Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/113

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  • fila row Déme una butaca de primera fila. Give me a seat in the first row, orchestra.  line, rank Había dos filas de soldados. There were two lines of soldiers.
     en fila in (a) line Los niños estaban en fila. The children were standing in line.
  • filete [m] steak Comió un filete con papas fritas. He had steak and fried potatoes.
  • filial filial.
  • filo (cutting) edge.
  • filosofía philosophy.
  • filtrar to filter.
  • fin [m] end ¿Llegaremos antes del fin de la película? Will we get there before the end of the movie?  purpose No'sé con qué fin lo dice. I don't know what his purpose is in saying it.
     a fin de que so (that) A fin de que pudiera volver le mandé dinero. I sent him money so he'd be able to come back.  a fines de toward the end of, late in (the week, etc) A fines de mes volveré a mi casa. I'll be back home toward the end of the month.  al fin at last, finally Al fin se quedaron solos. They were alone at last.  al fin y al cabo after all Al fin y al cabo no era tan mala la comedia. After all the play wasn't so bad.  en fin in short En fin, ella no le quería. In short, she didn't love him.  well En fin, ya veremos. Well, we'll see.  por fin at last Por fin pude encontrarle. At last I managed to find him.  sin fin (de) endless, no end (of), numberless Tenía un sin fin de cosas que hacer. He had no end of things to do.
  • final [adj] final.  [m] end, conclusion.
     punto final period (punctuation).
  • financiar to finance [Am].
  • finca country estate, property, farm.
  • fineza courtesy, politeness, kindness Me hizo muchas finezas. He extended many courtesies to me.
  • fingir to pretend ¡No finja Ud. lo que no siente! Don't pretend what you don't feel.
  • fingirse to feign, pretend Se fingió enfermo para no trabajar. He feigned illness to get out of working.
  • fino thin, fine, sharp Me gusta una pluma fina. I like a pen with a fine point.  fine, delicate (of features, etc) Esa muchacha tiene las facciones muy finas. That girl has very delicate features.  refined, fine La pulsera es de oro fino. The bracelet's of fine gold.  courteous Era un hombre muy fino. He was a very courteous man.  sheer, thin Llevaba unas medias muy finas. She wore very sheer hose.
  • finura courtesy.
  • firma signature Escriba Ud. la firma al pie. Sign it at the bottom.
     buena firma reliable firm or house Trabajaba para una buena firma. He worked for a reliable firm.
  • firmar to sign.
  • firme firm, steady, sturdy Tome esta silla que es muy firme. Take this chair; it's sturdy.
     en firme definite, firm Hicieron una oferta en firme. They made a definite offer.  estar en lo firme to be in the right Creo que estoy en lo firme. I believe I'm in the right.  firmes [m pl] roadbed La carretera se hizo con firmes especiales. The road was built with a special roadbed.
  • firmeza firmness.
  • fiscal fiscal.  [m] attorney-general; district attorney.
  • física physics.
  • físico physical.  [n] physicist.
  • fisonomía physiognomy, countenance, looks.
  • flaco thin, lean Cada día se le'veía más flaco. He appeared thinner every day.  weak Encontré su punto flaco. I discovered his weak spot.
     hacerle a uno un flaco servicio to play a dirty trick on one Le hizo un flaco servicio. He played a dirty trick on him.
  • flamenco flamingo; flamenco (type of Spanish songs and dances).
  • flan [m] custard.
  • flaqueza failing, weakness.
  • flauta flute.
  • flecha arrow.
  • flete [m] freight; freight rate.
  • flexibilidad [f] flexibility.
  • flexible flexible.  [m] electric cord [Sp]; soft hat.
  • flirtear to flirt.
  • flojo lazy, slack Es muy flojo para el trabajo. He's very slack about his work.  loose Ese nudo está flojo. That knot's loose.
  • flor [f] flower.  compliment Al verla pasar le echó una flor. When he saw her pass, he paid her a compliment.
  • florecer [-zc-] to bloom No creo que florezcan tan pronto los rosales. I don't think the roses will bloom so soon.
  • florero flower vase.
  • florido florid, flowery.  in bloom Los