Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/118

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  • to do it.  tener ganas de to feel like Tengo ganas de pasear. I feel like taking a walk.
  • ganado cattle, livestock Tenía doscientas cabezas de ganado. He had two hundred head of cattle.
  • ganador, ganadora winner.
  • ganancia profit, gain.
  • ganar to win ¿No ganó Ud. la apuesta? Didn't you win the bet?  to gain No ganó nada con decirme eso. He gained nothing by telling me that.  to earn ¿Cuánto gana Ud. a la semana? How much do you earn per week?
     ganar de mano to beat (someone) to it [Arg] Los dos queríamos comprar el caballo pero él me ganó de mano. We both wanted to buy the horse but he beat me to it.  ganarse la vida to earn a living Me gano la vida como puedo. I earn my living as best I can.  ganar tiempo to save time.
  • ganchada  hacer una ganchada to do a favor [Arg].
  • gancho hook Colgó la chaqueta en un gancho. He hung his jacket on a hook.
     gancho de cabeza hairpin [m].  tener gancho to be attractive, charming Esa muchacha tiene mucho gancho. That girl is very attractive.
  • ganga bargain Estos calcetines son una ganga. These socks are a bargain.
  • ganso goose, gander.
  • garaje [m] garage.
  • garantía security Antes de prestarle el dinero pidió garantía. Before lending him the money he asked for security.
  • garantizar to guarantee El reloj estaba garantizado. The watch was guaranteed.  to vouch for Quiero que Ud. le garantice. I want you to vouch for him.
  • garbanzo chickpea.
  • garbo grace Baila con garbo. He dances gracefully.
  • garfio hook, gaff.
  • garganta throat.
  • gárgaras [f pl] gargle (act of gargling).
     hacer gárgaras to gargle.
  • garra claw.
     caer en las garras de to fall into the clutches of.
  • garrafa decanter; straw-covered bottle.
  • garrote [m] club (weapon); gallows.
  • garúa drizzle [Arg].
  • gas [m] gas (vapor) Encienda Ud. el gas. Turn on the gas.
     llevar gas to go at high speed, go fast Llevaba mucho gas aquel automóvil. That automobile was going very fast.
  • gasa gauze.
  • gasolina gasoline.
  • gastar to spend Gastó casi todo su sueldo. He spent almost all his salary.  to waste Me está Ud. haciendo gastar el tiempo. You're making me waste time.  to wear, use Nunca gasta sombrero. He never wears a hat.
     gastar bromas pesadas to play practical jokes Siempre está gastando bromas pesadas. He is always playing practical jokes.  gastarse to wear out Se ha gastado muy pronto esa tela. That cloth has worn out very rapidly.
  • gasto expense Cuando pagó los gastos quedó limpio. When he paid the expenses, he had nothing left.
     hacer el gasto to be the life of the party Fué él quien hizo el gasto de la fiesta. He was the life of the party.  pagar los gastos to pay the expenses, foot the bill.
  • gata cat, she-cat.
     andar a gatas to walk on all fours, creep.
  • gatillo trigger.
  • gato cat, tom-cat.  jack Nos hace falta el gato para cambiar la rueda. We need a jack to change the wheel.
     dar gato por liebre to cheat, to deceive.
    || Aquí hay gato encerrado. There is more here than meets the eye.
  • gaucho gaucho, man of the pampas, cowboy [Am].
  • gaveta drawer [Am] Los pañuelos están en la gaveta. The handkerchiefs are in the drawer.
  • gemelo twin Parecían gemelos. They looked like twins.  cuff link.
     gemelos binoculars, opera glasses Préstame los gemelos para verlo mejor. Lend me the binoculars so I can see it better.
  • gemido moan, whine.
  • general [adj] general Tomaron billetes de entrada general. They bought general admission tickets.  [m] general [Mil].
     en general usually, generally En general se va a casa a las cinco. He generally goes home at five o'clock.  por lo general usually ¿Que bebe Ud. por lo general, vino o cerveza? What do you usually drink, wine or beer?  por regla general as a general rule.
  • generalidad [f] greatest part, majority