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it is connected with the stjing or line by which the kite is contjolled from the earth.

elastic bridle, a kite-bridle in which there is an elastic band which acts in such a manner that an increasing strain gradually alters the angle of flight: as, the Blue Hill automatic *elastic bridle. brontograph 'bzent3,gza:f n. [also spelt brontograf]

1. a brentemeter.

2. a map or diagram which, by means of isobrents, etc., shows the movement of a thunder-storm.

brontonieter ,bzen'temi-t3z . an instjument for recording the fenemena of thunder-storms; a brentograf.

buckle 'bAkal intr. bend, bow; curlj become wrinkled*

buffer 'bAf9z n. any device or apparatus on the outside of a balloon-car for dedening the concussion or taking up or neutralizing the sheck of the bumps of the car against the ground or other object; a shock-absorber.

bump bAmp intr. come forcibly in contact with some- thing; strike hevily, as a balloon-car against the ground u)hen landing, on a windy day.

buoy 'buu-i n. a float fixt at a certain place to show the po- sition of objects beneath the water, as shoals or rocks, or to indicate ship-channels; also, a lifebuoy.

buoy 'buu-i tr. support or sustain in a fluid, as the air; keep from sinking or falling; hold up.

buoyancy 'bei-an-si n. the quality of being buoyant; also, the power of supporting a body so that it floats : said of a fluid.

buoyant 'bei-ant adj.

1. having the quality of rising or floating in a fluid; floating; relativly light; that will net sink; also, pertain- ing to buoyancy : as, *bueyant equipoise.

2. having the power of keeping bodies suspended or afloat: said of the air or other fluid.

buran 'boi-zan n. a snowstorm; especially a long-continued

snowstorm accompanied by a cold northeast gale and clouds

of drifting snow, occurring en the steppes and deserts of

central Asia. burga 'bo:z-g3 n. [also spelt boorga] a storm of wind and

sleet in Alaska, similar to the porga of Siberia and Russia. burning-gas 'bi3znirj,gses . illuminating gas; coal-gas. butterfly 'bAt3z,f*.ai n. any diurnal lepidepterous insect,

especially one of the rhopalocerous lepideptera. buttock 'bAtak n. the portion of an aerofoil or stjeamline

body between the shoulder and the tail; the fore part of the

run of a stjeamline body.

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