

wind-motor 'wind / moo-t3^ n. a motor driven by the force of the wind; a windmill.

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