Page:Dictionary of spoken Russian (1945).djvu/240

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хвали, хвалите; хвалящий, хваля, хвалимый; хвалил, хвалила; похваленный [-lj'n'y], похвален, похвалена. The dictionary indicates shifting stress by giving the pr S1 and S3: хвалить, хвалю, хвалит.

When verbs in [itj] are compounded with the stressed preverb вы-, they keep the ending [-i] in the imv: курить "to smoke," курию, курит, imv кури; выкурить "to smoke up," imv выкури.

Before the pr S1 ending [-u] and in the ppp the final consonant of the stem is replaced as follows:

[bj, fj, mj, pj, vj] add [ij]: любить "to love," люблю, любишь, любит, любим, любите, любят; люби; любил; возлюбленный

[dj, zj] are replaced by [ž]: щадить "to spare," щажу, щадит, пощажённый; разить "to strike down," ражу, разит, поражённый

[sj] is replaced by [š]: броснть "to throw," брошу, бросит, брошенный

[stj] is replaced by [šč]: чистить "to clean," чащу, чистит, почищенный

[tj] is replaced by [č]: тратить "to spend," трачу, тратит, потраченный

[zdj] is replaced by [žj]: ездить "to ride," езжу, ездит, заезженный "worn out by riding."

A few verbs are irregular in replacing [tj] by [šč]: посетить "to visit," посещу, посетит, посещённый. A few replace [dj] by [ždj] in the ppp: наградить "to reward," награжу, наградит, награждённый; also, with [zdj], пригвоздить "to nail on," пригвозжу, пригвоздит, пригвождённый. These forms are shown in the dictionary.


Most irregular verbs are peculiar only in that the inf stem and the pr stem do not match. Thus, держать "to hold" has the pr forms as of Class Four: держу, держит; the dictionary, by showing these forms, tells the whole story: imv держи, p держал, ppp подержанный. Similarly, чуять "to scent" has the pr stem [čuy-]: чую, чует; this indication suffices: imv чуй, p чуял, чуяла.

All other irregularities are cited in the dictionary and require no comment here; we name some of the more frequent ones in §§27, 28, 29. When the dictionary cites irregular forms between slanted lines, this means that the regular forms are also used.


A few verbs have a pr stem ending in consonant plus [y]; these insert a vowel in the imv form: пить "to drink," пью, пьёт; the imv is пей, пейте.

Some irregular verbs have the pr like Classes One, Two, and Three, but the pr stem ends in a consonant other than [n, j]: несу "I carry," несёшь, несёт, несём, несёте, несут, imv неси, несите. All those whose pr stem ends in [g] and nearly all whose pr stem ends in [k] replace these consonants by [ž] and [č] respectively before the endings that we write with [j]: могу "I can," можешь, может, можем, можете, могут, imv помоги "help"; пеку "I bake," печёшь, печёт, печём, печёте, пекут; imv пеки.

The verbs давать "to give," даю, даёт; -знавать (used chiefly in compounds) "to know," -знаю, -знаёт; -ставать (used chiefly in compounds) "to stand," -стаю, -стаёт, form the imv and prger as if they were regular verbs: давай, давайте, давая.

Only four verbs are entirely irregular in the present forms:

бежать "to run": бегу, бежишь, бежит, бежим, бежите, бегут, imv беги
дать "to give": дам, дашь, даст, дадим, дадите, дадут, imv дай
есть "to eat": ем, ешь, ест, едим, едите, едят, imv ешь
хотеть "to want"; хочу, хочешь, хочет, хотим, хотите, хотят, imv хоти


Some verbs whose inf stem has only one syllable (not counting preverbs) have shifting stress in the p forms. Some stress only the F ending: жить "to live," живу, живёт, p жил, жила, жило, жили. Mostly such verbs draw the stress back to a preverb in the other p forms: занять "to occupy," займу, займёт, p занял, заняла, заняло, заняли, and they similarly stress the ppp forms: занятый "occupied," sh занят, занята, занято, заняты. In the p refl forms they often stress the last syllable throughout, but in this there is much variation: занялся "occupied himself," занялась, занялось, занялись. A few draw the stress back to a preceding не "not": быть "to be," буду, будет, p был, была, было, были, but не был [nje b'l] "he was not," не была [nj' bila], не было, не были.

Some few verbs stress all the p endings: вёл "he led," вела, вело, вели.

Some irregular verbs make the ppp with [-t]: занять "to occupy," занятый; дуть "to blow" (otherwise regular: дую, дует, дуй, дул, дула), надутый "puffed up"; брить "to shave," брею, бреет, побритый; петь "to sing," пою, поёт (imv пой), петый "(one that has been) sung."

Some irregular verbs have the inf stem ending in a consonant. This consonant combines in various ways with the inf ending [-tj], which here sometimes has a stressed form [-tji]. In the p forms, final [d, t] drop before the [-l]; after other consonants the [-l] drops in the M form. After [r] the inf ends in [-etj]. The ppp, when not formed with [-t], is made with [-jonn], before which [g, k] are replaced by [ž, č]. The following are typical instances:

stem [vjod-] вести "to lead," веду, ведёт, p вёл, вела, вело, вели, поведённый

stem [strjig-] стричь "to shear," стригу, стрижёт, imv стриги, p стриг, стригла, стригло, -и, стриженный