Page:Dictionary of spoken Russian (1945).djvu/573

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Республики Столицы Republics Capitals


Кара-Калпакская АССР Турткул Kara-Kalpak ASSR Turtkul


Горно-Бадахшайская Автономная Область Хорог Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast Khorog


Абхазская АССР Сухуми Abkhazian ASSR Sukhum

Аджарская АССР Батуми Adzharian ASSR Batum

Южно-Осетинская Автономная Область Сталинир South-Ossetian Autonomous Oblast Stalinir


Нахичеванская АССР Нахичевань Nakhichevan ASSR Nakhichevan

Нагорно-Карабахская автономная область Степанакерт Nagorno-Karabakh autonomous oblast Stepanakert

All other republics include no autonomous republics, regions, or national districts. They are divided into routine administrative units, "krai" and "oblast," which are subdivided into "rayon."


Glossary of Special Soviet Terms

автономная область autonomous oblast. An autonomous part of a union or autonomous republic; it is populated by a national minority, and represented in the Council of Nationalities.

автономная советская социалистическая республика Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (ASSR). An ASSR is usually a part of a Union Republic. Its population is usually a national minority. ASSR's have their own constitution, and enjoy internal autonomy.

аул aul. Mountain village in the Caucasus or the Crimea.

верховный прокурор chief prosecutor, attorney general. Chief prosecutor of the USSR.

Верховный совет СССР Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Highest governing body of the Soviet Union, elected by the entire population. There are two chambers: the Council of the Union, and the Council of Nationalities.

верховный суд СССР Supreme Court of the USSR. Highest judicial body of the Soviet Union.

внешторг See наркомат внешней торговли.

Всесоюзная коммунистическая партия (большевиков) All-Union Communist (Bolshevik) Party.

Всесоюзный ленинский коммунистический союз молодёжи All-Union Leninist Young Communist League. See also комсомол.

герой Советского Союза Hero of the Soviet Union. Highest distinction conferred by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet.

герой труда Hero of Labor. Highest distinction conferred on workers.

главк Glavk. An administrative body having control of an industry.

госбанк Gosbank. Government bank of the USSR.

госплан national planning board

госстрах Gosstrakh. Government insurance service of the USSR.

госторг Gostorg. National organization for retail trade.

интурист Intourist. Government travelers' office.

исполком совета executive committee of a Soviet.

кишлак kishlak. Type of village in Central Asia.

комиссариат commissariat. See also наркомат.

комиссия советского контроля Soviet control commission. Agency of government control and supervision.

коммунистическая партия Communist Party.

компартия Communist Party.

комсомол Komsomol. See also Всесоюзный ленинский коммунистический союз молодёжи.

край krai (territory). Large administrative and territorial unit within a Union Republic.

крайисполком executive committee of the soviet of a krai.

нарком See народный комиссар.

наркомат See Народный комиссариат.

наркомат внешней торговли People's Commissariat for Foreign Trade.

наркомат внутренней торговли People's Commissariat of Internal Trade.

наркомат внутренних дел People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs.

наркомат водного транспорта People's Commissariat for River Transport.