Page:Dictionary of spoken Spanish (1945).djvu/121

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  • ¡Vamos al grano! Let's get to the point!
  • grasa grease Una mancha de grasa.  grease spot.  fat La carne de cerdo tiene mucha grasa. Pork has a lot of fat.
  • grasiento greasy, oily Tiene el pelo muy grasiento. Her hair is very oily.
  • gratificar to reward Lo gratificaron espléndidamente. They rewarded him generously.
  • gratis gratis, free La entrada es gratis. Admission free.
  • gratitud [f] gratitude.
  • gratuito free La entrada es gratuita. Admission free.
  • grave grave, serious El estado de mi amigo es muy grave. My friend's condition is very grave.  deep Tiene la voz grave. He has a deep voice.
  • gravedad [f] seriousness, gravity.
  • grieta crack La pared tenía una grieta. The wall had a crack in it.
     grietas en las manos chapped hands Tengo grietas en las manos. My hands are chapped.
  • grifo having hair or fur bristling or standing on end El gato está grifo. The cat's fur is bristling.  [m] faucet El grifo del baño está estropeado. The faucet in the bathroom's out of order.
  • grillo cricket (insect).
     grillos fetters (for prisoners) Le pusieron grillos en los pies. They put fetters on his feet.
  • grima  darle grima a uno to set one's teeth on edge, get on one's nerves El chirrido de la puerta me da grima. The squeaking of the door gets on my nerves.
  • gringo gringo, American [Am]; foreigner [Am].
  • gripa grippe, influenza [Mex].
  • gripe [f] grippe, influenza.
  • gris gray.
  • gritar to shout, scream.
  • grito scream, shout.
     a grito pelado at the top of one's lungs Nos llamó a grito pelado. He called us at the top of his lungs.  alzar el grito to raise the voice, shout.  poner el grito en el cielo to hit the ceiling, make a great fuss.
  • grosero rude, coarse Era un hombre grosero. He was a coarse man.
  • grotesco grotesque.
  • gruesa gross (twelve dozen).
  • grueso [adj] stout, heavy set Era demasiado grueso. He was too stout.  thick Esta tela es muy gruesa. This cloth is very thick.  [m] main body (of troops) El grueso del ejército atravesó el río. The main body of the army crossed the river.
  • gruñido growl; grunt.
  • gruñir to growl El perro gruñó cuando nos acercamos. The dog growled when we approached.  to grunt.  to grumble Gruñía porque no le pagaban bastante. He grumbled because they didn't pay him enough.
  • gruñón cranky, irritable.
  • grupo group ¿En qué grupo está su amigo? Which group is your friend in?  clump En lo alto había un grupo de árboles. At the top there was a clump of trees.
  • guacho odd (only one of a pair) [Chile] Tengo un guante guacho. I have an odd glove.
  • guagua bus [Ant] ¿Para dónde va eso guagua? Where does that bus go to?  baby [Am] La guagua lloró toda la noche. The baby cried all night.
  • guajolote [m] turkey [Mex].
  • guante [m] glove.
  • guapo handsome Era un hombre guapo. He was a handsome man.  brave Se las da de guapo. He acts like a tough guy.
  • guarango rough, vulgar [Arg].
  • guarda [m] guard; [Arg] conductor.
  • guardar to keep Guarde Ud. copia de ese documento. Keep a copy of that document.  to guard Guardaba la entrada. He was guarding the entrance.
     guardarse de to avoid Guárdese de las malas compañías. Avoid bad company.  guardar silencio to keep quiet.
  • guardarropa [m] wardrobe, clothes closet, checkroom.
  • guardia [m] policeman Llame Ud. a un guardia. Call a policeman.  [f] guard, guard duty Le tocó hacer la guardia. It was his turn for guard duty.
     en guardia on guard Ante el peligro me pongo en guardia. I put myself on guard against the danger.  estar de guardia to be on guard duty.  guardia-civil [f] civil guard (body of rural police).  [m] member of civil guard [Sp].
  • guardián [m] watchman.
  • guarida den.
  • guarnición [f] garrison; trimming, edging.
  • guasa kidding, joking A los andaluces les gusta la guasa. Andalusians are fond of kidding.
     de guasa jokingly.
  • guasón [m] wag, joker.