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wing-membrane 'wir^mem-bzen n. the membrane or skin of a bat's wing; the alar membrane; the patagium or para- chute of certain flying animals.

wing-motion 'wiij,moo-$3n n. the motion of a wing or wings; the mode of moving the wings: as, the *wing-mo- tion of birds.

wing-muscle 'win,niAS9l n. one of the muscles of 'a bird's wing; a flight-muscle.

wing-nervure 'win,ni3:z-vioc: n. one of the nervures or veins of an insect's wing.

wing-outline 'wirj,aot-lain n. the outline, contour, or shape of a wing or aerofoil; wing-form; wing-plan.

wing-pad 'wir^paed n. an undevelopt pad-like wing, as in a young grasshopper.

wing-pair 'wir),pe:z n. a pair of wings; the two wings or aerofoils of a bird or flying-machine considerd together.

wing-patch. 'wirj,paet$ n. any conspicuous patch of color en a bird's wing, as a wing-mark or speculum.

wing-plan 'wir^ptam n. the plan or horizontal projection of a wing; the form or contour of an aerofoil as seen from above or below.

wing-plane 'win,pz,een n. a plane or aeroplane, in an air- ship, which functions as a sustaining-surface : as, *wmg- planes and rudder-planes.

wing-post 'wirj,poost n. a post or messenger that travels en the wing, as a carrier-pigeon.

wing-power 'wir),pau-3c: n. the power or force of the wings or sustaining-planes; the mechanical energy of reciprocal ing wings, as used in an ernithopter.

wing-pressure 'wirj,p5e$3z: n. the pressure of the wings (as of an albatross) against the air, in flight.

wing-propeller 'win-p3O,pe}3z n. a propeller which operates the wing or wings of an aeroplane or flying-machine.

wing-quill 'wir^kicil n. one of the quill-fethers of a bird's wing; a flight-f ether; a remex.

wing-resistance 'win-zi,zislns n. the resistance fferd to the air by either wing of an aerofoil : as, the relativ *wing- resistances in the line of flight.

wing-scale 'wirj,skeel: n. (in entomology} the scale or tegu- la covering the base of the anterior wing of a hymenopter; a squamula or squamule.

wing-section 'wir^sekSsn n. a section or sectional dia- gram of a wing; a wing grafically represented as if cut by an intersecting plane; especially, the longitudinal section (showing the fore-and-aft curvature) of a wing.

wing-sheath 'win^iiO n. a wing-case; an elytron.

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