Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/111

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  • familiar familiar Su apellido me es familiar. His name's familiar to me.  [m] relative Invitaron solaviente a los familiares. They invited only their relatives.
  • famoso famous.
  • fanático [adj] fanatic, fanatical.  [m] fanatic.
  • fango mud.
  • fantasía imagination Toda esa historia es un producto de su fantasía. That whole story's a product of his imagination.  whim No debe Ud. consentirle todas sus fantasías. You shouldn't give in to all her whims.  fantasy, fairy tale No le crea, todo eso es una fantasía. Don't believe that; it's all a fairy tale.
  • fantasma [m] ghost.
  • fantástico fantastic, unbelievable Explicó de una manera fantástica su retraso. He told a fantastic story to explain his delay.  extravagant Daba unas propinas fantásticas. He gave extravagant tips.
  • fardo big bundle, bale.
  • farmacéutico pharmacist.
  • farmacia pharmacy.
  • faro beacon, lighthouse; headlight.
  • farol [m] lantern Encienda Ud. el farol para que veamos. Light the lantern so we can see.  street lamp A la luz del farol de la calle leyó la carta. He read the letter by the light of the street lamp.  bluff Se echó un farol diciendo que le conocía. He was bluffing when he said he knew him.
  • farola street lamp.
  • farra  ir de farra to paint the town red, to go on a spree.
  • fascinar to fascinate.
  • fastidiar to annoy, bother ¡Hombre, no fastidies con esas bromas! Don't annoy me with those jokes.
  • fastidioso annoying, tiresome.
  • fatal fatal.
  • fatalidad [f] fate.
  • fatiga fatigue, tiredness El trabajo produce fatiga. Work produces fatigue.  hardship No hay vida sin fatigas. There's no life without hardships.
     pasar fatigas to have a hard time Pasaba fatigas para ganarse la vida. He had a hard time making a living.
  • fatigar to tire Fatigó al caballo de tanto galopar. He tired the horse with so much galloping.
     fatigarse to get tired ¡Se fatiga Ud. demasiado con este trabajo! You're getting too tired doing this work.
  • fatuo pompous, vain.
  • favor [m] favor Le hicieron muchos favores. They did him many favors.
     a favor de with, aided by Remaba a favor de la corriente. He rowed with the current.  on behalf of, for, in favor of Hizo testamento a favor de sus hijos. He made his will in favor of his children.  en favor in behalf (of someone) Fué el único que habló en su favor. He was the only one who spoke in his behalf.  favor de please [Am] Favor de pasarme el azúcar. Please pass me the sugar.  hacer el favor de please ¿Quiere Ud. hacer el favor de pasarme su plato? Will you please pass me your plate?  por favor please Por favor, ¿Quiere decirme qué hora es? Would you tell me the time, please?
  • favorable favorable.
  • favorecer [-zc-] to grant favors to, help Ese hombre ha favorecido mucha a mi familia. That man's helped my family a lot.  to flatter Ud. me favorece. You flatter me.  to become No creo que ese color le favorezca a Ud. I don't think that color becomes you.
  • favorito [adj; n] favorite.
  • fe [f] faith.
     de buena fe, de mala fe in good faith, in bad faith Lo hizo de buena fe. He did it in good faith.  tener fe en to believe in, have faith in Tengo mucha, fe en él. I have great faith in him.
  • fealdad [f] ugliness.
  • febrero February.
  • febril feverish.
  • fecha date ¿Qué fecha tiene la carta? What's the date on the letter?
  • fechar to date (a letter, etc).
  • fecundo prolific, fruitful.
  • federación [f] federation.
  • federal federal.
  • felicidad [f] happiness Es difícil conseguir la felicidad. It's hard to achieve happiness.  safety Salió de aquella prueba con toda felicidad. He carne through that experience safely.
  • felicitación [f] congratulations Cuando le escriba envíele mi felicitación por su éxito. When you write to him, send my congratulations on his success.
  • felicitar to congratulate.
  • feliz happy No creo que será muy feliz viviendo con su suegra. I don't think she'll be happy living with her mother-in-law.Deseamos a Ud. Feliz Año