Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/100

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  • emparejar to make level, make even [Am]; to match [Sp].
  • empatar to equal.  to tie Los dos equipos empataron en el primer partido. The two teams tied in the first game.
  • empate [m] tie, draw.
  • empedrado cobblestone pavement.
  • empedrar to pave with cobblestones.
  • empellón [m] push, shove Me dio un empellón y pasó delante de mí. He gave me a push and got ahead of me.
     entrar a empellones to push one's way in La gente entraba a empellones. The people pushed their way in.
  • empeñar to pledge, give Empeñé mi palabra. I gave my word.  to pawn Tuvo que empeñar su reloj. He had to pawn his watch.
     empeñarse en to be bent on Se empeña en hacerlo a pesar de los obstáculos. He's bent on doing it in spite of all obstacles.
  • empeño determination, firmness Trabajó con tanto empeño que se hizo rico. He worked with such determination that he became rich.  pawn; pawning.
     casa de empeños pawnshop.
  • empeorarse to grow worse.
  • empezar [rad-ch I] to begin ¿A qué hora empieza la función? When does the performance begin?
  • empinado steep.
  • empinar  empinar el codo to drink Le gusta empinar el codo. He likes to drink.  empinarse to stand on one's toes Tendrá que empinarse para poder ver. You'll have to stand on your toes to see.
  • empleado See emplear.  [n] employee.
  • emplear to use, employ Emplearemos otro material. We'll use other material.  to employ, hire ¿Van a emplear más gente? Are they going to employ more people?  to invest Empleó su dinero en negocios. He invested his money in business.
  • empleo employment; job Tengo un buen empleo. I have a good job.  use El empleo de esa palabra no es común. That word isn't in common use.
  • empobrecerse [-zc-] to become poor.
  • empolvarse to powder oneself Se empolva demasiado. She uses too much powder.  to get dusty En este tiempo se empolva mucho la carretera. The road gets very dusty in this weather.
  • emprender to undertake.
  • empresa undertaking, project, enterprise Es muy difícil realizar esa empresa. It's very difficult to carry out that project.  company Ha quebrado la empresa. The company's failed.
  • empresario manager (theatrical), promoter.
  • empujar to push Haga el favor de empujar la mesa hacia aquí. Please push the table over this way.
  • empujón [m] push Le dieron un empujón. They gave him a push.
     a empujones by pushing.
  • en in.  at La vi en la estación. I saw her at the station.  on ¿En cuál tren vino Ud.? What train did you come on?
     en vano in vain Esperé en vano toda la tarde. I waited all afternoon in vain.
  • enamorado in love.  [n] one in love, lover, sweetheart.
  • enamorar to flirt with, make love to Enamora a todas las chicas. He makes love to all the girls.
     enamorarse de to fall in love with.
  • encadenar to chain.
  • encajar to fit La tapa no encaja bien. The cover doesn't fit well.  to fit in Ella no encaja bien aquí. She doesn't fit in here.
  • encaminar to direct Los encaminamos a la estación. We directed them to the station.
     encaminarse to make one's way, go Se encaminó hacia su casa. He went toward his house.
  • encantador [adj] charming.  [n] charmer.
  • encantar to charm, delight Esta escena me encanta. This scene delights me.
  • encanto charm.
  • encarado  mal encarado tough-looking Es un'tío muy mal encarado. He's a very tough-looking guy.
  • encaramarse to climb Se encaramó al árbol. He climbed the tree.
  • encarcelar to imprison.
  • encarecer [-zc-] to raise, make expensive Han encarecido el precio de la carne. They've raised the price of meat.  to beg Le encarezco que lo haga con cuidado. I beg you to do it carefully.
     encarecerse to become more expensive, go up Los víveres se han encarecido. The price of food's gone up.
  • encargado (see encargar) in charge Está encargado de la organización de la fiesta. He's in charge of preparations for the party.  [n] manager, person in charge Hable Ud. con el encargado. Speak to the manager.
  • encargar to entrust Le encargaron una misión muy delicada. They entrusted